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Santa Monica City Council Approves Plan To Take Over Portion Of Airport and Shorten Runway

SANTA MONICA ( — City officials Tuesday were expected to hear from aviation officials and local residents on a contentious fight to close down Santa Monica Municipal Airport. A federal judge last month dismissed a lawsuit filed by Santa Monica against the the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) that would have given city officials control over the future of the 90-year-old airport that sits on about 227 acres of city property. ( Más...

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PhotoFinish 1
It looks like the city is violating their contractural and fiduciary duties to take Goidelic card of the airport.

Their breach of contract should result in ybr airport bring taken away from city ownership and control and given to an autonomous authority to run, with ownership reverting to Feds or slme other local jurisdiction (county, state).
Scott Campbell 1
Sell today, with little care for tommrrow or the next Generation.
El Toro - WAS a perfect option, (and voted for ) to allow future growth and btw future jobs for the region. KSNA can no longer grow in any form. The selfish acts of
the few often destroy futures for many. WE NEED ALL the airports we have, and even KSNA with curfews on large aircraft can barley handle what it has now.

Jamar Jackson 1
This is all about money. That airport is prime real estate worth billions because of its location. I love this airport but I hope it's not turned into $4000 a month apartments
Ric Wernicke 3
This city has long been run by a cadre of near-communists that rule for themselves, and now seek to "redevelop" the airport. That is a nice word for taking public property and selling it to politically connected dirtbag developers who will make obscene profits for rather puny campaign contributions.

The people complaining loudest about the airport live in small dingbat houses that are usually owned by real estate speculators with a desire to amp the property values.

I say we take the houses, pay fair market value at the county average for such homes and make the runway longer!

These people have also prohibited street parking except for themselves, but still take taxes from everyone to maintain the same streets. If they can't have the airport to themselves, they want to take it away from everyone.

These same lunkheads like Rubin complain of the danger of aircraft while clogging the city streets with automobiles with much higher accident rates than almost anywhere else. Let's have them work on ridding the city of seventy five percent of the cars.
Torsten Hoff 1
Here is the outcome of the meeting:

Santa Monica City Council Approves Plan To Take Over Portion Of Airport


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