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More than 30 hurt in O'Hare train derailment

More than 30 people were injured when a CTA Blue Line train ran into a platform at O'Hare International Airport and came to rest on an escalator this morning, officials said. Six people were listed in fair-to-serious condition and 26 in good-to-fair condition, fire officials on the scene said. Nine of those people were transported to Resurrection Hospital, eight each went to Our Lady of the Resurrection Medical Center and Swedish Covenant Hospital, and seven went to Advocate Lutheran… ( Más...

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Amazing that the driver is not injured.
PhotoFinish 1
The train climbing the stairs/ escalator seems to have dissipated quite a bit of energy*. Had the runaway train encountered a solid masonry wall with lots of earth and bedrock behind it, the result may have been quite different.

The strairs were used as a train stopped mechanism, whether they were designed that way or not. This trains needs a positive stop technology, so that trains don't smash into whatever is at the terminus and/or derail in a turn (as the recent MetroNorth train did recently).

If installation cost is the biggest issue, an app can be written to use an iPad and its' accelerometer/ gyroscopes and GPS positioning technology to be the alarm, at least on above ground train systems or those portions of others that travel above ground. Maybe even some portions of underground systems with additional work (additional programming and or use of iBeacons).

Wouldn't be as good as positive stop, which actually stops the trains, even if the engineer is incapacitated. But if the engineer is able to be awoken will prevent many accidents.

Combine the iPad with one of those compatible wearable fitness bands (one of those currently available and/or a future Apple creation) and the alertness of the engineer could also be monitored, and an appropriate alarm response could also help to prevent accidents.

Once you write the app for a train system, that investment can be duplicated on all trains using that system immediately for just the cost of an iPad per train/ or per train engineer.
joel wiley 2
I thought that people utilizing thinks like strollers, wheelchairs, commuter trains, and other assistive technology are supposed to use the elevator.
Kenneth Schmidt 1
City of Chicago.........elevator was out of service. Lucky the stairs were operating.
joel wiley 3
Hard to break a concrete stair. Tho' it looks like they tried 8-)
Kenneth Schmidt 1
Again, you have to consider Chicago; where rivers leak, and bridges fall up, breaking stairs should be child's play.
joel wiley 2
And that would be the purvey of which union(s)?
PhotoFinish 3
In this case, the train engineers local. Except they forgot to get it cleared with whatever local is responsible for that kind of work in advance. There's going to be a tussle over the overstepping of territorial boundaries.
Kenneth Schmidt 2
The claims will fly to be sure! TCU I am sure represents the motormen. And what they did impends upon the contract of the Operating Engineers, Laborers, and Carpenters Union. Not sure of the Union that covers holding up shovels and brooms, probably Streets & San. It could keep an army of lawyers busy for a year deciding which claims get paid.

City Hall will probably called for a Blue Ribbon Committee (of local Ward Committeemen) to level blame, and figure out who gets the contract to repair the damage. Forget low bidder if you are on the "special list".
PhotoFinish 1
On second though they'll settle their dispute. With all that damage, there's going to be lots of gov-a-mint money spread around in the fixing of all that damage, that they may forgive the lost demolition work, and the corresponding override.

They'll get their cut on the other side. There'll be lots of work to do. And they'll have to do the work with a lot of time pressure to get that airport station up and working ASAP. There will be less time to go through a formal bid process. Makes it easier for special interests and grease money to effectively make sure costs are inflated. There will be plenty to go around.
PhotoFinish 1
It's true Chicago-style pizza. Everybody gets a cut.
PhotoFinish 1
Or those who might not be familiar with Chicago-style pizza, it's deep dish.

So everybody gets a thick slice.
Jeff Lawson 2
It's going to be quite a cleanup job, especially at such a busy airport.

More coverage here:
PhotoFinish 1
That subway line terminates at the airport. At the very end of the platforms are the escalators that lead up to an underground concourse connecting directly to the airport terminals with Termibal 2 straight ahead, and the other 2 terminals to one side or the other.

This crash happened right on airport propery and will complicate rail access to O'Hare, as the train come to a rest on the escalators that connect the train to the plane.

Maybe someone was late for a flight and asked the train engineer to go all the way to Terminal 2. Either that or somebody may have fallen asleep. For the train to climb the escalators suggests that it may have never braked. Any one brake failure wouldn't have prevented the train from stopping. The part of the train that is most likely to have failed is the eating, drinking and burping part that attaches to the controls.

Let's see what the NTSB finds in their investigation of this incident.
Er.A.K. Mittal -6
This topic on FA !
Train climbing up the escalator !
Did some cars of the train reach the airport compound, endangering life limb and property of the Airport ?
Or is it that NTSB is the common denominator , that is why ?
Or was it the train 'inside' the terminal transporting air passengers

linbb 2
If you bother to go and look at the pictures first it tells the story very well. It didn't climb the escalator it climbed the stairs between two of them. You can see the hand rails on both sides in the picture. Your comment on the NTSB has no meaning and they only investigate accidents not make them. Take a look before you post like you did.
Er.A.K. Mittal 0
Dear friend,you misread me. Lines about NTSB appear AFTER mentioning about location of the station ! And that I put a question for the sake of MY knowledge.
Above, one of the bloggers has very kindly clarified that the station connects with the airport thru sub way.
Did I clear some air ?
Here below find a link to a picture that appeared in a local newspaper today , please enjoy what ever is it worth
PhotoFinish 1
The train is part of the Chicago CTA, which is their subway system. This station is the last one on the Blue Line, and is at the airport. From this station, pasengers walk to check-in and/or security at their respective terminal and then onto their gate for boarding. It can be a bit of a walk (especially for T1 or T3).

But the airport connects directly with Chicago's CTA (subway) at this station. The CTA can get passengers directly from the airport to downtown or any other part of the city serviced by CTA stations. The stops along the Blue Line service the nearby northern neighborhoods, which make a convenient place to live for airport and airline employees.
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
ThanX 4 the info.
A plane was flying overhead at the time. (0.o)
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
Oh, yes that makes it serious ! ;-p
Jeff Lawson 1
Although the NTSB are well-known for their investigation of aviation accidents, they also investigate other types of incidents such as those involving trains. They would have likely been called to investigate this type of accident even if it were not connected to an airport.
linbb 2
His comments before on other matters here in the US seem to be negative towards our country and its actions. Reading another of his posts has a thread in it that hasn't even been reported yet. Don't know if he doesn't understand how things work over here or not.
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
You are happily biased against me.
You have the constitutional right to it.
Be it American or Indian Constitution.
Part of freedom of speech.
BUT all with certain riders. For you, for me and for every one !
Right ?
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
Yes,I know that NTSB undertakes investigation of all transport related accidents, air, rail, road and even gas pipelines ! Transportation of men and material.
Does it help ?


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