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Skydiver and pilot survive airborne collision (photos)

Two men were hurt when a plane collided with the parachute of a skydiver Saturday morning in Mulberry. The Polk County Sheriff's Office says the pilot, 87-year-old Shannon Trembley, a WWII vet, was doing touch-and-goes in his private Cessna at the South Lakeland Airport. During his third pass, the passenger side wing of his plane became entangled in and then cut the strings of a skydiver's parachute 75 feet above the ground. ( Más...

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Dan Egelhoff 2
I have a problem with the Title "Plane hits Skydiver". It seems to me the pilot and airplane were doing what they were supposed to be doing at an "Airport". Taking off of the runway. The Skydiver hit them while he was going the wrong way down the runway. Not to mention using a runway for dropping down vertically. Now, a veteran and airplane owner have a wrecked airplane not to mention his injuries. People that jump out of "good" airplanes and cause injury and damage to "perfectly good airplanes" should have their head examined.
Walt Leuci 1
the skydiver was very very fortunate that he didn't catch the prop of the acft. The outcome would have been very different. You can bet that both the pilot & especially the skydiver will have this on their mind every time they both take to the air again.
donald creek 1
you only have one runway sometimes. the diver can change direction much quicker
donald creek 1
the sky diver was wrong. he should never have crossed the runway. there are areas where the diver should land. the pilot can not see above .JAKE
Piero Ferro -1
An 87 year old pilot!!!
Don't get me wrong, but he should have a safety pilot next to him.
At 87 you are not the same.
A friendly pilot.
Walt Leuci 1
Seems like the pilot was doing just fine, as this was his third touch & go, until the skydiver got in his way. Similar to running in front of a car. I'm sure the pilot's vertical visibility was blocked somewhat. Maybe he should have been flying a low wing acft. The pilot didn't reach 87 by taking chances. There are old pilots & there are bold pilots but there are no old bold pilots. Do you believe a safety pilot would have been thinking & watching for skydivers or making sure the "87" year old pilot was doing everything correctly. What if it happened with a safety pilot on board? If the skydiver wasn't where he should not have been then no one would even know there was an 87 year old pilot @ the controls of the acft. I guess the same analogy could be said of 87 year old drivers...maybe they should have a car with two steering wheels & two sets of breaks...the second set could be for the safety driver. Maybe every airport should have some type of control if non towered. Maybe an FBO. I don't think the skydiver had a transceiver to announce his position & intentions.
Ed Tomlinson 3
A Designated Examiner just retired from his FAA appointment at age 86. Incredibly competent pilot! If he can pass the medical, then Blue Skies!!!
The guard angels must must be under anabolica during this performance.
Lucky guys. Together the second birthday at the same day. Incredible.
Walt Leuci 1
What concerns me & is scary is we are having to deal more & more with hang gliders, skydivers, gliders & other acft & hopefully we're all where we're supposed to be. I have a big problem with see & be seen....sometimes it's not possible to see or be seen...if it were we wouldn't have mid-airs or near misses. There are too many variables. I use flight following as much as possible because I find it very helpful but I know it's workload based. And if that's not enough now we have companies that want to deliver beer & products via drones let alone different agencies that now want to use drones to fight crime or use them for surveillance etc etc. It's like having to share the road with bicyclists & motor scooters & pedestrians who defy the odds. Uncontrolled airports are just that & via experience not everyone announces their intentions or on the wrong freq if they do.
Walt Leuci 2
Wonder how much it's gonna cost the skydiver to fix the acft
Navy65 2
This accident is a long time in coming. For decades, the FAA has ignored the many and repeated violations of ALL of FAR 105 by the airport operator and its skydive company at South Lakeland Airpark (X49.
Gary Harper 1
Situational awareness. Auto spell correction GRRR.
Lerabougris 1
For the pilot, not having had his ticket punched in the skies over Europe or the Pacific in 1941-1945 meant 60+ years of cool runnings and then some… For the sky diver, he should have known better than wanting to jump out of perfectly good planes. For both, there definitely was someone with a pair of wings on the shoulders watching over them...
falcon771 4
Correct me if I am wrong. but it does not look like either one were at 75 feet before, during or after the contact. Still, a lot higher than I would ever want to fall from.
babyracer 3
Nope, you're not wrong. Given that the Cessna 140 has a wingspan just shy of 33 1/2 feet it's plainly obvious that he wasn't launched anywhere near 75 feet off the ground.
bravowren 2
Looks more like a Cessna 170 to me.
babyracer 2
You are indeed correct, I didn't look at the later pics with a better view.

Good pick up there bravowren ;) *salutes*
Ben Lillie 0
Regardless, they both didn't get more than 50 ft. off the ground.

Josh Preston 3
Given the communications that occur during jumping ops it can be easy to place blame on the pilot (an obvious loss of situational awareness). That said, where I have jumped we are told to never cross a runway when landing. This is a point constantly reinforced by S&TA's and dropzone owners. Glad everyone is safe.
Ed Tomlinson 1
Unless the jumper was in Class B or C airspace (unlikely or the tower would have advised the pilot) the aircraft would not be required to have a radio nor be communicating with anyone. Should have read NTOAMs and been aware of the potential hazard though.
Ed Tomlinson 1
.....or Class D.... Typing faster than thinking.
Gary Harper 1
I guess I missed something somewhere. What indication is there that the pilot obviously lost institutional awareness? The airport was not closed to aircraft taking off and landing during the jumps was it? Did the jump plane also use the field for operations?
Gary Harper 1
Situational awareness.
Walt Leuci 1
I agree...the pilot wasn't aware of the pending situation...the skydiver had a better view
Jim Quinn 3
To catch these images in rapid succession is just unbelievable! Talk about the right place and time for the photographer! Unfortunately the opposite is true for the pilot and skydiver.... Thank goodness the outcome was not as bad as it could have been. Now I supposed we'll hear all about how older pilots should be grounded..
AWAAlum 2
I have an inexpensive little Sony digital camera and even on that, if I simply continue holding down the shutter release it takes picture after picture in sequence, without pause. Perhaps that's how this was done.
Bernie20910 1
They're frame captures from video.
Brian Bishop 1
Not according to another article I read. Forgot where.
Scott Campbell 1
It must be un-contolled, I can't see anyone letting him into
the pattern, with multible parachutes landing on the field.
Seems like a sad way to hang up your pilots license, but at his age
he's had an amzing run, and even better luck. Glad everyone is safe.
Walt Leuci 1
Why would the pilot be hanging up his pilots license when you have a skydiver who was in a place he should not have been. The pilots view was effectively blocked to some degree & if the skydiver, who had both a horizontal & vertical view, wasn't looking for landing acft when he knows he'll be landing on or very close to a runway then the skydiver should be hanging up his chute.
sdarrin 1
I never saw where it said the pilot was going to stop flying.
kev wu -4
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

A plane collides with a skydiver

A Cessna collided with a parachute at a small airport in Polk County, Florida, on Saturday.
The plane took a nose-dive and the skydiver was thrown to the ground.
Neither the pilot nor the skydiver were seriously injured when they fell about 75 feet, according to the Polk County Sheriff's Office.
Sharon Trembley, 87, was doing what are called "touch and goes" with the Cessna, a maneuver in which the plane touches the ground and ascends again. The Polk County Sheriff's Department initially identified the pilot as Shannon Trembley.
Robert Fleming 2
Thank God both people are ok after what are some unbelievably scary photos that someone took!
Chris B 1
That redefins "STOL".

Fantastic that everyone survived.
John Smith -4
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Skydiver hits Cessna 140 in Florida

Amazing pictures both escaped with minor injuries.
biz jets 6
Wow - today's the day for that Skydiver to buy a Lotto Ticket!!
Amazing photographs!!
Bernie20910 2
Why buy a lotto ticket? It's pretty obvious that just used up all his luck.
biz jets 1
I was talking about the photographer ;)
AWAAlum 2
The confusion comes in, I imagine, since you said "Skydiver".
sparkie624 1
You are right about that one... Geez... Would not want to see a re-enactment.
Robert Fleming 1
not to mention the pilot of the plane that hit the ground.
dbaker 14
Those photos may be the most incredible I've ever seen. Truly a miracle that everyone survived.


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