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White House budget contains user fee despite opposition

User fees for aviation were once again part of the president’s new budget proposal, despite continued strong opposition from Congress and the aviation community. On March 4, the White House released its fiscal year 2015 spending plan, which included a $100-per-flight “surcharge” to pay for air traffic control services. ( Más...

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I'm gonna hear it for this . . .

While this specific budget is only aimed at commercial aircraft and corporate GA ("recreational piston" aircraft are exempt,) I also agree it sets a dangerous precedent. AOPA assumes it would only be a matter of time before all controlled airspace users were given the fee regardless of GW or engine type or purpose.

If the law could be written to permanently exempt piston GA users I really don't see the big deal. If you are paying $5000 + per hour to fly a jet around I doubt you would notice another $100. Also, with IATA predicting the airline industry to be more profitable than EVER BEFORE this coming fiscal year, I assume they could absorb a $100 per flight fee. Really, they would just pass that down on the fares (easily less than $1 per passenger fare increase.) (

I don't want to see this go into effect any more than the next pilot (I doubt it will) but I laugh at the doomsday posts I read. Flying is expensive and the airports, government, and FBOs are gonna leverage aviation users regardless.

Like the other posts I would like to see any proceeds from user fees actually go to aviation infrastructure and not to support the indolence epidemic.
99NY 4
Boy, lots of aviation-related comments here. Really reflects well on FA.
Kent Thompson 3
Kent Thompson 4
Make it a 1000.
LGM118 4
I think this is probably the first time I've ever seen those spam messages FA gets all the time actually be relevant.

LGM118 4
It got removed?! But it was the best spam message ever!
PhotoFinish 1
The fee itself applied to all commercial flights to pay for ATC would actually be a good thing.

The problems are:
1) Aviation already has quite a high level of taxation in the US. Certainly more than enough to pay for necessary government-provided aviation-related services, like ATC, security, and regulatory function.

2) The fee, if implemented, would not likely be locked only to the funding of ATC. If so, eventually the fee (or substantial amount if funds collected through the fee) would be diverted for other non-aviation uses.

3) The fee may be extended to all flights, including small plane recreational flights. This woul be an undue and unecessary burden on general aviation, Whig is already struggling under the regualatory burden.

So while, the fee is not bad on principle, especially if used exclusively for the provision of efficiently provided ATC services. In the real world, the implementation of these user fees can be problematic.
PhotoFinish 1
So while, the fee is not bad on principle, especially if used exclusively for the provision of efficiently provided ATC services. In the real world, the implementation of these user fees can be problematic.
preacher1 1
Why would we be so naïve to think that this fee would be dedicated to ATC and infrastructure. All you have to do is sit back each year and see the Highway trust fund begging for money and politicians wringing their hands trying to figure out where the money is going to come from to repair our aging infrastructure. Our user fees are being spread out now to where they can't keep up
PhotoFinish 1
I muskeg wouldn't be naive about that passibility in the least. In fact the cynic in me wouldn't expect anything else.

I would suggest a constitutional amendment so that all user fees that are dedicated for particular uses and/or drawn on specific uses couldn't be diverted for other purposes.

With entitlements and debt service taking larger and larger shares of the federal kitty, I expect that we see lawmakers raiding all existing user fee generated funds and even instituting new user fees for the sole purpose of future potential raids.

So, I'll rewrite my earlier statement. Flight users fees are a great idea, except when they're not (which they wouldn't be on most situations.

What I would like from a dedicated fee supporting ATC, would be a steady revenue source for the cost of providing the necesary infrastructure for an important transportation industry, which would be (in the best case scenario) isolated from politics and other budget process irregularities that will be sure to increase as a shrinking pie is divided over more claiming their share.
PhotoFinish 1
To be clearer the issues that I have with the flight user fee isn't the user fee itself but the poor budgetary practices of governmental bodies (past, present and likely future).
LGM118 1
It's not a matter of lack of focus. It's a matter of real declines in revenue. The Gas tax is still 19.4 cents a gallon, same as it was in 1993 the last time it was raised. It's not indexed to inflation (most of these taxes aren't), meaning that in real terms, revenue decreases every year. For highways, higher gas prices have had a noticeable impact on miles driven, not to mention more fuel-efficient cars cut down on revenue.

Aviation faces similar problems in terms of declining revenue streams. The problem is pretty simple: The only sane and rational think to do is to raise taxes, but there isn't a congressman who would ever say that because nowadays it's practically grounds for impeachment.
preacher1 1
I will agree with that to a point in that revenues are declining but to have a declining revenue spent for something that never contributed a dime toward it, like mass transit, is not good policy. Kinda akin to providing entitlements to those that have never worked a day in their life, and drawing all that free stuff.
Not to mention we are already taxed to death. Then the taxpayer looks at how the money is wasted and their blood boils. Gotta luv the drama.
preacher1 1
I am going to add here that I don't consider SOCIAL SECURITY as an entitlement. It seems to me that I earned every bit of it and my employer had to match it but the kitty is full of IOU's.
Ain't that the truth. When I signed up last year 500k had been paid in to ss and Medicare by me and employer over the last almost 50 years. If that had been earning almost any decent return it would be a nice little bundle now. Since they spent it and gave it to undeserving and the boomers are retiring in droves their Ponzi scheme is about over. Guess they they will just have to raise the contributions. My kids will luv it. Lol
preacher1 1
Sad but true. I figure that voucher system or stretching the goalpost to 70 will hit those about 50 and under when it does come in. Their Ponzi scheme is collapsing on account all us old goats are living longer. LOL
Well based on my yearly payments I figure I'm paying for one other deserving person and 10 undeserving. Lol
PhotoFinish 1
Most people put much less into Social Security than they'll collect in their lifetime. That's what makes it a Ponzi scheme. The current retires collect payments from current and future workers. The system has been that way since it was first created.
I get it. But it was never designed for the undeserving, only the unfortunate who's career was cut short.
joel wiley 1
And when it was set up, life expectancy was 65. You were expected to go quietly into that good night, and not go on, and on, and on.
That is the small effect. The big affect is the undeserving. I would have to be the oldest man in the world to even dent the amount paid in with accrued interest. There is no accrued interest because they spent the money. A normal investment would yield millions.
PhotoFinish 1
Had Social Security been adjusted to life expectancy on a regular basis, it wouldn't have created unrealistic expectations that are creating a large future burden for the first world countries.
Kent Thompson 1

All those numbers since 1937 added together equals $2,649,100 in possible total taxable S.S. and Medicare wages. Take that times the present rate of S.S and Medicare added together, which is 15.30% (.1530) only equals $405,312. I don't think so.
You never top out on Medicare. You pay on every dime you earn.
joel wiley 1
just a word, failure to be re-elected is not impeachment. Aside from that- spot on.
sparkie624 0
He is an idiot.. tax and spend...
Sad part is it won't help aviation. It is akin to putting the medical devise excise tax on fishing gear. Tax and spend is an understatement as is idiot.
sparkie624 0
Exactly right... He does not care where he pulls it from and will put it where he wants to...
canuck44 -3
Someone has to pay for all the new food stamp recipients and benefits to illegals.
PhotoFinish -2
You forgot about the healthcare costs, which will increase dramatically as coverages will be mandated with penalties on individuals and businesses, but without policies to control costs being built into the legislation.

Besides premiums going up, I'm seeing premium medical groups advertising exclusivity with annual membership fees to guarantee quicker access to docs, since what passes as normal is increasingly becoming intolerable, with patients in many cases needing to wait weeks for an appointment to be seen by their doctors, even for urgent care.

As far as most analysis can tell costs are increasing not only for individuals and businesses, but also for states and the federal Treasury.
joel wiley -1
Wait until you see the Aviation User Fee Billing Adminstration (AUFBA) organizational chart and budget for collections!
The more people you get on the gov teet the more people you own.

LGM118 -1
Government isn't very good at it. I live in Washington DC, and I can safely say that if government were any good at any of this we wouldn't be allowed to complain about government online. The biggest thing saving us from the bureaucracy is that it's a bureaucracy.
Tony Smith -2
Lazy people in the U.S. today - and there are a lot of them - are more than willing to give up their rights - religion, to bear arms, unreasonable search and seizure etc. to have Obama/Reid/Pelosi & Mother Government, the most corrupt and stupid institution out there, take care of them. Unfortunately we all pay the price as the country marches towards corrupt socialism.


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