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Small airplane from Austin involved in fiery crash

PEARLAND, Texas -- A small airplane from Austin went down in a fiery crash at Pearland Regional Airport early Wednesday. ( Más...

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preacher1 2
Ken, I hope this was not you nor a close friend
Jeff Lawson 1
Visibility at KGLS has been 1/4 mile with heavy fog all night and morning, with the TAF forecasting very little improvement so the weather conditions should not have been a surprise. I don't see any IFR flights into KGLS, so I'm assuming he was attempting to fly VFR?

Jeff Lawson 2
Other news sources are saying it was N811BL. That specific aircraft is blocked and was operating under an IFR flight plan apparently, so presumably the hard IFR just became too disorienting.
Jeff Lawson 2
Aviation Safety Network page about the incident...


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