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Photos: Best Airplane Paint Jobs

Ever find yourself at the airport taken back by a design on one of the planes taxing on the runway? Airlines call these custom paint jobs liveries and they often sponsor or advertise for a company, sports team, charity or cause. Here are the best liveries from airlines around the world. ( Más...

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Joe Mitchell 5
I just think back to a old airline that I worked for, for 32 years. I believe we were ahead of our time, with our jelly bean fleet, our Calder 727 and DC-8 and our orange 747's.
I believe we were a trend setter for paint jobs to come after us. That airline was Braniff International..
Peter Blouin 1
Oh yes, the B747 "Orange Pumpkin"!
Patrick Forgey 1
Hi Joe...If you remember, I was a CSA at DFW for the last 4 years the original BN existed. Several travel agencies and 3 other airlines (NW, N7 & SK) later, I'm retired in the SEA area and spend a lot of time plane spotting. A few weeks ago, I found a former FedEx 727-200 at Everett's Paine Field (PAE). I came home & traced the registration nbr. and found it had originally served BN, starting in 1979. Wish I could have hugged the ol' girl!

Yes, BN was quite the trend setter that stayed in the public's eye for a long time. I have lots of great memories of my time with BN and being around the colorful fleet. And certainly of all the wonderful Non-Rev travel all over the world. I'm really happy to have been involved in the Golden Years of the airline industry and to have worked for the most colorful airline of her day. Long live the memories of Flying Colors.
Joe Mitchell 1
Hi Patrick, I do remember you from way back there. Yes, our last 20 727-200 from Braniff II, went to Fed X, after our shut down in 89.. Fed X had to work on them, to add a cargo door and modified the engines.

You are correct about those being the Golden years up to 1978 when deregulation came about. I hope deregulation helped the aviation industry, but I am not too sure it did.. It was fun to work for a carrier those days. Take care.
Air Tranica would have my vote if the nomex was traded for a bikini. Lol
Ev Butler 3
These are nice specialty paint jobs.

I like some variety. However, American Airline livery that they are retiring is my favorite paint theme. I wish that American wouldn't change to their new livery. The old colors were my favorite.
They left out the Fedex Panda Express 777's that transported actual panda's around between zoos. My favorite among these is the salmon though.
scott ellis 1
all the years painting custom homes, forgot that planes get painted i bought a bunch of 1/144 models 777, airbrushed-cool hobby
Jpliego 1
Like Smaug on the New Zealand livery. Dunno about the Air Trani-ca one. Haha. Cool showcase though.
Dave Nosek 1
Still something to be said about some of the older livery. They were classic's in there simplicity and beauty. The newer ones seem to be more advertising than anything.
Ken Fenwick 1
How could the flying art planes from Qantas be forgotten - part of a longer tradition from Qantas - these planes are all in service - just search for tarmac/flight pics.
Michael Wendt 1
I often see the ANA 'Panda Plane' (number 35) when flying through Narita. But I always think of the Gateway Computer 'cow' boxes, not a panda.
Calen Chrzan 0
I liked the Braniff Ultra Paint job and the Calder planes.

ltcjra 0
Braniff was a trendsetter and great airline. Glad to have 2 old timers on board here.


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