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Man Arrested With Four Guns at New York's Kennedy Airport

The .22-caliber rifles, one loaded, were painted over, illegally obscuring the serial numbers. ( Más...

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It shouldn't be a problem to check baggage with guns in it in the first place.
btweston 1
Unless those guns are illegal in the place where you are trying to check the bags. This is not a difficult concept.
sparkie624 1
Problem being is they were painted over, S/N covered over, and one was loaded... Not acceptable anytime.
Paint? To get rid of a serial # you grind it. An empty gun is just a club. Lol
sparkie624 1
Some people are bigger idiots that others... Most people scratch them off... This guy tried to obscure it by painting over it... Also, article said one of the guns were loaded, therefore, it is a little more than a club.
That was my point. An empty gun is useless. Lol
sparkie624 2
Misinterpreted your reply... My bad...
vanbess 3
Having guns in your checked baggage is not a crime I transport firearms for hunting all the time and when travelling since I have a carry permit. The fact is the only issue the guy wasn't smart enough to make sure that there was not a round in the chamber. Had he not had a round in the chamber he would not have gotten the attention that resulted in greater attention to detail and the noting that the serial numbers had been altered.
Esteban Marin 2
sparkie624 1
2nd issue.. He tried to conceal the S/N with Paint...
btweston 1
"Handguns are illegal to carry in New York without a permit and the high volume of rifle and handgun ammunition allegedly found in Draughon's bag is also illegal in New York."

Actually, I think that's the mistake he made.

Laws, folks. They get mad when you break 'em.
blake1023 1
What exactly is "High Volume ammunition"? 15 rounds, 5 rounds, 100 rounds, 1 round.
bentwing60 5
Read the article. Read the comments. If the completely commandoized goons that show up at high publicity raids don't give you pause to think, Google the commando vehicles Homeland Security is procuring and distributing throughout the states. Who do you think they intend to use them on? I hazard to guess, they render the 2nd. amendment gun owner ineffectual. Plus their 1.6 Billion rounds of ammo! That is not a misprint! Yes, I like airplanes. I suspect this is not the response expected by the poster. I suspect that I am not alone in my observations. I know that at my age I'm tired of thinking about it, but somebody's gotta! I know that this is an aviation forum, but this sort of post begs the political drift that rankles some and ignites others. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. FA has been gracious enough to allow a pretty much open agenda and I hope not be the political hack that spoils the soup. GA is not the only thing in this country in decline!
Musketeer1 2
First: Know the weapons laws where you are and where you are going. This goes doubly so in liberal states.

Second: The first line in the article says he had "high capacity ammunition", what is that? Liberals love headlines and hate facts.

Third: I completely agree that FlightAware is gracious and allows conversations to find their own end. I love that about them.

Fourth: Have at least a pistol, a shotgun, and two rifles, and stay proficient with all of them. Just as important is plenty of ammo in dry places.
btweston 0
Liberal this, liberal that. You like guns. I get it. This guy broke the law. Bummer for him.
btweston 0
So... You're saying that people should be allowed to bring an arsenal with them on a plane?
blake1023 1
Why does the government need a 1.6 billion arsenal? Talk about "High Volume ammo"!
JetMech24 -5
LOL! Paranoid much? Take a pill or something. Its idiots like the one in this article that makes the govt nervous in the first place. If the day comes that everything which nutjobs like you are worried about, it would throw the country into pure chaos and civil war, I seriously doubt that they are willing to take that risk. I would rather they have all of that stuff and not need it than one day need it and turn around and say "Oh s**t!" And last, this IS a aviation site.
Ric Wernicke 6
I must have a smudge on my copy of the second amendment. I don't see any mention of high capacity weapons, nor a prohibition to travel among the various states with lawful fire arms. It does say that Congress shall make no law, and I believe the states are prohibited from making laws Congress cannot. The Supremes (not the girl band from the '60's) chipped away at the definition of "arms" and most anything automatic or that makes little ones out of big ones is not allowed, but I don't think a hunter a headed to North Carolina with .22 caliber arms is a threat to the general welfare and peace of the United States.

Paint on a serial number? It could easily be removed with a finger full of solvent from a janitor's cart. In reality the munitions were declared, checked in, and in the hands of a common carrier, not in the hands of the owner. There was no probable cause to search him or his baggage, so the issue of legible serial numbers is moot.

The only question now is compensation from government for violation of his 2nd, 4th, and 14th amendment civil rights.
btweston -2
There must be a smudge, because the phrase "Congress shall make no law" does not appear in the second Amendment. But you're right. The Second Amendment says nothing about certain weapons, such as the weapons this guy had, which are illegal in the state of New York.

And I'd brush up on your constitutional law before you show up to an airport packing heat. Probably won't work our for you. How this guy didn't know this... Maybe the poor guy's retarded or something.
blake1023 1
The second amendment says nothing about "High Volume" magazines either.
blake1023 2
I wonder what the District Attorney would say if TSA found a 16 oz. soda in someones checked bag? You might need to brush up on the drinking laws before you vist New York!!
btweston 2
That law pertains to the size of drinks allowed to be sold by restaurants in the city. In other words, you don't know what you're talking about. Sweet analogy, though...
blake1023 3
I was pointing out how ridiculous you Liberals sound with your stupid gun laws and how you know best on EVERYTHING we do in OUR lives! Thanks for making my case on how ridiculous Mayor Bloomberg's Soda ban! We have a President who is willing to arm terrorist (I'm sorry "Rebels"), but this poor guy can't even check a bag with guns in it! Not mention HE IS LEAVING NEW YORK!
sparkie624 1
He deserves what he gets... What an idiot.
bbabis 1
Move along. All attention grabbing headline. No story.
Esteban Marin -1
It's funny how some people keeps trying to minimize the fact that someone was trying to check a loaded gun ans a gum with the serial number covered; flying is not a right, rather a privilege and if you want to get intp an airplane you better follow the rules that the airlines or whatever agency sets.

bbabis 1
Driving is not a right, but a privilege also. If you want to drive, you better follow the rules that the DMV or whatever agency sets. I drive the speed limit and can count the cars I've passed on one hand this year. Most other driving laws are ignored or were never learned to begin with. I drive safe in the hope of not having an accident and keeping myself alive. I carry a gun in the hope of not having to use it to keep myself alive.
sparkie624 1
I agree with you... But I do go 5 to 7 over... I too carry a gun... And I hate to say... Once I almost had to use it... Had it out, chambered, cocked, and trigger 1/2 way down before the person complied.... An Attempted car jacking... That person knows how close they became to have a carrier change to pushing up daisy's...


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