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9 Year old Sneaks on Plane

the TSA and Delta are in a little hot water after this one... ( Más...

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preacher1 1
Matt Hurst 2
Not sure who is the bigger loser in this case the Security, Delta, or the parents. Sad state in either instance.
randj5333 2
Does anyone else remember when flight attendants checked boarding passes at the door to the plane (in addition to passengers having them checked at the gate)? Also, the announcement regarding unattended items was in place long before TSA, so who knows how the concession stand employee missed that one. I will assume casino security caught the boy at the slot machines in the gate area, not TSA staff!
preacher1 1
I think, according to the story, that the DAL FA's caught him after they were airborne. He must have had enough smarts to hang around a family until after they got on the plane. DAL and most carriers are normally pretty tight on unaccompanied minors, not only for the extra fare but liability.
And only part of their job is security. it's TSA's only job.
randj5333 1
Yes, preacher1, you're correct. I should have paid closer attention! I'm relieved the FAs caught him.
Zach Katona 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

9 year old Minnesota boy sneaks onto Delta flight to Las Vegas.

A 9 year old boy managed to get past TSA, the gate agents, and the flight attendants at kMSP without even having a boarding pass. Strange story indeed.
PhotoFinish 2
This was no ordinary kid. To say he has street smarts is an understatement.

He steals a bag from baggage claim. Takes it to restaurant. After eating, leaves bag, goes to restroom and disappears.

Not sure if he should be compared to an adult or a criminal.

But the getting through security is easy. Kids like to hang out with kids. Plus, this one's been done. A kid in the vicinity of a family with other kids of similar age, just blends in.

As far as TSA furlough, I call BS. TSA was an exempt organization that was not subject to the government shutdown. Either someone was looking for an excuse, or they were instructed from above (eg. white house) to blame the gov't shutdown for everything.

This administration keeps lying to our face, repeatedly for years, in a condescending way as if the American public was stupid, and would believe anything they say.
PhotoFinish 1
Somehow, I don't think we've heard the last of this kid. If he can easily pull this off at 9, there's no telling what he's capable of, when he's bigger.
preacher1 1
This kid has definitely got more than most between his ears
PhotoFinish 1
Turns out he's known to the authorities. At his age (9), he's already stolen a car, and snuck into an amusement park.
JetMech24 2
LOL! But if they stopped this kid and questioned him, they would be a-holes. I have 2 questions, where were the parents and does this kid really not know right from wrong? Everyone whines about how the TSA is so "mean" to children, this time they leave the kid alone and look what happens. It would not be that hard for a kid to get on a plane by "blending" in as everyone assumes their parents are close by and no one thinks twice about it. People need to get over this double standard they have, it can only go 2 ways, security or no security.
I vote no security.
9 year old should know better.
preacher1 1
He did. He was a runaway. Actually pretty savvy. I have sent an unaccompanied minor on DAL before. Putting the TSA aside, it is bothersome to me that he was on his way to Vegas before anybody caught up with him.
As for the security part, in Nam kids were routinely used to plant bombs. They used to put a grenade in our fuel tank with a rubber band around the handle and the pin pulled. Jp4 would do its thing and a while later BINGO! So actually TSA gets "FAIL" anyway you slice it.
Yes. And so should bombers.
JetMech24 1
They do know, and that is why they do it.

Matt Tran 1
The TSA cites the current furlough for the incident according to an article here:

That's BS and they know it.
ilikerio -1
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

'Street Smart' Boy Hops on Flight to Las Vegas Alone

A "very street smart" nine-year-old boy managed to pass through a security checkpoint at a Minnesota airport and hop on a flight to Las Vegas without a boarding pass, authorities said.
So, tell me again why we continue to pay billions for airport security? There are thousands of great targets of opportunity and they are not getting blown up.


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