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Within two years, every Delta pilot will be using a Surface 2

In an unexpected turn, Delta has informed employees that it will be issuing a Surface 2 running Windows 8.1 RT to every pilot over the next two years. The airline ran an Electronic Flight Bag pilot program with iPads back in 2011, but for reasons unknown, that popular slate has since been scrapped. According to WindowsITPro, Delta had since planned to move forward with Nokia's rumored tablet, but has opted for the Surface 2 instead. The decision follows a move to equip flight attendants… ( Más...

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vanbess 0
Wonder how they are going to handle a Blue Screen of death in flight
preacher1 2
I thought the BLUE SCREEN of death went away with XP
PhotoFinish 1
"Blue screen of death" had become a thing. So they took away the blue. That would avoid people exclaiming, "Oh no! It's the blue screen of death. Again?!"

"Black screen of death" isn't a thing. So people just think, "It doesn't seem to be working. I wonder if I should restart it."
preacher1 2
Mine's been doing OK. I run 7 here and on my laptop. I did download MS Office 13 earlier in the year but no trouble with it either
PhotoFinish 1
They finally realized that they couldn't take their business for granted, and actually gave been trying to improve their product. Their backs have been to wall. They've been losing sales, particularly at the highend to Apple. Now that lots of people are going to tablets as primary devices, they're Aldo now losing sales of low-end PCs, as people increasing buy iPads instead. PC sales have been dropping y/y since the iPad has come to market.

So yeah, they've been trying harder.
Brad Littlejohn 1
Apparently, according to AppleInsider, all of the FAs and pilots fought hard to keep the iPads they were using. Clearly, management had their way with this 'deal'.
PhotoFinish 1
It seems like a clear case of IT imposing their will on employees. Likely with lots of input and $$ from Microsoft reps.

Except in this case the employees are pilots, who are responsible for the safe operation of a very expensive piece of equipment carring living, breathing people.

Seems foolish to disregard the determinations and preferences of the pilots, who will be using the tablet, and who are responsible for plane and souls.
Donald Birnie 1
I can hear the Delta pilots now... "I've done CTR+ALT+DEL twice already, no you can't put me on hold for a level III support technician". Still, a fitting product for an airline like Delta.
James Sulak 1
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Delta to Equip Its 11,000 Pilots With Microsoft Surface 2 Tablets

Delta said on Monday that it plans to buy Surface 2 tablets using the Microsoft hardware to replace paper flight books for the airline’s 11,000 pilots.
ltcjra 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Delta to equip 11,000 pilots with Microsoft Surface 2 tablet devices

Device rollout to pilots flying the Boeing 757 and Boeing 767 fleets will start later this year and all Delta cockpits are projected to be paperless by the end of 2014.
eatnoodle 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Delta signs on to buy 11,000 Microsoft Surface 2 Tablets

In an attempt to save money and be more environmentally friendly, Delta is providing its pilots with 11,000 next-generation flight bags that will each include a new Surface 2 tablet.
Alan Winn 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Delta will equip 11,000 pilots with tablets and projects to be paperless by the end of 2014

Delta Air Lines will equip its 11,000 pilots with the Microsoft Surface 2 tablet, which will be used initially as an electronic flight bag to replace heavy paper-based flight kits containing navigational charts and aircraft operating and reference manuals. Device rollout to pilots flying the Boeing 757 and Boeing 767 fleets will start later this year and all Delta cockpits are projected to be paperless by the end of 2014.
Pileits 2
This ought to be fun to watch! Good luck with that decision Delta!
mfbutzin 2
So what will be their backup when Windows crashes on final? Their own IPhone?
PhotoFinish 3
This is a somewhat concerning development. Critical cockpit software needs to be reliable. Windows has had a history of locking up in inopportune times. That would not be acceptable in a cockpit situation.

Hopefully the RT software is more stable than their legacy software.
joel wiley 2
"Somewhat" is a subtle nuance....
OTH, they will interface seamlessly (or as seamlessly as any windows product) with the FA's Lumina 820 customer billing pads in back.

I smell a kickback somewhere in this.
preacher1 2
ya thank.....Let's give it a couple or 3 weeks. James801 up here is a DAL captain. We'll get his opinion after while. LOL
preacher1 4
I like your term, "inopportune" times. You are being very kind.
mfbutzin 1
AND the winning lotto numbers are?


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