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USAF Weighs Scrapping KC-10, A-10 Fleets

Faced with steep budget cuts and the desire to keep existing procurement initiatives on track, the US Air Force is considering scrapping its entire fleet of KC-10 tankers and A-10 attack jets, according to multiple military and defense sources. Also on the chopping block are F-15C fighter jets and a planned $6.8 billion purchase of new combat search-and-rescue helicopters, these sources say. ( Más...

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canuck44 4
Every time the A-10 goes to work it makes the political suck up brass look stupid. There is not platform that can do what it does and survive the punishment it can take. As far as the tank situation goes, why are they not scraping the KC-135s that are to be replaced by the KC-46s anyway.

When one sees thinking this far from logic, it should be obvious that this not practical but political...but what can one expect from multi-starred ass kissers.
benin 3
Time to scrap reliable, trustworthy, flying tanks for new, shiny toys that aren't nearly as useful. The A-10 is meant to provide close air support and be heavily armored. Low, slow, and makes big boom. The F-35, if I'm correct, is a kinda of hybrid, trying to combine Air-to-air from the F-15 and Air-to-ground from the A-10 in one jet. The result, something that does the job not as well as the original.
The Airforce thought of scrapping the A-10 once before,are they honestly that stupid to consider it again.The F-35 hasnt proved nothing as far as I see in the A-10s capabilities.But they don't tell the public much anyway. I keep remembering history and that is the roll of the gun in warfare,especially this gun.With technology being what it is today it still gets back to the basics,THE GUN and THE GUYS AND GIRLS ON THE GROUND.
chalet 2
Great thinking Air Force, keep on sending lots of planes with still several years of useful life left to the chopping block so that you can order newer and stupidly expensive toys. By the way what is the latest figure of the National Debt, oh, approaching 14 trillion and counting. Great!
New car fever. Financing available. No payments for a generation.
ToddBaldwin3 2
Interesting that the Army is interested in acquiring the A-10. I wonder how they reconcile that with the Key West Agreement of 1948, the Pace-Finletter memo, and the Johnson-Mconnel agreement?
I do not condone this! I wonder how much traction the US Army could actually get to acquire the A-10s...
PhotoFinish 1
If the USAF ever does get rid of the A-10, the Army will acquire them all. They'll renegotiate or rip up all these agreements, as necessary.

They're the ones who actually put boots on the ground. So they want effective air support. If the USAF isn't up to the job, they'll do it themselves.

Short version: USAF won't be getting rid of the A-10 any time soon.
Josh Preston 2
And what about the F35? Too many buyers to scrap that now, I suppose, though I know they were thinking of calling it quits.
Even after these cuts we still have the largest military budget on the planet by at least $20 billion.

99NY 1
This reeks of budget axe rattling. The A-10 has been on the chopping block so many times its getting laughable. The addition of the KC-10 is a new one though, those airframes are far younger than the KC-135 fleet.


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