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Honeywell transmitter eyed in Dreamliner fire probe

Investigation seems to be moving forward on 787 fire ( Más...

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Ric Wernicke 2
I heard one story on radio that perhaps the parked aircraft did not have the specified cooling operating. Poor design if an ELT can cause a fire. The circuits required for both 406Mhz and 121.5Mhz are not that powerful. I would think that the battery charger circuit fell down on the job. The battery has lithium in it. That lithium is trouble, in batteries, medicine for children, and in grease for mechanical systems. Should be banned along with reporters calling airport runways and ramps "Tarmac." (hint, most are concrete.)

siriusloon 1
You heard it on the radio? Everyone knows that if it wasn't on the internet, then it wasn't true.

I agree that we should ban reportes from using the word "tarmac". The same legislation should also ban armchair "experts" from posting their conclusions about lithium grease and about lithium batteries causing the fire or otherwise "solving" the incident from a few thousand miles away based only on what they heard on the radio and somehow knowing that the ELT was poorly designed.

Calling it tarmac isn't so bad after all, is it?
sparkie624 1
Sony had problems with laptop batteries with the same issue of catching on fire and they had to recall them. This could be much the same.
siriusloon 1
And Hostess went bankrupt despite selling a zillion Twinkies every day. This could be much the same.
Jeff Lawson 1
Anyone know if the ELT used was a new model unique to the 787?
Good question!


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