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VIDEO: Watch dramatic engine failure on Thomas Cook Airbus A330

Yesterday was quite eventful for plane spotters at Manchester Airport in the UK. A routine morning of arrivals and departures was dramatically overshadowed by the engine failure of a Thomas Cook Airbus A330-200 during the afternoon. ( Más...

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Don Mills 1
As the comedians say, "Timing is everything". Three minutes later might not have been a happy ending.
Bayouflier 0
Looked like a compressor stall to me. If it was, the abort was ill-advised. Need more data.
joel wiley 1
Followup report would be very helpful.
joel wiley 1
A couple followups. Aborted at 140 kts, engine being looked at, The AAIB have opened an investigation into the occurrence rated a serious incident. A330-200, registration G-OMYT
Edmundo Ribas 1
Congratulations to the pilot aborted on time procedures
Roy Shepard 1
Quite an educational presentation.
Bill Baird 1
That must have been one tough bird. Part of jet engine certification is a proven ability to ingest huge amounts of ice at high power settings.

Fortunately the crew recognized the problem and rejected the takeoff in a very controlled and professional manner.
ynot ssor 1
This A330-243 is equipped with Rolls-Royce RB211 Trent 772B-60 engines, according to registry.
Andrew Skretvedt 3
It's very cool in the alternate (head-on view) video to watch the rudder kick out and compensate for the sudden asymmetric thrust. Very little deviation from the centerline. I wonder, how might that look on an ice-covered runway? I'm guessing until you're slow enough, it's mostly "flown" with the flight control surfaces as opposed to "driven" with the friction from the tires. In the above side-view video, it seems there is a some momentary wheel lockup from both main-gear trucks. I suppose that's what max-autobrake gives you: system continually working to the edge of lockup, finding it with a little wheel lock, then backing off just-enough. Cool (or, HOT in this case).
I saw the wheels bouncing too. Wasn't sure of that as my monitor is old. Did look like at least 2 wheel hops on the left side though.
The whole deal turned out rather well considering the worst case scenario.
It's nice to see something work as designed.
C S -1
Thank god it didn't happen during rotation. That could've ended badly...
Pete Schecter 1
nice/appropriate ARFF and crew response; well done.
Eric da Silva -1
Thanks goodness the A330 didn't reach it V1 speed, or else the pilot would be flying with on one engine.Also I think the pilot handled the abort take off procedure amazingly.
Eric da Silva -1
Thanks goodness the A330 didn't reach it V1 speed or else the pilot would be flying with one engine.
WhiteKnight77 2
Here is a different view of said engine failure.
Something hit the fan. Watch for it at about 16 -18 seconds. A white streak going clockwise at the 10 O'Clock.
WhiteKnight77 1
That white streak was the fireball that can be seen from the original video.
joel wiley 1
It may have been a failure rather than an impact. I saw a flash as if a metal piece was bouncing around. Didn't see anything moving before that. OTOH camera was a loonng way off.
Joel: so you did see the event. You're right, it could be bird strike or parts failure. I guess a close look at the intake area will tell the story. Feathers or shards.
gongchan shik 2
"Routine morning of arrivals and departures"? I don't think the Antonov 225 is a regular sight at Manchester, darling.
Dean Johnson 2
Impressive and a good catch by video fellow.
sparkie624 3
From working the Professional Video Industry for a period of time.... that was more luck than skill.... But as in a good game of poker... I will take good luck anytime over skill.
sparkie624 3
Good Abort. Glad it didn't wait another 10 seconds or so...

I see the 787 isn't the only one getting bad press when it is not their fault.
Michael Laue -5
can't see any dramatic stuff on the video.
sparkie624 2
Would have been nice to seen an in cockpit view... CVR may some interesting wordings as well.
me neither .. based on the caption on the article!!
Marcus Pradel -6
aborted take-offs are business as usual. 1 out of every 2,000 flights does it for one reason or another every day. That is what you train for, or an engine failure in climbout..

I've had 1 give out before liftoff, it was over before I consciously noticed. Rudder comes out, both engines to idle or reverse & brakes to max, check co-pilot for stunned look. 3 seconds feel like 30!

And then you go grab a drink, job well done.
Tim Patton 6
Marcus you must live in a different world, i flew heavy jets for 25 years and an aborted take off is definitely not business as usual.One of the most dangerous and difficult tasks you can perform . The guys at Thompson did a fantastic job
Tim Patton 5
Sorry Thomas Cook before any one else corrects me.
bentwing60 2
I kinda suspect Marcus lives in the C 172 world, not that there is anything wrong with that. I strongly question his #'s for RTO's per operations. Show me the historical data upon which you base your claim. Boeing did a study on RTO's some years back and came to the conclusion that a go,in most circumstances, at or near V1, is by far the safer choice. A rejected takeoff around V1 is NOT bidness as usual. Having flown transport category jets for some 25 years, hats off to Tim. And after experiencing an RTO in a Lear 35, near V1 a few years back, due to two blown mains on the left side, I know we train for it, I know it is always a possibility, and I pay much more attention to BFL, but I don't want to do it again. And my guess is the Thomas Cook airplane was well below V1, and probably below 100 knts. based on the video time line, though it doesn't start at the takeoff roll. They did what you train for, and did it correctly. Hence, the positive outcome. Believe it or not, to a true professional, it ain't a matter of luck. Though I'll take some any time.
emmanuelaponte 4
But just before liftoff wouldn't you be past v1?

Sounds like it was unsafe sir.

Michael Fuquay 7
Hot Brakes!
Torsten Hoff 9
Full left rudder with virtually no delay. Quick reaction by the pilot or is that automatic?
mechlink 1
Automatic yaw damper action.
Most modern airplanes have a bias...
-1, so there are 2 dumbasses!!!
cholubaz 11
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Airbus A330 right engine failure causes aborted take off

Thomas Cook flight 314 from Manchester to the Dominican Republic, operated on an Airbus A330-200 (registered G-OMYT) was proceeding well on its departure roll when it experienced a failure of its right engine.
The video shows exactly what is supposed to happen in these circumstances, for which flight crews train relentlessly.
dbaker 11
Great alternative perspective.
joel wiley 3
And ATC audio. 8 secs from flash to boom, 3 sec on main vidio
As the Controller ended, "Lovely"


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