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Dutch to use full body scans for U.S. flights

(CNN) -- Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport will begin using body scanners on all passengers taking flights to the United States following the attempted terrorist attack on a U.S.-bound flight on Christmas Day, the Dutch interior minister said Wednesday. ( Más...

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Kimberly MacRae 0
You're right! Still disturbing... but necessary after that recent incident.
dbaker 0
...but I'm not really an expert at these matters.
dbaker 0
I think his clothes are not visible and the picture is only depicting his belt.
Kimberly MacRae 0
Well, at least they can detect man thongs! lol I feel sorry for that guy... how embarrassing.

Chip Hermes 0
There was an article on here a day or two ago about how these full body scans can't detect liquids or chemicals!!!!

Adam French 0
Diggin the guys thong in the scan pic. Click on the heading to view.
Adam French 0
I think that it is stupid. It can't pick up liquids or chemicals for that matter.
Jackie Butcher 0
I am not sure but it looks like the viewer will be seeing some interesting body types.
mattdavis 0
I hope my body scan looks better than the guy in this article. What is he wearing?
Jackie Butcher 0
Now they want a full body scanner!!!!!


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