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(Video) Bonanza Engine-Out Crash at Fairbanks Shown from 3 Onboard Cameras N334DH

From Youtube: "Three high definition cameras were mounted to my Beechcraft Bonanza when the engine quit on takeoff from Fairbanks Alaska on July 26th 2012, One was pointed forward, one to the right side, and one to the rear. All three cameras caught the crash as it happened in HD. Both people on board survived with only minor injuries, but the airplane didn't." ( Más...

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horace sawyer 1
The video I saw is not a Bonanza. Notice the wingtips and the tail sections showing.
The runway alignment and the angle of climb was not consistent with an actual climb out of a piloted general aviation aircraft after take off. Nor was there the familiar rumble of the six cylinder Continental engine. The 'ground run', impact movements, sound, and flight path was consistent with a radio controlled model. Your observations may differ.
joel wiley 1
Cool! what a clever fraud.
Even fooled these guys I guess

Maybe the lack of the familiar rumble was due to the event precipitating engine failure.

AWAAlum 1
siegfried betge 1
Guter Pilot...Hauptsache alle ok
Wm. Mark Meiggs 1
Great job Dale.
Guy Medlock 2
Sully would be proud..
Dave Blevins 2
Nice job there pilot.Glad everyone was okay.
Walker Guthrie 1
Dale, thank you very much for posting this. I am a private pilot with only about 90 hours in my log book. I've rehearsed this nightmare scenario many times in my head, and seeing it captured on video really brings it home. Not much time to think, just react. Glad you are okay!
I've always assumed that, should this happen to me, I would have enough airspeed before impact to achieve some amount of flare to help soften the blow. Maybe it was the camera angle in your video, but it appeared that you didn't get much pitch-up attitude before impact. Can you comment on what your airspeed was coming over the pond, and about your ability or inability to effect a flare? Thank you!
Dale Hemman 1
I was the first aircraft in a flight of eight high-performance airplanes taking off in formation. When I began my takeoff roll there were three airplanes lined up left of centerline behind me and four to the right of centerline.

I briefed our climb out speed as 120 knots specifically for the makeup of this particular group of aircraft in order to make us more maneuverable than if we were to climb out slower. I've been leading groups of aircraft on tours like this for more than 20 years and it's a technique I had built in as a safety mechanism never really thinking this would happen but always planning just in case the worst happened, this time it did.

Since I recognized the engine failure instantly and knew that the airspace I “owned” was to the left of the runway centerline I limited my initial landing choices to that area and pushed the nose over ever so slightly to initiate a glide. I immediately saw that the road to the left of my course had power or telephone poles so turned back toward the center and then seeing the cyclone fence and rough terrain beyond the DC-6 which was where I figured my cone of landing to be I elected to go further right to what appeared to be and in fact turned out to be the best suitable area to land.

I made this radio call to Fairbanks Tower “Fairbanks Tower, N334DH; I have a problem”. I figured that would be enough said, they could watch and know what was happening and do what they needed to do and they did. I switched boost pumps to high and continued to fly the airplane.

While I was maneuvering left then right I also let my airspeed bleed off from 120 knots to about 60 knots at touchdown. There was a berm just beyond the water that I glided over that I was concerned about clearing. I did not want to stall and belly into the berm so I elected to do a a smooth constant airspeed bleed off and decent.

I did not lower my landing gear for a couple of reasons. Landing with the gear in either the full up or the full down position gives you the maximum possible impact protection. This is a 12 volt Bonanza and the landing gear takes 12 seconds to extend and lock in place (as opposed to 4 seconds on average for a 24 volt Bonanza). Had I extended the gear I would have touched down in transition. Additionally, the terrain was so rough that landing with gear fully extended would certainly have caused me to end up upside down.

I did not lower the flaps because that would have changed the pitch attitude of the aircraft and I don’t think I would have cleared the berm. As it was, I cleared it by less than a foot. Any less than smooth movements and the outcome would not have been as fortunate.

As specifically for the flare question, I think the angle I used was about ideal especially as I review the video and in light of the fact that I touched down right at the no flaps stall speed. The view from the front camera sounds violent but it’s really the sound of the camera and wing going through the willows. The side view shows that the aircraft is sliding forward without violently pitching nose downward with the right wingtip absorbing energy from its contact with the higher areas. As you cans see I was still able to maintain directional control by never stopping flying the airplane. As you look at the rear view you can see again that the touchdown is smooth and the airplane comes to a fairly smooth stop as the small willows slow it down.

Had I flared with too much of an angle there would have been more energy transmitted directly into my spine through the rudder pedals as the airplane fell downward which would likely have caused serious spinal injuries. Controlling the descent and touchdown to the maximum extent possible to slow the aircraft without any sudden stoppage was the goal and both thinking back and reviewing the video over and over I am satisfied with the outcome.

One the engine quits in this flight regime you don’t have a lot of time but it’s amazing how well you focus on the task at hand and how quickly you can react. It truly was as if it was in slow motion as others have described similar events.

If I can offer any advice for survivability in a similar situation it would be:
1. Know your aircraft and its particular characteristics very well.
2. Fly it so often that you don’t have to think to identify a problem; it will give you the extra edge of time you may need to troubleshoot or make decisions.
3. Never stop flying the airplane until it comes to a complete stop.
4. Once you do stop now is the time to turn off everything that pumps fuel and/or could cause a spark.
Walker Guthrie 1
Dale, thank you for your detailed and thoughtful reply. As a beginning pilot, your advice and experience is extremely valuable to me and many others!
1-4 are the best advice points that could save you and your plane.
Nice work...the spot is everything ...Question: I am interested in your dealings with the NTSB? FAA as well I suppose. Did you find it purposeful as to the extent that there was a significant interest in obtaining information of value for aviation and clearly your incident? Or was it on a turn of an enforcement violations bureau? GA types are reticent with big Gov agencies and there heavy tactics...some fellas I know...had this happened in a remote setting without any hub bub, Might have crated it back to the hanger rather then expose themselves to years of paperwork and suspicion...
Dale Hemman 2
I had no negative interactions with the FAA/NTSB; all were neutral. I found them to be interested in collecting the facts and trying to determine the cause. They had me fill out the standard accident form and to some I suppose that could be intimidating, however, they can't get to the cause without collecting the data.

I am absolutely sure that the cause of the failure was not pilot induced nor did I do anything during the process or after that would raise any flags. They took my statement at face value and when I found an error after the factual finding was published they corrected it. I did find one more error in the report but didn't bother to correct that one since it wasn't that significant.

As for crashing and moving an airplane rather than reporting it; this would put you the pilot and anybody that helped him or her in a very bad position of their own making. Nobody is going to come after me and take my license because I followed the rules. If you move an airplane after an incident or accident that requires reporting you could face a stiff fine, jail time, and loss of license because CFR 49 Part 830 spells out the requirements for preserving and reporting accidents and incidents.

The worst that could happen if you did what you were supposed to and nothing illegal and had a crash would likely be a safety ride with an approved instructor or perhaps some additional training. If you hid the incident and got caught it wouldn't be nearly as friendly.
glenn carwell 1
...Dale, Congratulations on your expert management of this event and your survival. I can certainly attest to your meticulous attention to detail and safety during the Let`s fly Alaska trip you led for the Bonanza Society. Glenn Carwell MD.
mike8298 1
Please educate me, if I understand it correctly the suspect fuel line may have collapsed as a result of pump suction. If that is the case then can the fuel line issue be dupicated in a lab setting with the fuel pump and fuel line from the plane?
Mike from Alex, La.
Dale Hemman 2
First off please understand that I am neither a mechanic nor an engineer and don't claim a depth of mechanical experience to know ehether the following is relavant or not but after reading it in a posting from someone who had s similar incident I ran it by my a couple of folks whose expertise I respect and they said it's very plausable. Here's what I'm referring to, again, from somebody else, not the NTSB nor my own mainetnance folks, the contributor's name is Gary Snoe:

"I lost my right engine on lift off climb out, low slow and trying to clear trees and houses, put it down in field no place to go, point is, NTSB, FAA and attourney all said, "Sounds like fuel line colapse, we see this quite often, but never got to talk to a surviver, I said REALLY, You know this but don't say anything? I bought my new Baron 3 months ago and required a annual before closing.

I asked the mechanic did the fuel lines need replacing around the engines and he replied, they will probably be ok for another year or two! I said, are you kidding, they are 9 years old and the POH says to replace every 5 years, he said nobdy does that, this was a different mechanic from before. The inner liner seperates and suction causes the line to colapse and starve your engine immediately with no notice on take off, most fuel demand. I ahd the lines replaced $1,500 both sides."

Back to my event - my engine was only about 100 hours since factory new and I've always insructed my former mechanics to replace all hoses with new at engine change. I wish I could swear that happened but there has been a lot of water under the bridge since the engine change in 2011.

Again, this is supposition but it's as good as any I've heard and rack my brain as much as I can I just can't come up with a reason for teh failure that I can hang my hat on.
Thanks for the post. Just make one feel all warm and yummy knowing your plane is only as good as it's mechanic.

Richard Dugger 1
Glad you are OK and didn't end up in the drink.
Just a few feet shorter and this could have been a lot different.
Good Job
You made the best decisions given the altitude. Hats off to you.
Victor Chavarria 2
Quick thinking and steel balls
Dale Hemman 12
I posted this event on YouTube as a means of showing pilots and non-pilots alike that ass long as you continue to fly the airplane after an engine failure you can survive it and walk away. When I fly in Alaska leading tours I mount four POV cameras that record everything from every angle, in this case one memory chip has slipped out of positition but having three views of an incident such as this is rare and hopefully can be helpful to others.

The NTSB with all its resources has not yet been able to determine the cause of the engine failure, hopefully at some point they will. I chose to not fill out a NASA report as a protective mechanism, instead gave that information directly to the NTSB along with my cameras, memory chips, JPI fuel flow monitor, and JPI engone monitor.

I posted this at therisk that the typical penut gallery would go to work second-guessing everything, however, I felt that the benefits of sharing would outweight the negatives from the idiots that usually post everywhere with knowledge about very lttle.

For thise of you who are seriously interested in the cause, I can assure you that as aprofessional pilot (ATP, CFII, MEI) with several thousand hours of experience gained over 45 years of flying, I pre-flighted properly, had all the switches and selectors in the right positions, and had a very wellmaintained airplane with only about 100 hours on afactory new engine. I had flown teh airplane between four and five hours each of the previous four days.

Hopefully the mechanical reason for this will be found by the professionals that inspected it right after the crash, did the teardown analysis later, and test ran the enhone since the crash. Yes, they checked fuel quantiy and the quality on the truck from which it came, from the tank where the truck got its fuel, and from the facilty where that came from.
Its all excellent stuff Dale...and a valid topic worthy of learning from... all of it, Pay no mind the neanderthal mind that can distributes itself on here,The one big drawback to online discussions. On another note... Anything you discovered in dealing with NTSB that you would be willing to share about the agency itself?
Dale Hemman 2
I learned that there are several layers from the presidential appointees at thetop level that you sometimes see in the media who are all experts with extremely impressive industry backgrounds, however, these people are only seen at the high-profile events.

There are regioanal investigators that live and work in one defined region such as Alaska and the one I dealt with was very courteous and professional. These people have the ability to call in experts in areas where they need assistance and can contract with shops for tear-downs etc,

There is evidently another layer or two between the ergionals and the top political appointees where a vast amount of knowledge and experince lies and then there are the technical and scientific guys that wear the white suits and do teh lab work. I found it interesting that my video chips had footage of tehir labs on them when they came back.

I alos learned that they treat anything in or on an aircraft that has teh ability to record as if it was a cockpit data or voice recorder which they use as rights to confiscate it. I didn't balk at that but thoughtit was interesting.

Intially they didn't want to return anything until the investigation was completes but after six mnths relented and gave me the cameras without the chips. Once tehy got past the prliminary report and wrote a factual finding theyfinally let me have my chips back.

They also said that in some cases they never get a final "Probable Cause" and instead have to settle for a factual find which is wheer my crash isnow,
joel wiley 3
Thank you for the original post and this followup. Sometimes you can do everything right and Murphy still pops up. Thanks for the info on camera 4. Did you get them back yet?
Dale Hemman 5
Yes, I did. The crash was on July 26th 2012 and I didn't have access to the video or anything until the NTSB had documented all the data that I gave them. They treated it just like a flight data recorder and I didn't have access to it to even see it myself until they released it to me. That took until the day I posted the video online which I guess was about 9 months.
Darren Golez 1
Well done! Good decision on picking the best suitable crash landing sight.
joel wiley 2
NTSB report mentioned 4 cameras. Video on 3, wonder where $ 4 went (into the weeds maybe).

Great job Dale, glad you're here to tell it.
AWAAlum 1
He mentioned there were four cameras, but the memory chip in one was dislodged and didn't record.
chalet 0
Really weird, three HD cameras recording an accident.......
btweston 3
There are many reasons to put HD cameras on an airplane.
leo bramel 1
good job!!!
allench1 0
Armchair quarterbacking, but, maybe fuel contamination and at his altitude he did not have enough altitude or time for it to clear out, therefore the engine started after because the contamination had cleared......
Dale Hemman 2
YOu're right about the altitude and very little time. Even with turning on the boost pumps the engine still didn't come back.
Dale Hemman 2
I personally supervised the refueling the evening beforfe depatrture, I personally sumped the fuel before startup, NTSB was on site within 10 minutes and pulled the fuel lines all from the pumps to the injectors foundd the system still presurized with clean fuel.
Daniel, kinda weird when something happens like that all the training and piloting experience pays off. 22 seconds and your still here. You are an amazing pilot.
dmanuel 1
I looked on the NTSB site and it says the investigation is still pending. How did you find the cause was fuel exhaustion?
Dale Hemman 3
The cause hasn't been determined yet but some of us suspect a collapse of the inner fuel line leading to the fuel pump. Evidently this is something that can happenthen the line returns to normal and is hard or impossible to detect. NTSB was on site within 10 minutes of the crash because they just happened to be there anyway and did a thorough examination of the entire system including all the normal placement of switches etc and found nothing obvious. All I kow for sure is this was a real mechanical failure; not an omission by the pilot.

[This poster has been suspended.]

MaxFlex01 1
Dale, I was just about to post how happy I was that the usual moronic Peanut Gallery had stayed home for a change and then this clown pipes up... No accounting for brains (or lack thereof) in a public forum... My post on YouTube stands... Once again, congratulations on a flawlessly executed EFATO! BZ!!!
Gotta ask: what does "EFATO! BZ!!! " stand for?
MaxFlex01 1
EFATO is what we called the drill we had to practice WAY back in Primary Flight Training... Sorry, I am afraid that acronyms have become SO much a part of my life, I tend not to realize when I am using them... EFATO stands for Engine Failure After Take-Off... BZ is a naval term for congratulations. The story goes that, Admiral 'Chester' Nimitz , when sending congratulations to a unit for actions above and beyond, wrote "We'll Done, B.Z.!!!" The B.Z. was Nimitz's real initials... Over time, BZ became an accepted form of congratulations in many services, not just the U.S. Navy, soooo... BZ to Dale for his stellar efforts.
AWAAlum 1
Rudderless strikes again. He doesn't post unless his opinion is derogatory.
Perhaps Mr. Rudd, you should have put your brains in before posting.
Dale Hemman 3
I filled teh tanks to capacity with 80 gallons of fuel and the flight was 22 seconds. Where should I have put the extra fuel?
AWAAlum 1
My advice - whenever the name "phil rudd" pops up, skip over it. He never ever has anything productive nor supportive to add. He's all about negativity. Look up "pessimist" in the dictionary and you'll see his picture next to it.
Dale Hemman 7
Typical Peanut Gallery remark. The aircraft had 80 gallons of fuel and approximately 22 seconds of flight. Jackass!
btweston 0
You are a silly person.
Mr.Rudd has a complex personality disorder. His world will forever be neither clever nor bright. Reasonable people commune to discuss and learn from others on topics that are important to them here. Take heart in the wonderment of Mr. Rudd exposing himself and his disorder so openly. His shallow leap into the dynamics of the topic itself, where he gives direct evidence of his inability to be a part of it..rendering a voice of unproductive, mundane and and genuine nonsense commentary to disturb only himself...I am happy to read Mr. Rudd's comments and look forward to more of them as I can have clear reflection on my fortunes to have been not brought into the world to survive on screen snippets and doodle about with my life like a twelve year old who plays with turtles. God bless all the Dolt's of the world...What stupefying fun they bring us,, maybe he will clean my toilet,. something useful... as he knows a lot about shit.
Mike Forster 1
Well stated, Mr. P!

and Great Job, Mr. Webb!
darius webb 1
Not sure if that was the issue.
'The fuel pump’s drive gear and shear shaft were intact. Fuel was noted in the pump upon hand rotation.

Disassembly of the fuel manifold revealed fuel in the housing, the fuel appeared clear, with no impurities, water, or other contaminates.'
Ben Lillie 3
Wow. That's amazingly quick thinking by the pilot.


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