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JetBlue Plane Catches Fire, Lands Safely At Orlando International Airport

A JetBlue flight from Santo Domingo suffered a fire near the windshield of the Embraer 190 airplane and landed safely at Orlando International Airport Thursday... ( Más...

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John Hale 3
sounds like a window heat malfunction
sparkie624 1
I Concur... All of those windows are subject to that... FAA has been looking into Cockpit Windshields and Cockpit windows for quite some time.
Ric Wernicke 1
This is a problem on 757 aircraft too. The windshield heater requires a lot of current, and the connection is made by a barrier strip with screw terminals. If the screw becomes loose the connection point overheats and can cause the insulator to melt and make smoke.

I don't know why they have not used either a mechanical lock to prevent the screws from backing out, or a chemical sealant like Loctite.
skylloyd 1
How about "out,out the flames" ?

Amer Lawand 0
Ben Lillie 1
That's what I was wondering.


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