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FAA Thinks Flying With Lap Kids Is Unsafe, But Doesn't Require Kids' Seats

According to the FAA, “the safest place for your child on an airplane is in a government-approved child safety restraint system (CRS) or device, not on your lap. Your arms aren’t capable of holding your child securely, especially during unexpected turbulence.” And yet, notwithstanding its own admonition, children under the age of two are not required to be properly restrained when they fly. In the eyes of the law, a parent’s lap is perfectly legal, no matter how unsafe it is. ( Más...

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Kinda like the "no seatbelts required on school buses" thinking. You gotta luv government think.
But I, being of plenty of age and a somewhat sound mind, get a ticket. Go figure.

preacher1 1
Try holding your young'en in your lap and driving.

Sad part is, most in the story didn't seem to mind the cost of an extra ticket for an approved carry seat. Most said they thought things were safe and hunky dory since it was not a requirement. Trust your gum'mint.LOL
That would probably get you more than a $25 ticket like I got.


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