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Delta flight goes off runway pre-takeoff

How did this plane get off the runway before take-off? ( Más...

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Toby Sharp 1
kinda like this.......
preacher1 2
Your link is a bombardier at Hobby old buddy, unless I'm missing something there. Just based on the story, he went past his turn and tried to turn around; didn't have enough room. 777 is a pretty good size plane. I remember years ago on a pax trip over East, coming out of KATL on a triple 7 that was supposed to make one stop at RDU and then jump off overseas. We were #2 for takeoff behind a lil' dinkey ASA turboprop of some type. It's brakes locked up and hung us as well. We were already at the end of taxiway and had no room to turn around. There was another turnout to the runway behind us and everybody else just took the short and away they went; sat there 1 1/2 hrs. No fun.

Toby Sharp 1
I know the picture is old, figured he had never seen a jet gone off-roading. That stinks about waiting that long!
preacher1 2
Them jets don't off road real good, even on dry ground.LOL
Toby Sharp 1
Sterile cockpit...distractions while taxiing, lost all/partial breaks,unable to turn around in the allowed pavement....that's a start ha
preacher1 2
Next time you see Sparkie on here, ask him about their DAL CRJ that took the mud at Hobby. Pilot said he was distracted. All 3 off.LOL
Toby Sharp 1
HA! all 3?!?!? that's ridiculous! He is probably "flying a cargo plane full of rubber dog s*@t out of Hong Kong."


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