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Airline pilots asleep on KDEN arrival

A pair of commercial pilots fell asleep in the cockpit on their way to Denver in 2004 and sped toward the airport at twice the speed allowed, according to an anonymous report by the captain on a federal safety Web site. ( Más...

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Charlie Sherman 0
Not the first event of this type and won't be the last.Pan Am was to land in LA a few years ago and was repeatly
SEL CALLED by the FAA and finally was awakened and returned to LAX.Its about the sleep cycles that need scrutiny in the FARS.
Charlie Sherman 0
An easy fix is to mandate the Flight Attendants to call the pilots at a certain time prior to descent (25 minutes out min)to cheack their status
as to hydration etc.Not rocket science
ladies and gentleman.
dbaker 0
Re cs767capt, why not just get an alarm clock system in the FMS? Instead of "Descend to 5000 5 miles from ROYCE," just "Alarm "Nature Sounds" 5 miles from ROYCE"


judgecarlrussell 0

No bandaids, do surgery. There is too much at stake.


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