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Airports suing FAA over planned control tower shutdowns

"CHICAGO – Airport operators are mounting a legal challenge to the Federal Aviation Administration's decision to cut funding for 149 air traffic control towers, accusing the agency of violating federal law meant to ensure major changes at airports do not erode safety." ( Más...

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"CHICAGO" - mayor Daley once single handedly closed a tower. Lol
James Duggan 1
I really wish KORL would get in on this. Look at how close it is to KMCO, even with the 15 or so planes that fly out of there every day... it is still a major risk to the big guys coming out of KMCO. That also makes me question, how did they determine what towers to shut down in the first place? Was it based on traffic alone or were all factors (i.e. Safety, Traffic, Proximety, etc.) taken into consideration?
James Duggan 1
Seriously, KORL is no more than 10 miles from KMCO. Does nobody see anything wrong with having a 747 on final approach and a Cessna taking off in his path? Someone's gonna get hurt in that situation!!
Gonna have to ban those 747's then...
The Cessna has to stay below the class B without a clearance.
N9ZN 1
Last I hear the Gov has found a way to keep the airport control towers open. Using 1980's safety data to justify the actions!
preacher1 2
When and where did you hear that? If it's brand new, grab the URL and post it.
N9ZN 2
I heard the story again on TV with more details today. The tower closings have been delayed until June or July 15th so they can determine if there is a way to keep them open. Bottom line is this is not really a story anymore. Give it a month or two and see what happens then.
N9ZN 2
I heard it on the TV news. Sorry but no URL to post, all they said was it was justified using 1980's flight incident data. Maybe they were only talking about one airport but what I hear sounded like they were talking about all of the airports affected.

I can tell you this, having flown planse since I was 16 (now 62) the only airports that would be adversely affected are large airports with heavy traffic. Even a medium sized airport can handle Uni-Comm radio suffeciently for planes and pilots to safely arrive and depart. For that matter, because of radar overlap most of these airports will still be under the view of air controllers. The government does not need to spend our money on un-needed towers and staff. Too bad they didn;t go deeper with the cuts, there are many other things the FAA does that are flat out wastefull.
Gene spanos -3
Cargo by Train and not by Planes and or Trucks...will help
reduce the 70,000 daily flight/road traffic.
Thank you.
Michael Fuquay 0
Here's a novel idea - how about the airport itself raise their own revenue (like every other business) to keep the tower open if they want it that bad, instead of expecting government handouts.
James Duggan 2
In some cases they need government funding. KORL is a relatively small airport, but it is located in the KMCO class bravo airspace. Without a tower (it was one of the towers on the close list) I can see pilots breaching the class bravo a lot and causing headaches for the controllers at Orlando and the pilots departing and landing at the airport.
Brian Bishop 1
That begs the fundmental question; what is the role of the federal government? To be nanny and caretaker for all those "less fortunate", or to provide a national defense, infrastructure, transportation safety, etc? "Entitlements" and interest on the national debt already consume practically all federal revenues as it stands. The government already collects billions in user fees and fuel taxes that are supposed to be used for those very things, but those "trust funds" get raided to pay for everything but what they were intended for. Sure, let "the rich" pay for it all. It's time we started holding government accountable to the same standards of honesty we're all expected to live by, and quit bitching about who got what "tax break".
preacher1 0
They do the highway trust fund the same way; for mass transit and all that other crap that don't pay a dime into it and everybody gets a piece of rough roads that "WE AIN'T GOT THE MONEY TO FIX"
Brian Bishop -1
When the people that work and pay to make the system work finally have enough of supporting a federal government gone bezerk, supporting people who wouldn't take a job if you gave it to them, and sending your tax money to people all over the world, change will happen. If you haven't had enough yet just keep sending the same people back into office, either by vote or by not voting at all. The nanny class has plenty of time and incentive to vote. So figure out who is best looking out for their future. ???????
preacher1 2
And that ain't no April Fool comment neither!!!!!
Probably just a fools comment.. Lol.
preacher1 2
We changed all but 1 of ours down here except one and he won't come up for reelection until next year. What are ya'll waiting on? If Judd grabs McConnell's seat up there, ya'll will be going backwards.
You right. At times I like Mitch but really any of the long timers should hang their heads in shame and get moved on. I personally have the utmost respect for John McCain for his service but as a politician he has lost his bravery and never answers a question anymore. Sounds like you guys have decided to stir the pot. Good for you. Takes a little bravery to get rid of a known quantity for the unknown. As far as the aviation side of this, we made it through the controllers strike and firings. A few control towers ain't gonna be the end of aviation. Looks like my decision to not buy an airplane without TCAS (Tas) was a good one. Lol
preacher1 1
Your tower on the hit list?
Yea, Kpah is scheduled for may I believe. Don't know how it missed April 7. My hanger is actually at m34. You know, right by the Ky chicken coop on I24. Lol
preacher1 1
How come you split up like that; you just keep it over ther and play at KPAH?
No approach into m34. I could see the runway from my office though and its 10 min from home. It's a state park airport and only has 5 hangers. It's right on Ky Lake.
preacher1 1
We've got one close by, KMPJ. Win Rockefeller originally built it when he lived up there and it had everything as he had quite an AC fleet,but after his death, State took it over and other than transients for the lodge, nothing. Sad, but it is what it is.
Things do change. This little airport mostly gets people coming in to their yachts and lake homes. Few jets for the nearby chemical plants. No services though. The r27 approach is right over Ky dam.
preacher1 1
I know the feeling. ttyl. I gotta make a quick run into town
gregory strange 0
Well said Michael. Get off the handout train.
There's enough local money to fund a tower that's being closed, ie, BCT, Nascar could fund JQF with their big $$$, and so forth. I'm just saying there's deep pockets in the users of an airport that wants a tower...
Here in NJ with TTN, Frontier Airlines could subsidize that now that they're making it a hub. Some airport and FBO managers could take a pay cut and contribute to the fund if they want it, there's some extremely high paid ones here in Jersey, well into the 6 figures!!!
Meanwhile I gotta work for a living on slaves wages according to Phil... Where the hell is Phil when you need him???
preacher1 -2
bitch, bitch,
sparkie624 1
But bitching is so fun :)
That's because I got no ham for Easter, what kind of catering u get there on that 76???
preacher1 -1
I was home, but still on got a
Yea, and NASCAR owners got a tax break in the fiscal cliff deal. I am happy they got personal jets. Just live with the inconvience. It ain't that big a deal. For God's sake you get to move at 450kts. They are just used to leaving late and getting there early! Lol

preacher1 1
He's kinda like one of my Tomcats outside. He picks his fights
AWAAlum 1
Please don't conjure up Phil.
Watch out now. Hate is closer to love than indifference! Lol
AWAAlum 1
Disdain is probably closer, in this particular case.
Good luck with that!!
Brian Bishop -1
I hear your point, but they may have an argument in that the decisions to close towers seems to have been done without due process and analysis of the safety impact of the closures as per the law cited.

I mean, seriously, KJQF (Concord NC)? It's five minutes from the hub of NASCAR and home to 55 multi / jet aircraft. It gets crazy around there during race season. Not to mention it's proximity to landing ops on RWY 23 at CLT. I'm sure there are other examples.

Beyond dumb.
As far as tower closings, they had no choice but to do the contract towers. I would be interested in what other cuts they have made. Places like Kjqf will have a slowdown for IFR clearances in and out creating an inconvience but not necessarily a safety issue. Center is only going to allow so many. Leaving VFR then getting your clearance rejected is not a good option. Same with arrivals, holding will be the norm. Will be a learning expierence and the old heads will try every trick in the book. Good luck to all.
The point is, they are being careless with the cuts they are making. The administration is determined to make the cuts on future spending hurt as much as possible to get the desired effect to turn popular opinion back toward the need for more spending. I mean, seriously...where do all of the issues arise from cuts to future spending??
You are absolutely right about making it as painful as possible. This is just a taste though. When they get their budget where it needs to be we will feel more. But we will manage.
preacher1 1
Problem is though that the way that it was mandated from congress, it was an overall cut, not item by item, like more savings getting rid of consultants and crap. Congress has allowed logical exceptions IF the agency has asked for them but most of the agency heads either don't have the sense to figure out stuff like that, plus O has said to make it hurt.
preacher1 1
I got a friend over in tow that is drawing extended unemployment right now. The extended is federal and he said he got a notice about 2 weeks ago that said due to the sequester they were cutting unemployment
benefits by 10.7%, effective April 1.
It's amazing that we have gotten so far out of round that a balanced budget will never happen until something breaks....and then????
Richard Smith 1
Historians of the future will look back at this year, and say 2013 was the year the USA became a second-rate country because it quit spending money on true government functions (safety, military, etc.) and went downhill. The Republicans WIN, with their "small-government" argument.
That's right. Get out of businesses they shouldn't be in (social security, home mortgages, welfare, unemployment, Medicare, mail, education, automobiles, banking, nation building, and hundreds more). Then maybe they could do a decent job on what they are supposed to do. With so many departments, bureaus, programs, etc there is no way basically 500 part time people in DC can manage it correctly. No leaders just vote buyers now. Sunday sermon. Lol
Richard Smith 1
Pretty cold.
Yea, well the government (dems, reps, etc) leaves me cold. :-)


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