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2 Charged With Conspiracy, Perjury In San Bernardino Airport Scheme

SAN BERNARDINO ( — Two men faced multiple conspiracy and perjury charges Monday in connection with the development of the San Bernardino International Airport (SBIA) and related companies. Airport developer Scot Spencer and investor and co-conspirator Felice G. Luciano were named in a complaint filed in Superior Court alleging they conspired to commit grand theft by presenting false documents to be used as evidence, according to the District Attorney’s office. ( Más...

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Torsten Hoff 2
What's the world coming to when you can't back-date a lease, make up a non-existing contract with the Democratic National Committee, and then ask the airport to reimburse you $1.7M for "lost" business because a hangar wasn't ready?
Now where have I heard the name "Luciano" before? Go figure!
Diana Rose 0
Ditto That!
Doug MacLean 1
Is that the same Spencer who scammed and then bankrupted Braniff(3) back in the 1980's?
Diana Rose 0
Ditto that!!!
Ric Wernicke -2
Was the non-existing aircraft for use by Clint Eastwood's "empty chair" who was the premier candidate of the DNC and now sleeps in the Whitehouse?

btweston 2
Fascinating. You really, really want to hate that guy, don't you? What's that like?
David Lewis -2
I love the man. I hate what he is doing to our country.


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