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Fighting Fire on the Runway

The double-decker hull of the Airbus A380 super jumbo jet erupted in flames at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport. Firefighter Jason Basaldua headed toward it in a giant crash truck and within seconds began blasting the front exit door with a massive shower. ( Más...

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Roland Dent 1
Well readers of the Wall Sreet Journal this press release does not reflect the reality.

The first attenders did not have enough C02

THe first tenders did not have enough lquid nitrogen.

Even if the first attenders had the correct retardents none of them were trained in the use.

So if you guys who insure these machines want to reduce risk it might be agood idea to get smart.
joel wiley 3
The post exercise review is usually titled "How well we did and why not".
preacher1 2
Well, I had to wonder for a minute when DFW got approved for the A380, then let alone have one Donny, you pulled a good one
Toby Sharp 1
It still isn't approved for that beast bird....but they are starting concrete work on the South Western Cargo ops area.
Toby Sharp 1
*NorthWest....sorry my chair was turned around the wrong way
preacher1 1
Well, they already got 3 runways down there that are 200' wide; they'll have to get taxiways and terminals updraded to handle it won't they? I figure it's coming. Just a matter of when.
Roland Dent 2
How are ya Wayne? You been on vacation or something?
preacher1 2
I been here. Hadn't seen you on in a month or so
Roland Dent 2
Was over with LOT in Warsaw.
preacher1 2
What were you doing with them? I thought you were totally retired?
Roland Dent 2
I get calls if a company needs I will go for say two months. This time it to teach 'em how to stael customers off of LH. Not a difficult job ..LH has their panties in a bunch at the moment. For the last 20 years I was a commercial manager. I am too old now for the tools..haha

preacher1 2
10-4, I'm getting there. I've got that CRJ and the boss for awhile; 3-4 trips a month more or less but none of that Flight OPS director BS. I still get calls for advice
Toby Sharp 1
Donny Malinoff 3
Haha thanks guys! As a marketing guy at FlightAware, my goal is to bring compelling content for our users. Sorry for the false alarm... But glad you enjoyed!
joel wiley 3
Now that was a good lead-in sentence! No coffee spitting like Toby, but JEEEEEZ, that was eye-catching. Sorry I can only give it one thumbs up. Great article.
DFW and my local firefighting organization reminds me of the Coast Guard motto Semper Paratus. Thanx Donny
Toby Sharp 3
Donny.....for about 3 seconds you had me spitting coffee all over my computer immediately followed by a dash out the front door to look in the direction of DFW..........then I saw A380 and fire and knew it was the new firefighting deal.


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