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The world’s shortest Airbus A380 flights

Starting with a quick A380 flight of just over two hours, here are the world's five shortest superjumbo routes... ( Más...

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Peter Douglas 1
Did you all miss the focus of the story? This article is about short flights of an A380, yet the conversations here are about other types, and mostly long-haul problems.
Peter Douglas 1
sorry, maybe that was a bit strong, but ...
Michael Downs 1
Don't be sorry, you are right.
preacher1 1
The article is not totally about short hopping or they would not have put the last paragraph about the long haul. They are doing nothing special that any prudent business wouldn't do as far as utilizing equipment
Peter Douglas 1
yeah, my bad, I realised I was a bit snappy after I posted, but then it seemed I was stuck with the kneejerk comment I'd made.
preacher1 1
preacher1 1
Been there, Done that. I have a hard time believing anyone that says they haven't.LOL
greg howdy 1
most of time qf dallas to sydney usually diverts to brisbane ybbn
preacher1 1
The last paragraph talks about the LONGEST 380 flight being from LAX down to Melbourne. Good old Boeing has that beat and om the same airline. Qantas flies the 747 from DFW to down under somewhere so they don't need to brag too much.

Michael Downs 1
It is a refitted & upgraded 747 carrying a max of 364 pax. A standard 747 can't make it without a refuelling stop.
Brad Littlejohn 1
Problem with that one.

Since most of that leg (and it's KDFW-YSSY, BTW), is that the flight back down to Sydney is against the winds so badly that more times than not, they've had to make a stop in Fiji or Tahiti to refuel. Distance wise, it is longer than KLAX-YMML, but taking that stop for fuel into account, their now "world's longest flight", since SIA dropped the KEWR-WSSS flight, QFA's Dallas-Sydney run doesn't make it all the way back in one flight.
preacher1 1
You are correct although you don't see that fuel stop in the As Alistair says below in talking about the 340, I may be a Boeing man but from 707 days, I miss having 4 hanging out there. I can see the economics of it but there is nothing more gracful out there right now than a 340. They to will fall by the way after a few years.
alistairm 1
Airbus can still brag because the longest non-stop in the world right now is Newark to Singapore done by Singapore Airlines = 15,345 KM with an A340-500. The flight you are talking about is 3rd at 13,804 KM.


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