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Japan probe finds miswiring of Boeing 787 battery on ANA flight

TOKYO - A probe into the overheating of a lithium ion battery in an All Nippon Airways Boeing 787 found it was improperly wired, Japan's Transport Ministry said Wednesday. The Transport Safety Board said in a report that the battery of the aircraft's auxiliary power unit was incorrectly connected to the main battery that overheated, although a protective valve would have prevented power from the APU from doing damage. ( Más...

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jbqwik 1
An overlooked issue is, even if causation and a fix is found, what authority is willing to approve it? Talk about high profile..
ynot ssor 1
Hardly "overlooked", Emergency AD 2013-02-51 clearly states:

(g) Modification or Other Action
Before further flight, modify the battery system, or take other actions, in accordance with a method approved by the Manager, Seattle Aircraft Certification Office (ACO), FAA.
karl kettler 1
What?The battery of the APU was incorrectly wire to the main battery? There is something else that's not being explained.There is no reason for any interconnect between the two batteries unless they are meant work in series. Something doesn't make sense in that statement.
JetMech24 1
From what I have heard, all the batteries are wired together in a "gang".
Bobby Rhett 1
The eight cells in each battery are contained in a "gang" assembly, complete with thermal protection, electrical isolation, and monitoring circuitry.

The main and APU batteries are interconnected in a complex circuit that allows either battery to serve certain essential loads, most notably starting the APU. The default mode is both batteries in tandem (parallel, not series) for starting the APU. In the event of a failure of either battery, the other battery can handle the load on its own (albiet generating quite a bit more heat...)
What are the people at Boeing thinking? I use lipo batteries in my RC planes and you have to charge them in a charging bag. They catch on fire sometimes. I have no people on the planes Boeing should do the same thing.
Sean Rosenlieb 1
Because we all know elecrical systems have valves in them.
Fritz Steiner 3
Sean: Think about it before you ridicule it. What function do valves perform? If they're open they allow flow to occur. When shut they stop the flow. If they have a range of "openness" they regulate the flow. In this case the flow in question was electric current. In our parlance the "protective valve" would be called a circuit breaker.

The report came from the Japanese TSB. "Protective valve" undoubtedly is what the Japanese call a circuit breaker.
SpikeWhite 2
I used to have an Allied Short-wave receiver. The receiver was made in the late 1960s. The manual was written in Japan, where the receiver was made, and translated to English. The parts list had several odd parts called Voltage Stoppers (diodes) and Voltage Reducers (resistors).
congrats....might be the stupidest comment ever posted Joel
joel wiley 1
Why thank you Steven, I always aspired to be the apex of something. I am honored that you, being the ultimate arbiter of stupidity, would grant me that laurel.
Bobby Rhett 1
If I remember correctly, weren't these batteries replaced several times by ANA? While miswiring at the factory is possible, miswiring by mx is much more likely.

Check the other planes for miswiring, slap a sticker in the battery bay for reference, institute mandatory QC for battery mx, and get these birds back in the air.
JetMech24 2
The wiring is all done at the factory, all that mx does is unplug a connector then plug it into the new one, no actual wiring involved with a battery swap.
Chas DeVine 1
Disparaging nonsense will not help the situation! If you know TaLK, if you do not know LISTEN, if you don't know you don't know, shut-up.

My years as a Flight Test Inspector with the Boeing Co, gave me comfort knowing management would give me back-up. Boeing does strive for 'Zero Defects', their motto.

Everything that goes wrong is not under the care of The Boeing Co.
Michael Grinnan 1
Lets see here. The red wire goes to the + and the black wire goes to the -.

ynot ssor 1
If only these large transports were so simple!
jbqwik 0
While this demonstrates Murphys Law in action, to me, it's more about managements smugness (they fawned all over their elaborate "protective" systems), and, the apparent total lack of appreciation for the complexities of the 'simple' battery - which is one of the least understood devices (aside: Bell Labs had a full-time engineering staff dedicated to understanding the personality of a lowly lead-acid cell). I just would have though that with such cutting edge tech, they'd at least have considered and pre-qualified a Plan B (i.e., slide-in NiMH retrofit).
Bobby Rhett 2
It is hard to have a "slide in" retrofit that is twice the size and three times heavier, without even getting into the different monitoring requirements, operating temperatures, voltages, charging limits.....

Back to weights and balances.
jbqwik 1
I get it. But it'd still be flying, yes? (rhetorical)
Listen, it's hard to make a case with me when so much info was/is available on the LiON technology and assoc. problems/issues. The hubris is damning. I thought Boeing would be making history rather than repeating it.
Mark Lansdell 2
I think I remember reading something about the fawning and bragging some years ago when "they" said the Titanic unsinkable. Then I remember reading something someone said about remembering history or it will become redundant and repetitive.

[This poster has been suspended.]

Digbyesq 0
How on earth would you ever know your "buddy's sister-in-law's neighbour (sic) ?
brian beesley 1
Terrible spelling "Broght" is this not "bought?" "There" incorrect on three occasions should this not be "Their"
tim mitchell 2
well they do have a knack for electronics...........just saying
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
Ha Ha
Confirms what I have been saying all along !
What if the cause is not the battery BUT the system ( electrical ) ?
Like in a murder investigation , ALL plausible as well as implausible angles must be probed . To arrive at a definitive conclusion , beyond a shadow of doubt .
Keith Rutherford 0
Actually it is "reasonable" doubt...
Jackie Butcher 2
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Japanese Investigators Find ANA Dreamliner Battery Miswired

Investigators said that the plane's flickering wing and tail lights after landing, coupled with the fact that the battery was switched off, led them to conclude that miswiring was allowing current to travel from the APU to the battery in an irregular way. The Associated Press reports that the JTSB said that it still needs to conduct further tests before it is ready to say why the main battery overheated and start smoldering, prompting the emergency landing.
Mark Lansdell 3
Could be, I suppose. I would have done something more nefarious than swap a couple of wires in all that spaghetti. Maybe substitute a couple of lines of code in one or two of the computers, but mechanical subterfuge? Too easy to catch and this should have been caught at the assembly line. My bet is new piece of equipment new procedures, Whopes.
joel wiley 5
Call it paranoia, but could there be one or more AB moles in the 787 production line? Such things have happened before...
ReddogKS 1
Industrial espionage takes many forms and subtle sabotage detection is often a time evident endeavor.
John Danzy -2
Because no body at Boeing can screw up, right? We won't CALL it paranoia; it IS paranoia.

Take Boeing off the pedestal and treat them like any other company. Anyway, get off the computer. You're show "The Americans" is almost on.
Tom Walker 0
He is just acutely aware.
Like the Boeing moles in Toulouse?
Torsten Hoff 4
Why wasn't that caught during QC?
Mark Lansdell 2
I just hope that's the problem. Let's get these bad boys back to work and solve the engine problems. Probably nothing Roles Royce can't dope out.
Mark Lansdell -3
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Japan probe finds miswiring of Boeing 787 battery

According to the AP, ANA may have found a solution to Boeing's battery woes. According to an article this morning, Wednesday 2-20, the battery gang may have been miswired


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