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Spitfires to be dug up in Myanmar (Burma)

The British finally got permission to dig up those spitfires. ( Más...

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notaperfectpilot 1
hmmmm, I like this idea, flying one of these, if the guy ahead of you on final is too slow, just take him out with a few bullet rounds!
J.J. Lasne 0
Maybe the Burmese Air Force could use these aircrafts. I read that the Sabre jet fighters from the 50' s remained in service in the Bolivian Air Force until 1994.
Robert West 1
perhapa they might just be able to put together a flyable one.... or more ?
Allan Bowes 5
These are Mark XIV Spits which come with Griffon engines 5 bladed props etc. Very powerful 2200 to 2500 HP. Apparently there are over 60 crates. What a find.
Allan Bowes 3
Apparently these are Mark XIV Spits which means they have Griffon engines that are just outstanding. Horsepower is in the 2200 to 2500 range. They have 5 bladed props and reports now say there are over 60 of them. What a find!!! Small trivia note props on Griffon engines turn opposite to the Merlin engined aircraft.
James Church 3
My Dad was in the China, Burma, India theater in WW2. He was CO of an airbase. When they left, he said that they pushed a lot of equipment and P38's over a cliff, poured fuel on the pile and set it on fire. Those were the orders. He always regretted doing it.
egnilk66 1
This is pretty rad!
luigi niola 1
I hope it'll be possible to see photos/video about the excavation...
Ricky Scott 2
My Only complaint to Flight aware.
They have time to move duplicate squawks. But not to program a search function into squawks.
James Vance 1
If there was a search function, the number of duplicates would certainly drop -- I wouldn't have posted the Guardian story link separately had I seen the earlier squawk from the Google story, although as a UK source the Guardian has championed the cause of the man who has tirelessly been at the search for quite some time and was in danger of having a well-connected political insider gain the upper hand. The fact the long-time searcher finally won out over the usurper in gaining rights from Burma to undertake the excavation was as important as the move forward to salvage these legendary warbirds.
notaperfectpilot 1
I am taking donations to buy me one of those if anyone wants to help...
Robert West 2
ONLY if I get to fly it !
notaperfectpilot 2
nope, not happening
Robert West 1
Rats !!!!!!! LOL
notaperfectpilot 1
nah nah, you got to get you own spitfire :P LOL

Robert West 2
Oh man, I better get busy collecting aluminum cans Huh ?
notaperfectpilot 1
yep,that and glass bottles! Hey, that's what I've been doing now for about a day and I haven't gotten any closer then when I started! LOL
Robert West 1
You know I used to throw away all my cans from all the Pepsi I drink till the Missus made me aware of how much we could get back from recycling.. Bet I buy my spitfire first !!!! LOL
notaperfectpilot 1
Lucky, you can't get any money for cans in VA! LOL
Toby Sharp 6
why does everybody care if its a duplicate squawk.....don't read it if you already have......does flightaware give out cookies for making it known to others?
Alistair Hull -2
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Dozens of Spitfire planes to be excavated in Burma

After 16 years of searching and lobbying, David Cundall, 62, has signed a deal to recover the lost RAF planes, which are believed to have been packed in crates and hidden by British forces on the orders of Earl Mountbatten shortly before the United States bombed the Japanese city of Hiroshima on 6 August 1945
James Vance -2
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Burma Spitfires Big Dig

Dozens of Spitfire planes to be excavated in Burma

Agreement to dig up historic aircraft was signed by the Burmese government and an aviation enthusiast from Lincolnshire


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