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Authorities: TSA agents rescued kidnapped woman at Miami airport

A woman who was beaten, kidnapped and brought to Miami International Airport by her assailants could have been forced to fly with them to New York, but two alert Transportation Security Administration agents noticed that something was wrong, authorities said. ( Más...

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John Burnham 1
i used to say TSA stood for a Thousand Standing Around. i stand corrected now, make that 998 standing around.
Timothy Dempsey -1
I honestly do not understand the almost religious fervor that folks have for railing the TSA. I fly every week and I have always found them to be professional and thorough in their duties.... Not a pleasant job but I think they do it well.
Dennis Boisvert 1
you think kidnappers will go back to court
Robert Fleming 1
Congrats to the TSA agents for finally doing something helpful and getting something right
Ronald Padgett 0
Interesting. Perhaps after thanking them for saving her life she should sue them for profiling. I mean, if it weren't for TSA having to crotch grope every 3yr old they'd never have noticed that she was in trouble, right?
AWAAlum 1
What in the world did you read that put that idea into your head? You must have read a different article than I.

Ronald Padgett 1
Sorry for not being more specific.

"That's when the two TSA officers, who are trained to detect suspicious behavior that could be an indicator of a terrorist attack, used those skills to save the woman as she was about to go through the security checkpoint.

'The way that she was acting, we actually thought it was a case of an abduction because she looked very young,' Danielle said."

See... profiling. Somebody should sue for not being equally inspected.
[Oh, I'm being sarcastic here as well, by the way] :)
AWAAlum -1
So you're saying the fact that she had bruising all over her face, that made it all right for them to save her. But because she was young, it wasn't...and they should not have stepped in to help her because that was profiling. Is that what you're saying? They should have let them pass through no matter how terrified this young woman appeared, no matter what message her expression was sending. Heaven forbid we should watch after our young? Mr. Padgett, your thinking is twisted.
AWAAlum -1
Upon reflection, letting her pass through because she was young - seems to me THAT would also be profiling. I guess what you're saying is we aren't supposed to use our common sense and come to the aid of someone who looks as though they're in dire trouble. It's a world gone mad!
Telling anybody not to profile is like telling them you are no longer allowed to have thoughts about sex! Impossible thought control. Lol.
Dave Boxmeyer 1
Once in a while everyone gets lucky. However, I will give the TSA a well done for this.
Brian McNeil 1
for once the did something right for a change.
Trained Security Alertness .. Finally a TSA HAPPY ENDING
Airports are full of cops/security guards even in the old days. You have to be stupid to take a kidnapped person on a commercial flight when all they have to do is tell a cop they are being kidnapped. Duh! Didn't really need TSA to capture these idiots.
AWAAlum 1
I was thinking the same thing. Why would a kidnapper take the victim through an airport? What was their reasoning? Crazy.
Doesn't sound like a group I want to hang around with. LOL. Morons everywhere.
Isia Maria 1
With "friends" like those....
You are wrong JAMES WALLACE. It was the TSA agent that noticed something out of the ordinary about the female and engaged the situation. The kidnapped woman had been beaten,and was going along with the kidnappers demands. It was the TSA agents who engaged the female. Duh!
She didn't go along too much. She told the agents she was being abducted. I'm not saying the agents didn't do a good job, but I don't think this hairbrained scheme had a prayer of success with or without TSA. IMHO.
Toby Sharp 8
We all know what we normally say about TSA......But let's give credit where credit is due on this one! Good Job TSA!
Dave Boxmeyer 1
Every once in a while everyone gets lucky. I will give the TSA a well done on this one.
Well said Toby Sharp. It's amazing how many sad people have taken this article as a sounding board to be negative towards the TSA ,instead of being thankful that this woman is safe. It's a 99% chance that she was headed for more danger, possibly grave danger. You are right when you said, "But let's give credit where credit is due on this one! Good Job TSA!"
Isia Maria 0
Yes. You are right. I WILL give credit where credit is due. I'm glad that the two agents had the presence of mind to notice something was wrong with a person in their queue. Kudos to them for doing their jobs well.

What I will not do is congratulate the TSA as an agency. Not when their baseline track record, behavior, and results are so low, so egregious, and so unproven. If this makes me "sad" "pathetic" "I have no life" "classless" "angry" "uneducated" "stupid" (plus way too many other names that have been flung around here and on the linked article) then so be it.

Yes I AM angry that this organization still exists, is expanding their reach, and operates AS IT DOES. I'm glad no harm came to the woman and that she remains safe once back home but this action doesn't cancel out years worth of bad behavior and budget mismanagement by an agency. I resent the cheerleaders who are using it to say that it somehow should or that it proves the TSA is A-OK.

I'll just leave this here:
ray jones 2
It's the only thing they have ever done right. The TSA is nothing but window dressing and a waste of man power and resources.
chasingblue 5
what's that saying...something about blind squirrels finding nuts...? :)
Karl Kurz -1
bbabis : According to my own experience with TSA agents in the United States, I agree completely with you.
bbabis 1
The TSA needs to use anything they can for accolades. Thank God she was saved from whatever misfortune but it sounds more like stupid criminals than sharp TSA agents.
sparkie624 4
WOW, TSA Did something right... Good go.. Now if some of the other TSA's around the world can follow suit.
Charles Meade 4
Congrats to the TSA agents for job well done! I'm sure you both will rest easy at night, knowing your contribution to safety of this unfortunate woman.
David Sims 1
So 11 years and 6 billion dollars after 9/11, TSA managed to find a kidnapped woman in a public place. Makes you wonder how they got her that far without someone getting suspicious.
Jeffrey Babey 12
For all the beating up we do on the TSA it's nice to see a story like this. Nice job TSA! :)
Chuck Me 3
Well said.
Lewis Tripp 4
Dubslow 8
Congrats to the TSA agents (there's a first) for being alert and aware as opposed to the rule-following zombies we've taken them to be.
Rich Dunn 1
The agents were really astute. They noticed bruises on both sides of the woman's face and rug burns on her shoulder. Anyone with common sense would have picked up on that.
"Anyone with common sense would have picked up on that". Well let's see Mr. Dunn. Miami International Airport, thousands of people walking around from many different countries,many different cultures, hundreds of cops patrolling the airport. Ummm,I guest none of them had any common sense, right? WRONG!!!! Common sense is not what was used to saved this woman, but behavior traning was.
"In the course of their duty, they did what they were trained to do,” said Mark Hadfield, the agency’s director at MIA. “They saw stress, they saw fear, and it turned out that this woman was in really dire danger.”
Colin Payette 4
It kind of helps that she asked for help.
She didn't ask for help until after the two TSA agents asked her if she was in danger.


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