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TSA Let 25 Illegal Aliens Attend Flight School Owned by Illegal Alien

The illegal-alien flight-school attendees included eight who had entered the country illegally and 17 who had overstayed their allowed period of admission into the United States, according to an audit by the GAO. Six of the illegal aliens were actually able to get pilot’s licenses. ( Más...

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Bob Prevot 1
The idiot in charge should be the first to go. The leadership is laughable.
You gotta ask yourself " how is it they can afford to come here and take flight training, but can't get legal"?
pilot0987 1
Think about it. We as america are cheap and undesirable.
preacher1 2
Well,cheap maybe but if so undesirable, why do they all come wanting what we have.
My short answer is that illegals are here to steal from America and Americans. Stealing does not just involve money or possessions. They are stealing our culture, our safety, our reputation, our services,our education, etc, etc, etc, etc, .......They contribute nothing in return and are overall a drag on our society. I've heard the old crap about they do jobs no one else will do until I could puke. It don't hold water. The fricken tomatoes will get picked. Will they cost a little more? Maybe. But what do we pay out in social service to them, and when they run an American over with their car with no insurance, who picks up those pieces. I welcome them all, but first become a legal and an American. Other wise you are a common thief.
Roland Dent 1
Precisely..and which banks are helping them.
My guess is this upstanding business man had a hand in getting them here. I'm just sure he pays his fair share of taxes too!
Another case of the American taxpayer getting shafted by illegals.
Roland Dent 1
In my view the FBI needs to be more procactive That may mean upsetting some in Congress.... From what I understand your constitution has been violated anyway..maybe this was just chicken feed to what they focus on ..who knows?
Yes it's chicken feed, times 15 to 20 million. The tide will turn!
Jared Maurtua 2
I didn't know aliens flew planes. I thought they were in UFO's.
Carlos DaSilva 0
We can only hope and pray no profiling led to this discovery.Obama needs to have Eric Holder delve into why Massachusettsis questioning our uninvited guests about their nationality.We're all Americans here, right?
Down to about 50 percent true Americans who actually believe in the constitution.
preacher1 1
Well, it doesn't appear to be profiling. It was a routine TSA "no terrorist warning " approval. The crux of the article seems to be that the system doesn't check for illegal aliens and that don't need to happen, regardless of your political or personal leanings. One of the reasons people want to come here in the 1st place is because of the lifestyle we have and there is a legal way for someone to enter into that and partake of it. In order to do that, the process is purposely made with a degree of difficulty in order for a person to really want it.Our lifestyle is not something to be taken lightly and I don't like having to press#1 for English.IMHO
Carlos DaSilva 2
It will be oprima dos por Ingles if we lean any more forward.
EDWARD moore 1
where the hell is the INS?
preacher1 1
left hand not talking to the right again. Same as pre 911

[This poster has been suspended.]

Your statement is not PC correct. You will now not be able to be president. :-p
Roland Dent 1
James this Rudd remark is incitement to engender hatred. It is exactly what certain politicians want. We cannot continue as we are. We must root out the bad guys who pretend to be good guys. No one wants bloodshed apart from a very few terrorists.
preacher1 1
Roland I will grant you that, but you cannot tell me that you don't see the same thing over there. Yes, the extremist bring on most of it but if you take the whole Quran literally then the violence and path to it is there. Many choose to ignore that part of it, just as some Christians ignore part of the Bible. You are doing as I said below, disagreeing with the opinion and giving reasons and alternatives, rather than just questioning his intelligence. For that I am grateful and proud to call you a freiend.
Having the right to spout our opinions wasn't given freely. I sure gave mine on illegals knowing that not many agree with me.
FedExCargoPilot 1
if you don't have something intelligent to say, don't say it at all.
preacher1 1
Well, I must chime in here with my 2cts worth; As myself and Mr Wallace and Mr Rudd have worked and retired and/or built and sold out businesses as well, not to mention fighting a war or 2,before some of you were even born, whether you agree or disagree with
Mr.Rudd is not really the issue here. The issue is that he has earned the right to say it, just as much as you have a right to type an opposing view, but you really don't have any good standing to question his intelligence that I can see. As you progress in your training and get your certificates, if you wind up in a right seat of a commercial machine somewhere, you might have a left seat that espouses the same opinion as he does. Whatcha' gonna do then? I don't know him personally but he seems like a crusty old bird and CRM might not save your ass.
Ole Phil probably just has an aversion to someone trying to blow up his airplane. go figure!
preacher1 1
Roland Dent 1
Wayne the Nazi beheaded my uncle and inprisoned my mother..deos that give me good reason to bear a grudge agin contemporary Germans?. I hate Kraut Krap Kars but I do not carry that forward to the German people themselves or way of life. If one of our women folk was being fondled by a German TSA type at a German airport my recolve may well go it the window along with the next 7 days which would be in a jail.
preacher1 2
I understand. Like a lot of us, we would like to undo our past. I was in Germany as an Army brat in 58 and while waiting on base quarters we lived out on the economy for awhile amongst some of the finest people I ever met, BUT, when you started talking about the war and what they did, they went deathly quiet. As is happening here now, there were a lot of them drank Hitler's Kool Aid and it gave them a bad bellyache and they were trying to get rid of it. I really didn't start thinking about that until I got older and really started getting into the history of what all did happen. I don't hold a grudge toward any of them but, right or wrong, you can't help but think about that when you meet someone of that nationality and age group. While very blunt and to the point,what Phil is saying is that it was Muslim folks that caused 911 and right or wrong, because of that we all suffer thru this right now and it is human nature to put them all in the same grouping, whether deserved or not.In all probability, in regards to the fondling, either ya'll have light senteces over there or my resolve is stonger than yours, because 7 days would not even be a good start here.
Roland Dent 1
Mr Rudd...that remark was offensive and there are many of us on here who totally respect the Muslim religion and way of life. Please do not fall into the trap. There are many who put their lives on the line for YOU.
Estes Nathan 1
Privatized Security in my opinion would do a better job
John Hopkins 0
As long as its not G4S.
Martin Weaver 4
TSA is more interested in its next mission which is concentration camp duties after Barry is safely reelected. You must comply; you must show your papers; you must comply. Many TSA employees couldn't pass the most basic criminal screening, and they are screening us. It's double think and double speak: security is the opposite of our understanding of security. The regime is secure, but we are not.
AccessAir 1
Yeah, except if you are an illegal alien or want to vote and youre not a citizen...
Roland Dent 1
Well Martin I have seen some horrendous searches at airports in the EUR done by private security people but there are always ferderal agents close by who look really tough and the private people look tough enough. I am surprised at just how invasive these searches are especially on women. I am not entirely sure I could stand by and let one of my kin undergo these invasions.
Clive Peterson 3
TSA dog and pony show, it is for looks but thats it, Pilots and Maint staff can bypass them and the security, I would bet OFTEN. But we worry so much about offending an Illegal alien we powder the butss and wish them well.

Find them deport them same day, and not at the border by USA/Mexico clear on the far side. Let them make way across country. But in this case they will just fly back
Lewis Tripp 1
Iran would be a good place for them.
racinron 2
You have got to be kidding me! Who is in charge?
Bob Prevot 1
The idiot in charge should be the first to go.
John Hopkins 2
Grandma and little Johnny are so much earier to 'screen'
Frank Albert -1
Just more government bungling. No communication between bureaus. As I said in another string, illegal is illegal no matter how you got to be illegal. I like how it was downplayed by saying that they were not from the middle east but from latin america. Don't matter if you are a muslim or a catholic latin american, you're still illegal!
JJ Johnson 7
"Illegal" means Obama voter that is why they are over looked. What country in the world allows you to sneak across the border under the cover of darkness and then suck money off the system in that country? No other on Earth but America.That's why we are going broke and suffer through the TSA insanity and other issues.

Political Correctness is killing America like a tumor.
preacher1 1
Amen!! see my post below
There is a lot of anomocity in many of the strings on this site (me included). I grew up in the 60's when racism reached the break point. By the end of the 90's it was pretty much a non issue except for a few Jessie Jackson types. Our own government has since caused more division between people with political correctness and class warfare than anyone else. IMHO we are not far from riots again.
preacher1 1
Sounds like you and me ain't far
Damn, what are you people going to do when you run out of stuff to blame Obama for???
Next thing he'll be blamed for is ED and VD...
preacher1 2
Nah, he's already blamed those on Bush.LOL

preacher1 4
Well, regardless of your politics, this is from the 1st part of the article "We have cancer patients, Iraq War veterans and Nobel Prize winners all forced to undergo rigorous security checks before getting on an airplane," said Rogers, "and at the same time, ten years after 9/11, there are foreign nationals in the United States trained to fly just like Mohammed Atta and the other 9/11 hijackers did, and not all of them are necessarily getting a security background check." That being said, later in the article, it says the PROGRAM is not designed to check immigration status. That needs fixing and when discovered, INS needs a call RIGHT THEN, bt then they need telling directly that these folks need a one way tip to the border RIGHT THEN!!!!!!You speak of OBAMA. It don't matter who is there. When you are at the top, you get the glory or the crap, whichever is due, whether it was your accomplishment, screwup, or something you had absolutley no part in. Fact is, somebody is asleep at the switch right now and crap like this is happening everwhere, and it seems to shock us old folks that have raetained a little common sense.
It's not Obama or Bush or Clinton. It's the federal gov't as a whole. They are broken and cannot fix themselves because they are their own overseers. Only we can fix them by voting them out every term or revolt. Take your pick. Otherwise the can gets kicked down the road until the road ends. If you have faith that they will do what is right for America (as opposed to what's good for them) then I hope you are right and I am wrong.
JJ Johnson 5
Of course they slipped through the cracks. Other security issues go unnoticed everyday they just don't make the press. The TSA must continue to fondle Grandma's and perform their security theatre to satisfy Politically Correct edicts against profiling why should TSA be concerned with real security threats?

The only reason the TSA exists is to make people "feel" safe and not violate our insane politically correct ideology.

Issue the pilots a 45 and profile you would never need TSA again.
Chip Hermes 12
The TSA's (unofficial) motto used to be "Protecting you against yesterday, tomorrow." But I guess even that's not true anymore.
Marcus Pradel -4
Gotta love the Xenophobic nature of the latest security leaks/news stories..

This is the first time I've ever sided with the TSA: Those 25 people were background-searched and approved by the TSA. CPB/ICE (also a federal Agency under DHS) doesn't like anyone doing their job, thus verification of status is not as simple to accomplish.

It's too bad the school owner's papers weren't in order, or this would not have been a story.

Pilot candidates from all over the world travel here for training. Because it's cheaper, structured, ATC is accommodating.. It creates jobs, tax revenue.

The flight training industry could not survive exclusively on American pilot candidates.
I don't think most are against training foreign pilots, just illegal foreign pilots.
preacher1 -1
I think the problem in most peoples mind when they read something like this is still 911.
Mark Neill 2
Actually, it could. It wouldn't be like it is currently though. Too much cost, because people are willing to pay.


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