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NTSB & FAA employees involved in Mid-Air collision

Investigators learned that the planes involved in Monday afternoon's mid-air crash in Fauquier County, near Washington DC, were registered to employees of the FAA and the NTSB. Canadian TSB invited to investigate the crash. ( Más...

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Gary King 1
As aggrivated as I get at the beaureucratic mindset of the United States F.A.A and N.T.S.B, I still believe these folk are professional enough to complete an investigation of an incident concerning their own. Keep it in the U.S.. That said...God be with the involved aviators and their families.
Stewart Smith 1
I fear being a passenger in an AUTOMOBILE being driven by a septuagenarian, let alone the prospect of sharing aviation airspace with a plane being flown by one.

Of course there are exceptions. I watched Bob Hoover perform a few years ago at an airshow when he was at an advanced age, and he was wonderful. People like him are however the exceptions and are dependant upon them keeping up their flying recency, which becomes more and more necessary with age, yet the opposite often takes place instead, which leads to most unsafe flying by many seniors.

I do not know which plane was at fault with this particular accident, but on "general principles", I have my suspicions.

Richard Shirley 1
I gave up flying at 72 not for age as much as staying currant If I was out in the country I might still be flying VFR but not IFR Its too busy these days But I still will take a older pilot or at least one with a few thousand hours over young 500 hour one You learn when you fly if your smart
Richard Shirley 1
Sad hate to see anyone in a midair My heart goes out to the family's
John Danish 1
No matter who they were, or who they worked for, my sympathy for the family. As far as Canada transport, they are professionals. We as pilots would like to see the cause......closure is better than conflict.
s. j. drake 2
Phil Rudd's commente from two days ago were off base, rude and insensitive. He's probably on food stamps and govt. support and still angry about not getting ahead.
Ralph Wigzell 1
linbb 2
Doesnt matter who you are or what you do these things will happen to the best pilot for reasons that only they could tell you about or a camera on board could. Dont fault them unless you can walk in there shoes people please. Feel for there familys and loved ones as they are suffering that many could not even think about. May they rest in peace.
Richard Shirley 1
So true Boyd
sparkie624 1
What are the chances.. Would almost venture to say that they were friends having fun and one or the other goofed up... I think they FAA made the right decision to get the Canadians to investigate.
Scott Keller 1
Zero chance... Paul was giving the pilot of the BE 36 a biannual flight review. He was a chief pilot for a local flight school, a true professional.
JD345 2
How abnormally prudent of two government agencies.

[This poster has been suspended.]

Jim Lewis 1
Interesting comment Phiilip...and incongruent (meaning: not congruent). Makes the rest of us wonder why you'd waste your time on a silly forum like this one. Now put some clothes on, head upstairs from the basement, and wash your hands, son...I'd wager it's time for your supper.
That was a DUMB and IGNORANT statement!!!!! Many people that are and that are not FEDERAL employees own their own planes. They could have save and invested their money just like you could have to purchase an airplane. Just because you can't afford one, doesn't mean other people shouldn't have one. You don't know were the money came from for the planes. They could have won a lottery, invested in stocks, got an inheritance, or just worked hard and saved every penny. This is still AMERICA. Don't hate and don't envy your neighbors success phil rudd!
Josh Sassin 6
Its comments like yours, Phil Rudd, which really irritate everyone. I didn’t know them personally, but I’m sure they were good men. As far as the comment you made about them being over paid at your expense, again another irritating ignorant comment you have made. These men (federal employees) worked to promote safety and to serve everyone in the aviation community. It never ceases to amaze me how there will always be people like you who feel the need to bring down those who have worked hard and achieved something in life. I guess we know who you’ll be voting for this year…..
linbb 5
Just because they can you whine about it doubt if they make all that much and have worked for years to get it and probalby scratch hard to keep the plane. Go find another place to whine about the fact you are not a big shot looking down on people POS.
Stonesurfer 2
The survivor and one of the deceased were both Lt. Cols in the Civil Air Patrol. Godspeed.
jim garrity 2
Our hearts and prayers go out to all that know (knew) them.
Dubslow 1
KingAir06a -2
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

US Asks Canada to Ivestigate Mid-Air With FAA, NTSB Ties

The midair collision of two small planes about 50 miles from Washington is under investigation by Canadian officials because one plane was owned by an FAA employee and the other by an NTSB employee, federal officials said Tuesday.
Dubslow 7
1) The persons involved were respectively employees of the only two US organizations involved in maintaining air safety.

2) Said government organizations voluntarily and speedily addressed the conflict of interest and ask Canada to do it.

What are the odds?
sparkie624 1
I wondering if they knew each other and may have been doing something stupid... IE: Playing Chicken?
Scott Keller 2
Zero chance... Paul was giving the pilot of the BE 36 a biannual flight review. He was a chief pilot for a local flight school, a true professional.
Cow Bert 1
I believe the prime motivator was CYA. If the families of the deceased decide to file lawsuits, the FAA and NTSB don't want to be caught in the conflict of interest crossfire.
There used to be an accident investigator who was on tv a lot investigating some famous crashes. I think he flew a Beech 36. He did the crash in the Everglades.

Thought of his name--Greg Feith, I believe. Wasn't him anyhow. Bad deal for those involved and they have my sympathy.


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