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Flying Through a Hurricane Eye Wall

Great footage of reconnaissance of/in Hurricane Irene. ( Más...

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ron moultrie 1
you guys must be nuts
Sam Wilson 1
That's amazing. I must say I would love to experience it. I'd probably be scared sh**less but hey. Once in a life time thing for someone who doesn't work with them
btweston 1
Sweet typewriters.
ltcjra 1
Very exciting when watching on full screen!!
indy2001 1
Sign me up. I'll go any time a seat is available. These people do a real service to the rest of us, in terms of understanding storms in general and predicting the strength and path of each individual storm.
shawn white 1
Is it really worth risking lives and expensive aircraft to fly through the hurricane? Can't they monitor the hurricane from satellites or local weather stations? What data do they collect that is so crucial?
preacher1 1
As technology progresses in years to come, it may be possible for them to quit, but as you listen to the video you will hear them say this is the only way they can get the info they need. This is one of them better ideas from years ago that technology has not replaced so far.LOL
Roland Dent 1
Makes ya wonder why Walmart needs all this info Wayne..dontchya think?
preacher1 1
no idea.
Roland Dent 1
Wayne forgot to ask you think chalet is an aviator lady?
preacher1 1
I'll keep my dog out of that fight.LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Roland Dent 1
Hey Wayne you got 4 bars man..I only got 3.
preacher1 1
Yeah, and they are hangin in the closet gathering dust right now. I did one fill in for my ex employer this past month, but with AMR in BR, DAL closing their MEM base( and that bunch took care of that over there last month anyway) and Pinnacle in BR, I'm doing some sales work over at the truckline and just trying to learn how to enjoy the creekbank and my back porch more. I have worked my whole life and never took up any real Hobbies so it is all catching up right now. To boot, the wife said she took me for better or worse, but not underfoot all day. My physical goes out the end of May. I am gonna take it next week and go for the waivers again but there is a new crowd in OKC so I don't know if they'll grant them or not.
Roland Dent 1
Buy some head 'phones and relive your youth thru Glen Millar on youtube.
preacher1 1
Roland Dent 1
Ahh the stillness of the long empty days...watching discovery channel..Al Ja Zeehra and Russia Today..phantasising about Svetlana Kapanina and maybe buying a new Mustang...boring as hell...
Roland Dent 1
Better still watch stuff like this on youtube: Top Gun Over Russia ( Full Documentary )
David Sims 2
This is how they get the information on pressure readings in the eye, and wind speeds that are reported on the news. They are flying in these storms when they are well away from land, out of reach from local weather stations and weather radar. Without this data, it would be much harder to predict landfall and intensity.
David Sims 1
It still amazes me that the NOAA and the AF Reserve fly into hurricanes. Being from near Keesler AFB, I have heard stories of flights into storms, including one that ended with a C-130 limping back to Florida with multiple engine failures due to hail damage to the oil coolers.
Falconus 1
I think that hurricanes are quite different from thunderstorms - I don't think that that the vertical development is the same. I am not saying that there is no hail in a hurricane, but I've never heard of it, and I think that the turbulence in a hurricane is more related to straight line winds, not updrafts and downdrafts (which would be my chief concern if I were flying through a thunderstorm). Nevertheless, I am not a meteorologist, so there is a decent chance that I am not giving an accurate representation. It would be good of a meteorologist could come along and clarify.
preacher1 1
David is correct here below. As you watch the next one on radar, you will see that it is affecting and causing weather 3-500 miles out ahead of it.

David Sims 1
Actually a hurricane is a large formation of intense thunderstorms centered on an extreme low pressure system. Hurricanes spawn tornadoes, hail, and all the other goodies that thunderstorms have.
mygala 1
Actually, this is footage from Hurricate Emily in 2005. It's from the 2007 IMAX movie StormChasers. A great flick for an IMAX, lots of aerial footage. Don't know why it's resurfaced now, or labeled Irene?.
gdpballin 1
where do i sign up
preacher1 1
Reminds me of busting super bad wx between MEM and LIT on DAL one night. Definitely wouldn't want to do it again.LOL
n111ma 1
I'll pass! My baron and I would get chewed up and spit out!
John Hale 2
no thanks. Not my type of fun flying.


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