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Lockheed's "retail" flight-sim software causes buzz in industry

Lockheed's Orlando-based training-simulation division introduced the newest software last month, offering it to classroom teachers retail-style for $49.95 per license. The educator version's debut came little more than a year after Lockheed had started selling an advanced version to professional pilots for $199.95. As defense contractors face potentially historic cutbacks in U.S. militaryspending in coming years, it is crucial that Lockheed develop new lines of business, company… ( Más...

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Craig G 1
Has anyone downloaded this yet and tried it out?
Shad Bell 1
How does this differ from FSX or FS9??
meeverett 1
Like Paul said, it is effectively a fully-baked version of the commercial version of FSX (it was called ESP). It will use multiple cores, has better graphics, and is compatible with a number of FSX add-ons. Since it is based on ESP, with enough hardware and money, you can get 360 degree views and actually create a decent sim environment. Something like this:
Boatinman 3
It's FSX on roids..
Paul Smith 2
its basically what FSX should have been if Microsoft didn't release it too early. Its updated, it has a new source code, and it is backwards compatible with most FSX addons. It also is being supported currently and being updated constantly (unlike FSX or FS9).

Scott Keller 1
Here's the link to view the "Prepar3D" experience...


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