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US Gov't Accountability Office (GAO) notes major problems for F-35 & P-8, optimistic about KC-46

According to the GAO, continuing capability problems dog development of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter leaving the door open for more and more delays, while poor mission performance of the 737-based P-8 Poseidon puts the entire program at risk (Pages 73 & 117). On the opposite end of the spectrum, the GAO paints a much roseier picture of the planned 767-based KC-46 program (page 103). ( Más...

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alistairm 2
They should just put a disclaimer on the front page: "To save yourself from misery and depression, please go directly to page 103." Oh well, 1 out 3 is not all that bad, lol.

BC Hadley 2
In the old days, wasn't this known as the General Accounting Office?


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