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Jury: GE engine caused crash that killed 9 firefighters

PORTLAND -- A jury ruled that a problem with an engine was responsible for the 2008 crash of a helicopter that killed nine firefighters, including 7 from Oregon, during a wildfire in Northern California. ( Más...

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linbb 1
It was all in the NTSB report if you know how to read the document, also the jury quite often goes with emotion not expert data. The NTSB does and did read i befor you comment any further. Also do you even fly?

Jason Rhew 1
Actually I do fly, I fly for a living.- I'm skipper on a super-mid. If you read the NTSB report then sorry if I didn't have my facts before I opened my mouth. It is a bit emotional, I'm from Oregon and lived there when the crash occurred.
linbb 1
Great now the deep pockets are going to suffer due to stupid people who dont understand flying or how the aircraft operates. It was overloaded plane and simple that was determined early on. The pilot killed them due to his wanting to take too much load on a hot high day. Hope GE doesnt pay and drags this on as it will cost everyone due to the stupid jury.
Jason Rhew 0
So you know the fuel load when they lifted off? you know the performance data on the S-16? Come on man you think that the OC for GE didn't blow that guy out of the water with his theory?
If it was a factual case the victims would've been counseled to settle and not peruse the case.


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