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Plane returns to airport after bird strike

An international flight from Houston was turned around Monday after a bird strike. ( Más...

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Chris Donawho 0
Are headed to or deeply submersed in the toilets. Man, unions suck balls.
Chris Donawho 0
Nevermind, this is too hard to do on an Android. Posts go up on the wrong strings or just incomplete. Any future replies will have to wait until i am home on a pc with a real keyboard.
Chris Donawho 0
The witness was a young and dumb twit (just like i like em), who is oblivious to anything going on beyond her facebook account.
bees31ballard 2
Looking at Flightaware data, it was greatly over exaggerated the amount of time the plane was in the air. The plane looks like it hit something about 4000 feet and then started descending after no more than 10 minutes into the flight. I researched this because I was curious of birds being at 35K+ in the air. canadian Geese can get to 5000 feet (see Sully's Plane. People believe and think what they want to think. Perhaps the passenger meant 40 minutes after they left the gate. The media can twist stuff all over to make a sensational story. The plane was only in the air 23 minutes total including the time to circle back and land.. We are all thankful this turned out good for all on board.
They mule dope.
ken young 1
I was like you know it ok If I like talk to you with this you know big like green blob of gum in my yapper?
My question is how can people so stupid make enough money to be able to afford to fly to Peru?
Garry Morrison 1
I am glad there wasn't any collateral incidents, "like" engines shut down or "like" having to perform a crash landing or "like" landing in the ocean... "like" "like" "like". On the other hand, "like" - she was cute.
MasterG152 1
Is that like really the only person they could like find to give like an interview or something?
Look at the flight track at

40 minutes? What were they doing, dragging their feet?
ken young 1
yes..fred and barney were flying the plane.
From the flight log, it looks like the strike actually happened about 5 minutes after takeoff - at 4,000 ft. altitude. That seems considerably more reasonable that 40 minutes and 30k+.
Like, y'know how yer, like time sense gets all, like, messed up when yer under, like, stress, y'know, it's like it seems like it jut takes like forever to get calmed down! It was totally like, intense, y'know?
George General 1
I was on a military aircraft that hit a Canada Goose at 31,000 feet one night. The impact cracked the right front windscreen and we had to land. Nobody could offer an explanation why the goodse was flying that high, but the evidence was smeareed down the side of the fuselage, so.......?
I read once in Flying Magazine of a bird being hit at 35,ooo feet.How do those things breath that high anyway.Glad you landed safely though for whatever you were flying in at that altitude it
had to be getting on with it.
Chris Donawho 0
Wow... Reporters have a knack for sniffing out the twits. Somewhere at home sits a proud mother and
Paul Claxon 1
Can't Flightaware keep these creeps off of here ?
preacher1 0
Mine seem to be OK James. Replies are to whomever and they are not necessarily in time order but mine seem OK past that.
masedogg 2
Lies are to whomever and they are not necessarily in time order but mine seem OK past that.

Chris Donawho 0
Nevermind, you answered my question already.
I wish they good like get these threads in like some kind of like order. It's like hard to like read, but interesting
preacher1 0
Well, I just fibbed to you; I took a closer look and they are all across the board.
They stayed at a downtown hotel? That's a huge drive, even without traffic. Why not just stay at the airport Marriott, or other nearby hotel/motel?
sparkie624 1
Geez... Really hunting for News. This happens all the time. Why is this one news. I have picture of a Turkey hung in the Leading Edge of a plane. Seen birds go through cockpit windshields, One into a Radome, Captain Continue Flight, Called us in MOC and said when he lands he will need to defer his Radar. He called back after landing and said he knew what the radar problem was.. A large bird went though the Radome, Through the Radar unit and was lodged in a bulk head... None of those were news. Why is this one.

Hmm, wonder what was going through that birds head???? If you thought anything other than the Airplane, you would probably be wrong.
Chris Donawho 0
The last thing that went through that bird's head was his ass! ;)
FedExCargoPilot 2
I like how they show a 777 and it was a 767-300, the media can never get it right. I hope that the bird was ok.
Matt Underwood 3
"we were like 40 minutes into our flight." Really, you must have hit some seriously extra terrestrial birds flying at around 36,000 feet. What is wrong with people.
David Brooks 2
The various TV stations in Houston broadcasted various things. That UA 847 had returned to IAH after bird strikes. Some stations reported it being a 737. The helicopter pictures kept showing a 777. The flight was actually a 763 starting in LAX to IAH to LIM. There must have been some damage to the 763 as they cancelled the flight in IAH. Must not have had any backup aircraft available.
panam1971 1
Why does it seem that most of these reporters don't know a lick about identifying aircraft types? A 767 doesn't look much like a 737.
Elfyn Hanks 4
This is like extra scary like coz when the plane hit something like it started moving along like in turbulence like and then they said we hit birds like and had to go back like and everyone was like oh my god like.
Why do the press feel the need to get quotes from people like this. There must have been someone intelligent on the plane.
preacher1 1
Well, I didn't catch no fish but had a good time. It does make one wonder how they picked him out of the whole bunch.I have already expressed my opinion of
Joseph Girone 13
This was, like, a very interesting story. Like, I hope the passengers weren't too, like, scared or anything.
jkarides96 4
I love, like, counting, like how many, like, ya know, like times they say like, "like" in their like, sentence.
Toby Sharp 3

I'm assuming this was the flight and if so it looks that they only reached 4000'.I have to wonder when they had the collision for the ways it looks it was much sooner than was reported by the witness.
John Hale 2
Ok bak to the point of this topic. looking at the flight track they barley made it to east bay before turning around so they may have been at 20,00 feet or less
Wow.I have to wonder just what altitude they were at being 40 minutes out and how big that bird must have been to have flown to that altitude.
Victor Engel 1
There have been bird strikes as high as 37,900 feet.
Yea sure have.One was with a Turkey Buzzard and a Golden Hawk.Those are some big big birds.Just wish they had seats on them.HAHA.We had an F-15ef hit one low level here in VA. on a trainging route once and it was really bad.The plane was lost and the crew barely survived.
Victor Engel 1
P.S. What has bird size to do with anything? Did you know hummingbirds regularly fly across the Gulf of Mexico?
preacher1 4
Well, you have to consider the source. The story says not far out then that Jo Bob that has to use "like" as every other word in his conversation is the one that said 40 minutes. He's probably the type that can't wipe his butt without asking for advice on TWITTER.
Lol Wayne.You right and they probably held for 30 on the tarmac.I know here when they would get the plane loaded that if there was an ATC take off for flow control delay they would taxi out away from the gate and set on the ramp or the hold area on a taxiway for up to an hour.When i asked one of the crews one day why the answer made sense.They were paid once they left the gate.In 20+ years in G.A. management I found there were lots of things the old man didn't know abut commercial aviation.
preacher1 0
That pay business just started changing in the last few years with the advent of new contracts, as well as in some of the mergers. Used to be you got paid for a flight when you checked in at OPS ready to go, but as the capacity and flight cuts stated coming and last minute cancellations started happening, the Airlines started changing it to hold down costs.If they don't leave, they don't get paid. That is a big underlying factor, BUT, there is also the issue of gate space as well. If they are under ATC hold, they will probably go to the ramp. If they were under a hold from their on folks, such as a ground stop somewhere, they may or may not stay at the gate. That's one thing I liked about flying big iron corporate. They had me on a salary for so many days and then per hour on excess time over that, and I hardly ever got even close to that excess. I was blessed.
This is why I loved working G.A. mmuch.It pretty much simple and straight forward most of the times.Just wish the pay was a little better but the fun of it all made it a carear I would not have given up for anything.My Regional Manager once told me he bet I would have worked in this profession for a dollar an hour and I told him he was nut's , I mean after all did he think I would admit that I actually would.LOL
preacher1 0
I know the feelin'. At times, I would think it would be glamourous, walking through a PAX terminal to your plane, all spiffed up in your uniform and all that, but as I heard some of the horror stories over the years, I got real well satisfied what I had. For those guys, money was all of it. I was lucky in that I really liked mine. It was a good feeling to have the CEO of the company know you and call you by your first name.
And that my frind is Corporate Aviation.Alway's seemed to me that I was seeing an old friend even when I met them the 1st time.One big family we are for sure and a lot of people just don't realize that these Big Money people also are just like us in many way's.Sounds like you had a good time of it also and hope you still are.
preacher1 0
Nah, semi retired a few years ago just before the rule change. Kept my ticket, then the change came. We had 757, plus a King Air, when I left. They got a new 767-200ER after I left(more cabin space). It carries same type as that 57 but you need an hour or 2 transition. I got invited back up there(KFSM) to do that and have done a little fill in for them. I was doing some fill in for Eagle(DFW) and PinnacleMEM) as well as AA or DAL, but my last weekend with AA was the Saturday before their Monday bankruptcy announcement, and DAL has so decimated MEM, that has went way down. I did a turn here a few weeks ago for DAL to ATL and back but with so many pilots on furlough now, OPS hast to go to all them first now before they can go outside, so I am just sitting at the house and now starting to fish some since weather is warming
BooWe 1
This is the biggest bunch of hogwash I've read in a long time. Been with DL since 70s, and have many friends with other majors including AMR. None of them use, or have ever used, "fill in" pilots. It's so far fetched as to be laughable ... if some others here didn't seem to be buying it as the truth. As someone else has pointed out, trip coverage is done under strict contractual rules and NEVER includes non-seniority list pilots. If pilots aren't available, then the trip is cancelled. Period. Happens all the time. Just as ludicrous is the description of schedulers calling furloughed pilots when trying to cover a trip. Additionally, does no one else here understand the applicable FARs and how they would make this impossible?
DashTrash 1
What do you mean you do "fill in" for DAL / AA, etc?
preacher1 0
Like I said, I was, but with so many furloughs now and those guys trying to keep their head above water it is about non existent. Don't really matter to me that much but it was a way to stay current.It actually started slowing way down about the middle of last year. After a flight was posted for a week or whatever time they used, if no takers they had me and several others that they would go outside to. Most of mine was with Pinnacle and Eagle. I did one or 2 trips for the AA parent, but hardly any at all for them. My last for them was a KDFW-KATL turn on the Saturday before they announced their bankruptcy.Nothing for Eagle or them since then Same on the other. It was all Pinnacle but the way DAL has realigned KMEM, there's just not that much left. I think I did a KATL turn on a DAL 9 about a month or so back but that was it. It doesn't bother me. I've made mine and I sure as hell ain't gonna get in the way of a regular that needs to work. Nobody has said but there are a lot of senior captains and FO's out that that are snapping up RJ jobs where they can find them
DashTrash 3
Wayne, no airline allows non-seniority list pilots to fly trips, including ferry flights. You also can't fly on multiple 121 certificates, and you have to be on the certificate to fly a revenue trip. You would have had to have spent a week in indoc for each carrier, then initial for each type at each airline.

Flights that aren't covered by line holders are covered by reserve pilots. If there are no reserve pilots, they pull line holders sitting airport appreciation time to fly the trip. If there is absolutely no one, they cancel the flight.

Additionally, I copied and pasted what you said to two MEM based DC-9 buddies of mine who not only have no clue who you are, but laughed pretty hard at your claim. It just doesn't work that way.....
preacher1 0
Not going to argue with you this early in the morning. There are about 8-10 of us that are on those reserve lists, me for the 2 and some of them are on more as they also work out another airp[ort. We all did the in doc and typed long ago. As far as multiple certs, it was not a factor at the time we started a few years back as we started retiring.If it has changed, we haven't heard about it, but it matters not to me anyway. I think I am about out of medical waivers for my ATP anyway. I will say one thing, you mentioned "absolutely no one". A couple years back, Airlines were not so quick to pull the trigger on cancelling a flight. As far as your 9 buddies at MEM, I'm willing to bet they haven't been there that long unless they were ex NWA, and if they are DAL, word I here is that they won't be there much longer.
Mike Bakker 2

You have been caught in your lies, please stop embarrassing yourself.....

This is hilarious....
Chris Donawho 0
Is it? You guys haven driven a long time contributor to this forum to the point he felt the need to change his screen name. Ive never seen a group of union goons gang up on anyone like that before.
Then again it makes it easier for the rest of us normies to see why your respective employers, yourprofessions,
Chris Donawho 0
Ugh.... Androids are too hard to post with.
preacher1 0
Chris: thanks for the support. Like I said, they will believe what they believe but as a lot of us older folks know the world was and is not always in black & white. DAL is closing it's MEM base in May anyway and I think I'll be hanging up my spurs on my next physical. Too much hassle for a waiver now that all my buddies are retiring too.
Chris Donawho 0
That's a shame DAL will be closing its MEM base in May. That will leave unlimited time for these guys to bash you around some more while waiting for their government handouts twice a month.
dylancannon 1
We really do need the specifics on those flights, as a grievance will be filed. The only non-seniority pilot flying was on the 777 & that was after significant retirements just before the bankruptcy (not furloughs). A letter of agreement was required from ALPA, & it's still a sore subject. No one, I repeat no one, not on the list has flown a leg for DAL other than the above exception, and they were retired DAL.
Chris Donawho 0
You aint filing shit. You union goons are getting to the point where you are too lazy to even file a formal complaint without holding a hand out for more money. ALL union members are a disgrace to all other hard-working Americans, with the exception of the few who are forced to join the klan in states like Ohio. Otherwise, you goons are a drain on society, not unlike the "1st and 15th" crowd, who anxiously wait on their "guvament" checks to come in.
Chris Donawho 0
And somewhere in this thread, I believe a 777 hit a bird or something.
preacher1 0
yeah it
craig anthony 3
Well I am a current DC9 MEM pilot and have been for many years now. I can say that I have either flown with or know every single DC9 pilot there. Flown with every check airman multiple times and all of the captains. It's a very small base. What is your name? I can look it up on the seniority list. A non-seniority list pilot flying trips would not just raise a red flag, but your name would be posted on the wall. BTW I have also done the ferry flights. Haven't met you there either.

Name one person you have flown with there along with a year. I'll call and ask.

You are so full of yourself it's sad... Are there laws against impersonating an airline pilot?
Chris Donawho 0
"Are there laws against impersonating an airline pilot?"

You're an airline pilot, not a cop. Impersonating you is no more fascinating than impersonating a line cook at Taco Bell.

Wayne has been contributing to this forum for a long time and, regardless of his true identity, I and several others on this forum will see all of your insults and raise you a few to boot. You dont even want to start that shit with me boys.

That said, it would appear you are full of yourself and that, my friend, is truly sad.
preacher1 -1
Thanks for the support guys, but they can believe as they want. I will make a couple of comments however. My cert is in the Airmen's DB, but it is like a lot of official stuff, it is under my first name which I don't use, and like a lot of folks, since all the privacy stuff came out, as with some tail numbers, it is hidden and accessible by my ssn and I'm sorry but I'm not putting that out in a public forum.
@JG Turner below - Nothing to hide. What you saw on FB is true. As you well know there is not a lot of room on there to put much. As James Wallce knows here. since I retired I have an interest in a truckline here. I helped a friend found it some 27 years ago. Since my retirement, I have taken a more active interest in it. As James sold his truck dealerships awhile back, we will probably be selling this in the next month or so.In additon, on the FB profile, I really didn't realize I had to put it out there to please everyone. I am an A/G minister. Past all this, like I told the others,you can believe what you want.
Second that cris! By the way, I cocktail plenty and reddy ice is great with J DANIELS. Or vice versa. Lol
DashTrash 2
You're full of it. I bet you flew the Space Shuttle too.... You can "not argue" with me all you want. I'm not going to watch you degrade my profession through your verbal manure. We all take pride in providing the safest mode of transportation and work hard to keep it that way.

Allowing what you're suggesting would reduce that level of safety. Additionally, you have chosen to take a shot at the younger generation of pilots which is, again, absolute BS. There isn't an airline pilot anywhere who is "scared" to fly with a broken AP. If you were actually a DC-9 driver (FAA Airmen Database says you don't have any certificates), you would know that the autopilot provides minimum assistance and approaches are mostly hand flown anyway.

There are several possible explanations for your claims. None of them actually involves an airplane...
J.G. Turner 2
Rule #1--if you're going to LIE on the internet, at least be smart enough NOT to use your real name. :)

Wayne, I just looked at your Facebook profile...yeah, you were an easy find. I looked all over your profile and saw NOTHING that had to do with flying. I did, however, see THIS listed as your occupation: About Wayne Assembly of God Preacher / Truckline Founder

Wow...a minister AND a liar??? Now you're giving ministers a bad name. SHAME!!

(Sorry to interrupt your conversation, DashTrash...please continue <grin>)
DashTrash 3
I think the point was made.

Starting a trucking company, a successful one at that, and becoming a preacher are fine and commendable accomplishments one should be proud of. There just isn't a need to BS to impress folks when you have that background.
preacher1 -1
Well, I appreciate the compliment and we'll end this string, agreeing to disagree, only to say there is no need to BS when you know you have been there. That, my friend, is what will take us to the point of disagreement and we leave it there. Have a good next flight.
Chris Donawho -3
Unless your little outburst here is runoff from another thread, I fail to see where Wayne has taken a shot at any generation, much less the younger ones.

Like I posted to your buddy Craig up there, ease up on the insults, lest you get me started.
masedogg 2
Why do you defend him when he's an obvious liar. Even those of us who aren't union airline guys can see that. And what's up with the threats? "Get you started?"
Well I can say this about Wayne,seems a few on here that talk of him so bad don,t like the fact that the man has been around a while and seen and done a lot.I can say for a fact that he knows what he is talking about.After almost 25 years in aviation that there are a lot of facts in what he says.
I have worked in all aspects of this field and believe me one thing a Pro will not do is be critical of the upcoming juniors for we all want to pass on what we have learned for them and the safety of out profession.
masedogg 2
That's great that he contributes on a regular basis, and that he contributes good info. However, he has blatantly lied in this particular discussion. Specifically about being a reserve pilot for multiple airlines. That simply doesn't happen. At all. The other stuff may all be true, but that is not. That he continues to perpetuate this lie hurts his credibility with anyone new.
Chris Donawho 0
Wayne's a real nice guy and a long time contributor. These guys up there were throwing around insults. I can run that game full court with the best of them. Just lay off the insults, that's all.

I personally dont appreciate pilots acting like they are the top of some food chain and how dare anyone aspire to be us....blah, blah, blah. These are names I dont see on this forum regularly, like I see Wayne. So I'll stand up for him any day. He doesnt get hateful about it. He can throw out a snide remark or two like the rest of us, but he's not an asshole. Are you? You seem to be standing up for the rest of the assholes on this string.

So if you want to join in, go right ahead. I'm equal-opportunity Mr. Dogg.
masedogg 2
See my post above yours. Oh, and lose the e-thug, internet tough guy attitude. Everyone knows you're not going to do anything. Idle internet threats are as laughable as claiming to be a reserve pilot for multiple airlines.
Chris Donawho 0
I dont care if he claims to be Jesus Tap Dancing Christ... though he is, the fact still remains, I will side with him over you trolls anytime.

I dont recall stating I would do anything, other than respond to you twits.


Tough Guy
masedogg 2
I'll just leave you to continue to blindly follow king preacher troll up there. You should leave the aviation stuff to the pros (hint: not him). We won't bug you about distribution or day care centers.
Chris Donawho 0
suddenly what i do for a living is relevant to this? Once again, youve already answered my original question to you.

Keep up the fine work there Geraldo.
masedogg 2
Very relevant. You don't know what you're talking about. We do. You have no credibility. We do. Adios.
Chris Donawho 0
Let's review: hmmm not one single aviation/airline reference on my post regarding yours and other's insults. I checked the prerequisites for airline professions, Asshole wasnt even listed. I guess that makes you all overqualified.You little scamps should fight for more compensation in the next riund of CBA talks, if your respectuve employers are still around by then.
masedogg 2
I'm not airline. Try again. At least you're consistent when it comes to looking like an idiot.
Chris Donawho 0
What makes you an expert then? Im not stalking your facebook profile Chester. Divulge only if you wish.
masedogg 2
I'm no expert. But it's obvious that I know more about the industry than you do. If you knew anything, you wouldn't continue to support a blatant liar.
Chris, everyone on here is an expert. Just ask them. That is why I don't take anyone to task-it's an exercise in futility.
Chris Donawho 0
No kidding. Apparently my facebook profile lists my occupation in transportation so i dont know squat about airplanes! Good thing I left the air ramp at UPS withe my load master (thats a weight & balance certification from the FAA) rating on dc8. 742, 744. 752. MD11. 763 and 727 when i did. Hell i could have been responsible for a ton of smokin holes in the ground since i know dick about airplanes.
See you on another thread Chris. I think I've had enough of this one.
Chris Donawho 0
I just wish i knew half as much about flight ops as Einstein here, who probably got all his smarts from Microsoft flight simulator.
masedogg 2
Try again (again). I have my ATP (somewhat more difficult to get than an FAA load master cert.). I've flown freight and pax (airline and corporate). And you wouldn't have been responsible had a plane gone down because the pilot (the one who actually knows what's going on) would have checked your work and fixed it when you screwed it up.
Chris Donawho 0
Good point. Sometimes even low-life load masters like me get the two 757s mixed up on the ramp and switch the weight & balance manifests. Guess what? The genuises in both cockpits didnt catch it either. One didnt rotate at callout (KDFW - who cares - 12000 ft plus rwy and 757 means youre coming off the ground one way or the other with pleny of concrete left) and the other jumped off the ground long before they expected. Everyone was on their merry way (them in the air and me on the ground) before anyone figured out what happened. But yes, they should have caught it as they are the ones signing off on it before departure.
Chris Donawho 1
Anyways, were pushing day 10 on this thread. Should you decide to berate others on a future thread,.I will probably be there too.
Chris Donawho -1
Aw dammit, the posts are all mixed up again. OK, he took a shot at the FO. Still, calling him out like Di Caprio is a little too much.
preacher1 -1
believe as you want. I don't care. I've made mine. Apparently you are still making yours. Everybody has to be somewhere

[This poster has been suspended.]

Chris Donawho -1
And now you want to tread that line too?
You say something about the furloughs makes me remember what has been being said for years and that is what the demands will be in the future for skilled pilots and the availability Seems the demands are really decreasing in the majors and for pilots of the regionals who now with the new FAA proposal for minimum hours required to even get in the right seat one has to wonder how long these furloughs will last and how many from the majors will go to the regionals for that little of pay.I don't even want to say drones.I'll never be in anything without a working brain and 2 eye's up front.As I said Corporate Aviation is it my friend ,at least in my eyes.Hope you catch a boat load of fish.
preacher1 -1
It will all be real interesting.Furloughed seniors are going to the RJ's and that will hurt prospective entrants for awhile. That being said, it may be a good thing to get some of that experience back out there to get rid of some of these button pushers or let them learn some more. On that DAL turn I spoke of earlier, we lost the AP about 20 min out of ATL. I hand flew it to MEM and it scard hell out of my FO. HE DIDN'T KNOW HOW!!!!. He wasn't an inexperienced Pinnacle RJ FO either. He was a front line FO for a legacy carrier!!!!
That's scary
Mike Bakker 1
You sir, are a poser.... And you don't even know enou about the business to know it's impossible to "fill in" at majors..

I would bet you a 100 dollar bill that you do not even have a pilots license.

Good point.I remember (way back ) when Piedmont Airlines and U.S.Air 1st got their F-100s and none not even one of the Senior pilots liked it - reason - it was to automated and they got bored with it quick.I know it sounds crazy but just think of going from those old rounds gauges to a " t.v.screen" that they didn't trust or like.I to this day have an issue with those,guess I'm to old school.I know what one little bug does to my computer and I'm sure they have the best there are designing these new aircraft but where are any back ups should you lose these great capabilities?And I agree with you on hand flying an aircraft.Got my test with an old Merlin 3 enroute to Nashville one time.By the time we got there an hour later I felt I had been flying for a week.God Bless those old stick and rudder instructors that I used to get so mad at.
preacher1 0
There needs to be a backup of basic STEAM guages with all the glass panel stuff as has been shown in some of these recent crashes. Gotta go. Sun's rising and the creekbank is callin'.lol.
Later my friend.Good Luck.
Kenneth Schmidt 2
Gents, I love this kind of conversation. It reminds me of the old heads on the Railroad. Now get some fish!


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