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Boeing worker run over by 787 in Everett

EVERETT, Wash. -- A Boeing worker was seriously injured Friday evening at Everett's Paine Field after being run over by a 787 Dreamliner. Dozens of paramedics and firefighters rushed to Paine Field after 6:00 p.m., working quickly to free the person from under right wing landing gear. ( Más...

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Ronnie Mc 4
Paine Field, oh the irony. Hope he recovers.
Bob Ziehm 1
787 Mishap
Pileits 1
Toby Sharp 1

preacher1 1
I guess they are asking if this was the first time it happened or the first time we heard about it
conmanflyer 1
well its sad to see someone run over by a tugged plane... always gotta be making sure you are not in any bad spots
Matt Molnar 1
First one what?
You have to be aware of what's going on, but accidents will happen. In the mid 80's I worked on the ramp at EWR for Continental and remember towing a 747-200, I was on the headset walking by the nosewheel with just a few feet of cord on the headset. In a split second of distraction the nosewheel ran over the cord, ripping the headset from my head. Thank heavens it was only David Clark that got hurt then...


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