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Andrew Eardley 1
I would not liked to have been on that flight! Love the comment underneath about being able to log 4 extra landings! Made me laugh
wow that ready a rough landing
jim garrity 1
Richard Harrell, you forgot PSA! They had the-200, and the chief pilot was a friend of mine,and I got to fly it. It's like flying a C-172!!PSA tagged "inop" on the O/H fuel tank,due to leaks,but other than that,your flying a "4 engine" jet!
kenish 1
Don't forget AirCal flew them too. They were bought by AA about the same time PSA was bought by USAir. One of the noisiest airliners in the cabin. PSA retrofitted theirs with extra soundproofing but still very noisy. Sadly, PSA lost one on a LAX-SFO flight. A fired employee got a gun past security and shot the flight crew. It crashed into the central California hills at supersonic speed.
Richard Harrell 1
I'm afraid that I'm too young to remember PSA before the USAir merger. But that's way cool that you got to fly one! I miss having them around, despite the faults and difficulty in repair. Its "replacements" -- the CRJs or Embraers, don't have near the personality or comfort (plus better viewing for window-seaters). Odd note: one of the only aircraft that I could see the glow from the engines at night. It's really odd that they disappeared all of the sudden. At the time (2009-ish?) I guessed that the 4-engine design was too costly vs. a twinjet.
Mark Lansbury 1
BAE - Bring Another Engine
Richard Harrell 1
I'm really impressed by the 146's ability to withstand the landing forces on that one (it demonstrates its not-often-seen short-field performance) -- who needs thrust reversers?) Despite the 5.5% approach, there looks to be some shear or something abnormal at/before the THR. Anyway, I miss having them around in the U.S. -- Northwest (Mesaba) had a few and United (Air Wisconsin, maybe?)

chrisjoh 2
How about a little kick on that right rudder and using the ailerons to drop that left wing just before putting in just a little back pressure? Oh, is that what the controls are for?

I really liked the wheel barrowing down the runway on the nose gear, that's really special!
preacher1 0
Agree with you on the abnormal. Must have been wind or something. Look at the CRAB he had cranked in there and holding on to it until the very last minute.
sparkie624 0
LOL, If you ever worked on one from a Mechanics point of view you would not miss them. They may fly good, but a pain to fix when broken.
Chris Donawho 0
See lots of videos like this. However violently, he still put it down on the numbers - straight down on the numbers, but did so nonetheless.
sparkie624 0
Which time, 1st, 2nd, or 3rd one :) LOL, He did a good job, but still have fun at his expense.
Michael Fuquay 0
Roger that - any landing you can walk away from is a good landing. ;)
Being able to reuse the plane is a bonus!
sparkie624 1
Does that mean he adds 3 cycles to the a/c... Wow, 3 landings. Must say. Quite windy.
Which rough landing were you talking about? The first, second, third or fourth one? Or the one where he slammed the nose gear in first?
Matt Molnar 0
That plane was out of service for months after this landing.
Michael Fuquay 0
I was going to ask about that. Is there any obligation for the airline to do any sort of full-service check on the plane before putting it up in the skies again, based solely on hard landing? Does it vary from airline to airline? What are the procedures?
Normally there's a hard landing checklist that the manufacturer has already incorporated into the maintenance schedule of that type of aircraft> but it's up to the pilot to report the occurrence to maintenance mechanics so that it get's performed. Most of the time it passes the inspection criteria specified on the maintenance checklist and it's back into service the next morning. In my opinion after 28 years in aviation - all Hard landings should undergo x- ray inspection. but of course the airlines $$$$ bottom line is hurt.~ :-( "Not Good"
Ken McIntyre 0
How do you know that?

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Jeremy Kudlick 0
Did you really join just so you could be a troll?

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Chris Donawho 0
I see this has spilled over into another article. This guy is a tool.
Jet Markson 1
lol, CD you are such a TOOL! Well, uhhh uhhhm are like REAL pig vomit that comes out of a pigs there!

This is like verbal volley ball with a retarded 3rd grader lol
Roy Kizzia 0
Geez, that was about a half a bounce worse than a TWA landing in St. Louis a number of years back that I was in (a 727). Three didn't seem like a cross wind problem. The pilot just misjudged it or had a mild wind shear event.
preacher1 0
Well, you said TWA. Nuff
Roy Kizzia 0
I worked for the AF in OKC...the only choice we had for travel to AFMC HQ in Dayton, OH was TWA. On the way up, it was raining so hard in St. Louis, the flight couldn't leave to come to OKC to get me, so I got to switch to AA going, but no such luck coming back. It was 5 PM, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, visibility was 13.9 excuse for any problems.
Jeremy Kudlick 0
Former SABENA pilot? ;)
meh - crosswind, steep glide slope, puts it on the deck like an ex-Navy pilot. Everyone lived,aircraft unharmed.
preacher1 0
Works for me
USAFcptnShades 0
Nice to see civilian aircraft attempting assault landings, lol! I have to agree with Jeremy K. on this one.
"No, it doesn't look good. Maverick's on the go-around!"
Roland Dent 0
Well this is a civilian aircraft but it is also used extensively to ship the UK royal family and top politicians around. A lot don't like it 'cause it is slow and occasionally the cabin ceiling collapses when one of the hydraulic lines busts but overall it is a nice machine..I like it anyway.
runway18escanaba 0
what were they trying to prove,there landing skills. Or were they trying to find there gate.
Obviously the undercarriage is built tougher than the wings on an a380.
Michael Fuquay 0
LOL. That's too much.
Troy Raiteri 0
Well...I don't know if you can get spinal compression from that landing but..Hey at least the gears didn't come breaking off.
Jeremy Kudlick 0
The pilot must be ex-Navy - they land that hard every time they return to the carrier! ;)
canuck44 1
Even more so parking a SeaKing on a bouncing destroyer in the North Atlantic at night. Every landing a controlled crash...stick it down, keep it down, retire to Wardroom for refreshments and clean underwear.
Jeremy Kudlick 0
I haven't seen it with a Sea King, but I've seen video of a Seahawk pilot trying to land on a destroyer in 20-ft seas. Darn near actually crashed it a few times before figuring out the timing and pinning her to the deck when the stern rose. And yes, retire to the Wardroom afterwards for clean skivvies.
canuck44 0
...and a "tot" in those navies beginning with the word "Royal". French and Italian do theirs on the rocks before flying.
preacher1 0
Well, ain't no mention of the wind factor and regardless of how steep the normal approach is, he had the CRAB cranked in there so there must have been some. That kinda looks like one that had about a 10 on the pucker scale. Personally, I think just getting it down was a good deal there. Looks like from the bounce and twist on landing he just didn't or couldn't dump the CRAB quick enough.
Austin Byrd 0
I don't know, looked pretty good to me.
BAE is using the new 4g landing network; or
BAE is saving fuel by chopping the power at the FAF; or
That's why they make you put your tray tables up, so you don't smack your forehead against them in the event of a pancake.
Would love to hear the CVR. Probably sounds like an NFL highlights film. Wham, Oooomph, grrrrr, **%$@*!.
Ken McIntyre 0
John Hale 0
Yes very rough landing but this is an old video. You got to remeber london city has a steep angle approach versus the norm. I think this is 5.5 versus the standard 3 to 3.5


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