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VIDEO - Crosswindlandings at EDDL / DUS

Winds were reported 29030G55KT landing on 23L at DUS. Show how much force the Mains have to be able to absorb, especially on the WB's ( Más...

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andy dahman 0
As a private pilot I use cross control in a cross wind , it appears as if these commercial pilots just crab into the wind and land , just wondered y this is the case.?
preacher1 0
pretty much. Somebody told me there was an Airline or 2 that wanted you to dump the CRAB and do level wing and straight plane on short final. I talked to a few of their pilots and they said it was a trip. One was KAL and there was some thinking that was what caused the POD scrape on the 380 last year.
Wayne Fox 0
I worked on B53H's while in the Air Force. Their crosswind gear was awesome It still is a remarkable albeit old airplane. At an airshow last March, I saw the same aircraft that I worked on over 40 years ago on the tarmac after flying down from Minot AFB where I was stationed in 1967-1968. Somehow the aircrew looked a lot younger than I remember them being at the time. Time marches on!
preacher1 0
Best I remember, with the 52's, the way they are set up, you don't really CRAB; you put the gear on the runway heading and put the plane into the wind, straighten it up after you land.
Wayne Fox 0
B52H's sorry for the typo.
Mark Lansdell 0
Just wait until the next time you get pulled over by a traffic policeman. They look like baby's with guns and badges. :-)
Mark Lansdell 0
Timing is everything. Happy Feet
One of the many reasons I hold airline pilots in such high regard. They train to such high levels and never get the credit deserved by the flying public. "Glorified bus drivers"? Yeah, right. Professionals who get you to where you want to go SAFELY, which many take as a given. And it mostly is, given the equipment and the training of some very talented pilots.
preacher1 0
Shawn, there are several professions out there now that used to be held in high esteem, and are now just relegated to jobs. This has been brought on by lack of self esteem by those holding those positions and a just, in general, "I don't give a damn" attitude by the public. Most PAX going from A to B don't care about the AC or crew. Truck drivers used to be held in high esteem as well, but now, the attitude is that they are just a bunch of crackheads and getting in the way as they travel on the highway. That being said, we, as professionals, know it ain't so, and as you said, the training and all the crap they have to put up with puts the true skills up there. If we could somehow take what comes up in these forums and get it on front page headlines, we might could swing things back but until then, I doubt it.

CW Hern 0
Edmundo Ribas 0
this is why you need experienced pilot in bad weather end repeat several times training all conditions weather
Tom Fabian 0
more !!!
Victor Engel 0
I saw quite a few birds flying upwind, so it couldn't have been THAT bad. Part of the impressiveness was the videography. Choose the longest lens possible. Also, shoot from the side. Notice how the photographer was to the side of center. Both these things accentuate the effect. This video I'm linking is the first such crosswind video I saw.

It employs yet another technique -- alternating sides. Make each landing be a mirror image of the previous one and suddenly the crabbing seems even more severe.

I'm not suggesting the wind was insignificant -- just that it's been exaggerated by how it was shot.
Mark Lansdell 0
Are you kidding? Cross wind 30 knots gusting to 55 knots? There was a day, not long ago when that was enough to cancel a flight. Like most, you take air travel for granted. Some of these guys and women are qualified graduate engineers. You need an appreciation for the entire system.
preacher1 0
I think most domestic airlines look at about 35 knot max right now, and above 30 kts is pilot option. I was DH into KMEM one day on NWA and the wind had calmed to about 28 and they brought us in and it was a handful.Pilot was a fairly young man and asked if I wanted a crack at it. I didn't but kinda coached from the jump. Wind a little earlier had been gusting to 35 and they had about 4-5 flights on the ground at KLIT and some others. They went ahead and brought them in as the wind laid. Even at that CRAB was more like CRAP cause it was more guesswork and seat pucker.
preacher1 0
I didn't see it at first but in the story lead it doesn't look like the winds were too insignificant, regardless of what the birds were doing. Set your butt in one of those left seats and then we can talk about how the video was shot. Have a nice day.
This is why you need the experienced pilots in bad weather.
Jeff Akerman 0
thst condor 757-300 looked pretty rough
preacher1 0
It was definitel worse than the others, plus he made a go around. With any reference point on the wind, you have to wonder whether it or the pilot.
brian wright 0
So, Harrier is making commercial jets now?
alistairm 0
Who is Harrier? I think you may have meant Boeing or BAE systems??
preacher1 0
@Sweatinthswamp: I hope it does too but I doubt it will. Just that time.
@Troy: Unless it was really buffetting, PAX probably din't know
@Shawn:runway ain't flat, very similar to KATL
@Ben:agree but better video watching that way. Reckon one of these days they'll ever set up airliner landing gear like the B52, where instead of crabbing, you put the gear on the runway heading and throw the plane into the wind.
Ben Lillie 0
It's funny how they looked like they were just dropping out of the sky with the camera zoomed.
preacher1 0
Can we say C.R.A.B????????????????; not a lot better taking off but at least it was power on and a little control.
shawn white 0
That runway didn't look very flat to me.
Troy Raiteri 0
Because some runways are not flat.
Troy Raiteri 0
I hope the PAX had extra pants!
i sure hope the weather improves before my Tuesday the 11th arrival :)


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