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EL AL Israel Airlines To Equip Aircraft With WheelTug Aircraft Drive System

EL AL Israel Airlines Ltd. and WheelTug executed a Letter of Intent to enter an agreement under which EL AL will obtain a substantial part of the initial production of WheelTug Aircraft Drive Systems for Boeing 737NG Aircraft for installation on their own aircraft subject to financial and operational feasibility checks ( Más...

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indy2001 0
Great idea, for so many reasons. I hadn't been aware that this technology is so close to official approval. Their business model seems sound, too -- start with the B737NG, then the A320, and adapt to other aircraft as experience is gained.
Lloyd Boyette 0
what a VERY cool idea! I wonder how long before other airlines pick up on this?
mark tufts 0
lloyd and indy i agree with both of you two and i hope it catchs on soon as it will save some money in the long run
They'll have to install rear view mirrors.
ToddBaldwin3 0
Will it go "Beep Beep Beep..." while it is in reverse?

Rnw124 0
It's an innovative idea and cuts down on fuel consumption, but I don't think it will catch on. I have 2 questions:

Will wing walkers be communicating with the crew while using this system?
Is it a such a good idea to take another job away from someone?

It sounds like a great idea when on a taxiway, but when on the ramp, I think a tug would ultimately be safer.
Allan Waxman 0
What an amazing invention. Shows to go ya, DESIGNED AND BUILT IN AMERICA. Who says we are slacking? Glad the parts aren't coming from China. OOPS!!
eagle5719 0
Probably not a good idea for smaller aircraft - Weight and balance problems along with battery drain.
Marcus Pradel 0
I would be of the opinion that on the ramp, the tug + wingwalkers is probably safer than Pilots backing up 300ft tubes of aluminium with wings on them. not even with a back-up camera and warning sounds!

But once the tug is disconnected, moving around on wheel-power is safer & cheaper than running those 2-4 turbines.

Virgin wanted to do it, but it was a hassle to drive the tugs back from the Runways to the Terminal.

Traction on those wheels could probably top-off the battery charge on landing.. lots of unused energy there.
Rafael Huerta 0
Since it is an electric device. Could it be use as an auxiliary baking system?
Rafael Huerta 0
Since it is an electric device. Could it be used as an auxiliary breaking system?
siriusloon 0
Those pilots who hate being referred to as drivers won't like this. :-)
siriusloon 0
Ryan Wxxx opined: "Is it a such a good idea to take another job away from someone?"

Do you support retaining buggy whip maintenance techs, the people who made clothes for the children who worked in coal mines, typewriter ribbon ink cleaning solution chemists, etc, too? Sometimes, jobs become obsolete. The true test should be whether it's needed (and I do think wing walkers are needed, by the way), not just "we've always done it that way" as an excuse to keep a position.


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