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High School in Iowa gets Learjet

The Des Moines Public Schools recently added a Learjet model 35 to their aviation technologies part 147 school. The aircraft will be used strictly for teaching. ( Más...

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cal sal 0
Thats what I'd call an air bus haha get it
tim mitchell 0
womp womp
Toby Sharp 0
John Occhialini 0
Maybe a Learjet in flying condition for a High School is a bit over the top, but no complaints here. What ever happened to the trend of placing an example of America's pride, technology, accomplishments, heritage, and history on display as a static display at a city park, stadium, or school. Even raised on a pole to reduce vandalism can display the aircraft as if in flight and make for a better photograph of the static display. As I have travelled around the U.S. I have noticed that the "static display" aircraft is getting harder to find. And many that I have known about for 40 years have vanished. Does eeverything need to be cut up for it's scrap value alone. Point being that any donation of this magnitude should be applauded and accepted if it can be utilized and maintained.
tim mitchell 0
tim mitchell 0
I would like to get back on the aviation track as I put it on hold for my family....I went to a little high school in Lawndale N.C.....N.C. has really never been a flight school meca and I wish I would have been given the oppurtunity to learn more about aviation some 10 yrs. ago....On the other they did teach brick laying, automotive and BULL
You do have the opportunity to learn more about aviation now.
tim mitchell 0
I will....paying down some debt my wifes I'll start back flying
David Sims 0
I'm guessing all the naysayers here also hate when an old military plane gets put on a pedestal in front of an airport or VFW. I mean, just think of the waste of scrap metal that is. Give me a break, a mechanic school gets a donation of a 30+ year old worn out corporate jet to use for training. There are worst things to worry about.
tim mitchell 0
If they had it their way our airforce would still be using B-29s and pieced together mustangs
dbiern6900 0
If the aircraft did have a parts value of 750,000 dollars which is doubtful as the engines were most likely timed out and needed an overhaul at possibly 250,000+ each that would bring the value to 250,000 The landing gear could need an overhaul at a tune of 60k the airframe could be due a 12 year or a 12,000 hour inspection which could be another which NO one in their right mind would spend 500k on a plane that is Only worth at the most 400k in airworthy condition...
More than likely an outside contractor hired by the Airforce removed the good engines and mounted timed out worn out engines which would suffice in a training environment. Either way 750k is a drop in the bucket compared to all of the other Give Away programs the government currently has with $$ in the Billions if not 100s of Billions of dollars...At least these kids are being trained for a good paying occupation!
michael little 0
the aircraft runs, and has had a complete inspection, it is airworthy and is in great condition for its age.
skylloyd 0
The aircraft looks like it is in excellent condition, and its great to see students are being steered into the aircraft industry.
Kyle Van Kooten 0
I'm a high schooler in the Des Moines area, and you should know that Central Academy is an advanced placement public high school with part time and full time students. It has a huge cachement area as all high schools in Des Moines and all of the suburbian schools (including private) are represented there. My friend goes there, and although he's not in the AvTec program, he takes other AP classes there and does half of his classes at our private school in the suburbs. Also, if I wanted to go to Central just to take this class, I'd have the option. So, it's open to all who want to participate, not just a set amount of students that go there.
bogberto 0
Thanks for clarifying for all of the nay-sayers. Thank you also for writing one of the most grammatically correct posts.
Nathan Berg 0
A $4,000 investment on $3,000,000 a/c a waste? Not so much.
tim mitchell 0
I think it is cool....Such a shame people have to be so negative about it....It seems like everywhere you freaking turn there is negative....What a waste of taxpayer money?Chances are the plane would have either just been sold for scrape or just put out in the desert in the bone yard.Why didn't they give it to a college?...Most colleges that have an aeronatics department already have airline connections that already donate to them.
Aaron Donnelly 0
Well said, Tim
Nathan Berg 0
I concur Tim. Your support and understanding is greatly welcomed. Thank you. :)
The school acquired the plane for $4,000 yet it has a street/parts value of about $750,000. Not in the best interest of the tax payers.
Nathan Berg 1
So this won't help IA's education system? This Lear won't give students the valuable chance to achieve a hands on learning approach? This Lear won't prepare students for the Av. Industry? I guess not. Go occupy Wall-street.
michael little 1
haha lol, damn right.
Do you like to ask questions? Are you a kid? Are you a Socialist? Do you always imply things that aren't there in the first place? Take your anger elsewhere.
Aaron Donnelly 0
That's pretty cool!
ATCguy1 0
I think it's great that the students have received this aircraft. What better way to prepare yourself for your future career field then by learning early. It will be a valuable asset for their aviation program.

Ben Lillie 0
I wonder what the Air Force used it for.
Stonesurfer 0
C-21 Executive Transportaion
meeverett 0
I'd wager mostly air ambulance stuff.
Ben Lillie 0
Jared Maurtua 0
Lucky kids.
Ben Lillie 0
That's what I was thinking.
meeverett 0
Having looked at other pictures, according to markings this aircraft was purchased by the USAF in FY1984. 27 years is more than enough time for this aircraft to reach the end of its service life, especially in service with the USAF. It likely wouldn't be cost effective to keep it airworthy, but it will serve this program well.
meeverett 0
For the record, the pictures I'm referencing are available here:
canuck44 0
What is nice to see is that a high school Administration has actually figured out that every graduate does not need a college oriented education, but one that fits the student's aptitude and promises a job in the future because of a skill learned.

The addition of this type of aircraft will greatly enhance the education of these kids who will find experience on Piper Cubs is of little value beyond introduction when seeking employment in the industry.
jclark12345 0
Its an FAA part 147 school where high school students can earn college credit and become certified A&P mechanics. By the way, they only paid $4000 for it..
zennermd 0
What high school needs a Learjet?
michael little 0
the faa part 147 aviation engineering and mechanics course, now we have 8 aircraft.
and its not a whole school, its just a class offered in des moines.
David Sims 0
You naysayers do realize this is a timed out aircraft that is going to be used as a maintenance training aircraft, and will probably never fly. This school has a vocational program for aircraft maintenance. You really think a high school would have a flight school, not to mention one with a Lear?
Andrew Poure 0
Thank you for bringing some common sense to this comment thread. That's an old aircraft, all it's gonna do is sit in a hangar and have high school students tinker with it.
Stephen Boyle 0
I agree this is a bit of an overkill as no one in high school (typically under 17-18 yrs old) would ever be able to fly the thing. Plus, now they have to higher a pilot for the school district at $45K to $60K a year at a time when they can’t even afford the current school teacher at $35,000 a year. We wont even talk about maintenance, storage, fuel and an engine rebuild for a Lear of that age. This defiantly should have gone to a college, not even a college, an aeronautical institute, but I guess most of those are private operations and you can’t play favorites by giving one of them a jet from the government. I bet they sell it and buy at least 10 – 172’s unless a School Board member happens to be certified to fly this baby.
jim garrity 0
Let's see, all the markings point to it being a USAF LJ-35! I wonder, who made the decision to GIVE,(donate), OUR tax dollar property to a "high school" in Iowa? If it were a cessna or piper, I could see that, but a LEARJET! It would be more fitting that that high tech. type of plane go to a college with an aviation department,don't you think? It did fly in, so why not keep it flying? Sorry if I sound negative, but all this government waste is out of control! Anyway, have a safe Holloween, and be safe!!
Kingair31 0
What does the government need with a timed out Lear? The plane is being used to teach young kids aircraft maintenance. Aviation is about survival right now......we need to be producing mechanics and pilots! This isn't government waste! This actually makes sense!

Ben Lillie 0
Exactly, you can't even get your private pilot's license until your 17 anyway what do they need a Lear 35 for?
Kingair31 0
It has nothing to do with a flight school? It is for training purposes for aircraft maintenance.....
Scott Campbell 0
Would be nice if more corporations would donate old aircraft to programs like this, and help a new generation of youth fall in love with aviation, and maybe even find a job along the way.
David Sims 0
Looks like it came from the Air Force.


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