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Aeromexico makes 1st biofuel trans-Atlantic commercial flight

An Aeromexico Boeing 777 arrived in the Spanish capital on Tuesday, marking the first trans-Atlantic commercial flight powered in part by biofuel. The plane made the journey on a mix of 55 tons of conventional aviation fuel and 20 tons of fuel made from the plant [ jatropha curcas]. ( Más...

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Wayne Fox 0
Good on them!
Gene spanos 0
Taco bell goes a long way...................
mark tufts 0
just goes to show you how much peogress that has been made in the bio-fuel industry in the last few years and glad to see aeromexico being the first airline to use bio-fuel in their aircraft
Michael Fuquay 0
Well, since jatropha is poisonous and can't be used for anything else, I say "go for it".

It's when these tree-huggers use corn, thus pulling food out of our own mouths, is where I have a problem.
alistairm 0
Yep, agree with you Michael Fuq. Though, this plant has not been tested in regards to their long term impact on soil and the envirionment if farmed in bulk. Definite step in the right direction though.
George Maidens 0
So Michael, you don't have a problem when they start growing jatropha INSTEAD of food then?!
Michael Fuquay 0
I don't have a problem with anything growing jatropha anywhere. I do have a problem with ones taking products for human or animal consumption and using it as a fuel for airplanes. It's only going to hurt the economy worse for everybody's industry - and for what, so you can have some warm, fuzzy, feel-good feeling that your doing something for the environment?

George Maidens 0
Michael, my point was that producing jatropha could affect food production in the same way that using food products for fuel would.


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