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Plane stolen from Gulf Shores airport

(GULF SHORES, Ala.) - Multiple organization are on the hunt for a stolen plane from a flight school in Gulf Shores. The Federal Aviation Administration says the pilot took off in a Piper Cherokee PA 28, a small engine plane, just after 7 a.m. this morning. ( Más...

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Toby Sharp 0
any updates?

Eugene Pope 0
@HunterTS4 Yeah, it crashed into the Gulf. Search is under way.
FedExCargoPilot 0
Was it suicide?
Could be, could also be an actual theft, or a darwin nominee. As of the last update(10hrs ago via google news search) the authorities haven't located the A/C or have any additional info to release to the public.
rbrunina 0
Any updates on the a/c or pilot?
dmanuel 0
Even flying LOP, I doubt if he could make Mexico.
Tommy Nguyen 0
Korean air Excellance in flight lollolol trolol
Eugene Pope 0
Maybe he lost his medical and just wanted to go for a cruise. It's understandable.
Daz Weir 0
I am assuming, if it's similar procedurally speaking, to make copies of the pilot's FAA certificate (once matched to person's photo-id) and have on file. Sort of funny...if a cynical kind of way. You cannot test-drive a car without someone making a copy of your ironic.
Latest update :: student pilot was scheduled for a lesson and took off without his instructor. Search has been called off by the USCG.
Daz Weir 0
It's called Darwinism. 1,000,000 sperm and THAT is the one that got through! I would NEVER EVER leave the ground without my IP unless HE directed me too. Hence I'm a happy PP and not a dead student. THANK GOD he is fish food now....before god forbid he passed his checkride and killed his potential passengers. God riddance moron.


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