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Airbus, Boeing Compete Over American Plane Order: Report

European aircraft builder Airbus aims to win a large plane order from AMR Corp's American Airlines by offering $6 billion in preferential financing to woo the American carrier away from rival Boeing, according to the Wall Street Journal. ( Más...

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KauaiGolfer 0
Buy American, American!
preacher1 0
AMR has alway kep a mixed fleet. One can say they are all Boeing now but most of those MD's were McDonnel Douglass before the buyout. They are just so big that one supplier could not possibly do the whole thing in the time frame requested as well as them using 2 keep each other honest. Boeing took out MD to get rid of the main competition. Problem is they got a little fat and happy in the process and have failed to see the rise of Airbus a a serious competitor. I think the tanker deal may have really woke them up. Let's just hope it's wasn't too late. Nothing is harder than playing catchup.
Jeff Lemon 0
I think AA will go with the best deal they can get. They did the same thing with the MD-80 buy years ago, getting a heavily discounted price from MD. If Boeing does not want to compete on price, you may see a whole bunch of new Airbus aircraft, most likely the A320neo and maybe even the A321 (as a 757 replacement) join the AA fleet.
preacher1 0
I personally think that with the current technology they have that Boeing can have a brand new 737 in the air well ahead of the A320neo. That being said, even though it may be and that be their plans, they are going to have to get off their duff and tell the world about it so everybody can quit playing the guessing game.
Jeff Lemon 0
Personally, I hope AA can do a deal with Boeing. I have a number of friends who are AA Captains and they hope so as well as does another friend at AA who is an aircraft maintenance manager.

preacher1 0
Well, FedEx pilots put the quietus on Airbus over there. If they'll rise up and speak together, if price and delivery are close, maybe AA will listen to them. Not being typed in Airbus of anykind, but having seen and been given an overview of their cockpit, they tell me that transition is from a couple of hours to a whole bunch but it is such a departure from what else is out there that it's like a whole 'nuther world. Younger pilots don't seem to mind it as much as the older ones and that seems to be that with so many things automated, older pilots just seem to feel like they are losing control of actually flying the airplane.
Jeff Lemon 0
Unfortunately, the relationship between the pilots and senior management at AA is not good at all......


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