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Tennessee Lawmakers Propose Legislation Banning ‘Chemtrails’

The Tennessee Senate passed a bill prohibiting “the intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight …” In other words, the bill would make it against the law to dispense “chemtrails” over Tennessee. ( Más...

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Ken Lane 47
I think it's time for a law banning stupidity in politics.
Thomas Buemi 3
Alan Glover 9
Wouldn't that be literally the stupidest law ever?
Ken Lane 12
It makes as much sense as the idiocy they came up with. But, if enforced it would certainly have more relevance to the status of the state and the nation.

But, let's change it to congressional term limits in every state and at the federal level. Is that a stupid idea?
Bob Jordan 5
Not in the deep south, they have laws that make this one almost seem sane
Gene Joy -1
How many of these mongoloids are out there? Scary to think. Folks with horses are covering their faces because they don't want them effected. Don't these pinheads realize that these 'chemicals' evaporate?
captainfourbars 40
This is what happens when people elect ignorant idiots as their leaders. At all levels.

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Chuck Lavazzi 5
You apparently didn't notice that Tennessee is a "red" state and that that particular conspiracy theory is very popular on the far right.
matt jensen 5
And TN is now the third worst in health
Gene Joy 3
Physical and mental it would seem.
Paul Shepherd 23
I've seen this referred to on many chemtrail threads on social media. These fools think that by banning geoengineering, which isn't happening anyway, they will henceforth have clear blue skies. What are they going to when the contrails are still there every day? I personally hope that they will protest, and that a public inquiry is held. That should result in evidence being presented that finally forces these people to face reality - no one is spraying them with anything!
Chris Ryan 53
Facts can’t stop idiots from being idiots.

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Nooge 1

Cut back on your bleach injections and ivervetiten dosage
Paul Barrett -3
Not so fast - I think you need to check this site, it is a list of ocean based "geo-engineering" field trials currently ongoing. Processes such as Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement amongst others
Gene Joy 4
Ahh...last I looked Tennessee doesn't have an ocean. I could be wrong but since the earth is flat I guess they can see one from there.
See, you are letting facts of things such as "Cloud Seeding" get into the way of ignorant, arrogant delusions.
Leo Cotnoir 22
When did we become a nation of morons?
Paul Kiver 32
For a nation that put a man on the moon and has been responsible for countless momentous contributions to mankind (and many not so welcome contributions), I am constantly astonished at the general ignorance and stupidity of the majority of Americans - and this is but one example.
Leo Cotnoir 14
The stupid people have always been among us. It wasn't until 2010 that they started taking over our political system.
Jon Schwartz 6
it was long before that..try 1913..Woodrow Wilson....
Jon Schwartz 5
Stupid people can create problems, but it often takes brilliant people to create a real catastrophe. They have already done that enough times and in enough different ways— for us to reconsider, before joining ther latest stampedes, led by self-congratulatory elites, deaf to argument and immune to evidence.T Sowell
Bab Bezat 2
Gene Joy 4
They've always been there. 2016 gave them a voice.
srobak 1
You mistyped 2008
Robert Mack 3
Mr. Cotnoir, good question - I’m 72 and the first I ever heard of chemtrails was in the 90’s when a group of scientists and engineers were meeting at the San Diego Convention Center - somebody raised the question about a conspiracy to kill-off the masses and “chemtrails” was the term used. Personally it’s difficult for me to wrap my brain around it but …. As for “when”, I don’t know that either but I fully believe as compromised as everything is today - where what was once right and is now considered evil and what was once evil is now considered right, perhaps a YouTube message from John MacArthur is in order - “When God Abandons a Nation”. (BTW, I stand with ISRAEL Genesis 12:3)
Nooge -4
He who has little should have less and he who has nothing should have it taken away " Bibi Netenbutawarcriminal 123
Marcus Giddens 0
1981 when an actor became president.
Nooge 0
2016 when a Con man was elected
srobak 3
2008 when someone wanted to"fundamentally transform America". It's been straight downhill since then.
Nooge 1
Typical partisan uninformed overopinionated

2008 after Dubya MD and his $8T war against a country that did not attack us on 911 ? That downhill didnt start with W ?

On March 23 2020 three years in to the TRump error the S&P 500 was 2237

Three years in to the ByeDon era the S&P 500 closed at 5,200 on Friday so it took ByeDon just a three years to double it

The fact that ByeDon had experience dealing with Republicans who ran the economy down to the ground VP during Obama Presidency

On the day that Obama and ByeDon took office, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) closed at 7,949.09.1
On Obama's last day of office, the DJIA closed at 19,827.25.11 The DJIA grew 149% during Obama's presidency.
Trump is the only president in the last 80 years to net job losses during his presidency. President George W. Bush is the runner-up with 1 million jobs added during his administration. Bush's successor, Barack Obama, is credited with 12 million jobs and Biden Trumps succesor added 10.7 million jobs
Today my personal wealth has increased substantially since ByeDon took office
My Fixed income went from -11 % to +5 %
J you really need to come back from your alternate reality and be grateful for your inheritance even though you voted against your financial interests
William Bell -2
November 2020
Derek Vaughn -2
Just wait till all the gen X folks have retired. Then it's time to find a new frontier.
Kenneth Clayton 21
If one legislator propsed this bill is one thing but the whole TN legislators voted for this is scary.
Alan Glover -8
Yes but understandable given the number of times the authorities have lied and continue to lie to us about all sorts of things.
Lanny Word 5
From the look of your profile picture, they aren’t the only ones lying to you. For god’s sake, put a shirt on man. Nobody wants to see that.
David Kozlowski 14
…..from the state that brought us the Skopes Monkey Trial.
Nooge 2
And Marsha Blackburn
Chuck Chall 5
The last I heard, states don't get to create FAA regulations. How do they propose to enforce it.
cyberjet 6
It’s pretty obvious from this and other recent events that red state legislators have little interest in respecting federal jurisdiction. Whenever they find another delusional hot button issue to keep their base foaming at the mouth, they go all in with facts being damned.
Ken Lane 5
You make it sound like it's an issue because they're red states.

You should know by now that very few politicians act based on the desires of voters but rather special interest groups filling their pockets. Party affiliation is irrelevant.
cyberjet 4
It’s not about that, though. My comment was about states ignoring federal jurisdiction. That trait is relatively new and it is unique to red states. Texas and Florida trying to legislate immigration would be one example.
Ken Lane 2
Given the frequency at which the US Congress abuses the Tenth Amendment, I'm not too worried about actions by most states.
cyberjet 0
A yes, the entity within which the GOP has control over both houses.
aknorris 1
The GOP hasn't controlled both houses of the US Congress since 2018.
Even then, the margin of majority in the Senate was only 2 seats.
Don't let your political bias lead you to misrepresenting facts.
Nooge 0
You should know party is relevant and some politicians under legal and political prosecution act based on the white grievance of their voters

What they imply is America and Boeing are Not Great Anymore because of Women and non white people

Paxton is one and you know the other one

USA Today

DALLAS (AP) — The Texas attorney general has opened an investigation into a key Boeing supplier that is already facing scrutiny from federal regulators over quality of parts that it provides to the aircraft maker.

Paxton asked the Wichita, Kansas-based supplier to turn over documents produced since the start of 2022 about communication with investors and Boeing about flaws in parts and corrective steps the company took.

The request goes into detail in seeking internal discussions around Spirit’s efforts to create a diverse workforce “and whether those commitments are unlawful or are compromising the company’s manufacturing processes.” Paxton asked for a breakdown of Spirit's workforce by race, sexual orientation and other factors, and whether the makeup has changed over time.
Chuck Lavazzi 5
Red state legislatures like this one have had zero interest in anything but cosplay politics for years now. It's all about getting attention in the right wing media bubble. Actual solutions to actual problems don't interest them.
Mark Eagle 12
Have these fools have nothing else better to do? This group of legislatures led by the incompetent guhvner billie lee have set this great state back decades. Embarrassing at minimum
wacoachy 8
This has got to be an early April fools joke
Ed Sherlock 1
I wish...
jmilleratp 8
Your Elected Officials: Tackling the real issues for their constituents.
Alan Glover 2
As we can see here, it's the wacky stuff that gets the eyeballs.
When in a debate always ask the question: "What proof or evidence would it take to change your mind or opinion?" If they can't answer, stop the debate. You won.
mark47950 4
I'd love to meet the enforcement division for this law.
Jim Rosensweet 4
And I thought they were only here in Arizona. Who knew?
Gary Kendall 12
OMG! It is plain to see that common sense has left us entirely. Just read some of the comments.

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Perry Ramsey 7
Are they also going to ban werewolves, trolls, unicorns, and dragons?
Gene Joy 1
I bet most Tennesseans would like to have them as pets.
aknorris 1
A dragon might actually be a pretty cool pet; however, my daughters would probably prefer a unicorn.
siriusloon 9
What about cloud seeding to produce rain, reduce the intensity of storm systems, etc?
Paul Shepherd 3
As I understand it, this would stop that from happening. They may have just shot themselves in the foot!
William Bell 2
There is no evidence that cloud seeding is anything but marginally effective.

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Joe Serdynski -5
As I've heard, Atomic Weapons were supposed to be used for this . . .
Nooge 3
Jewish Space Lasers were supposed to be used for this . . .
jwmson 6
This kind of thinking is not confined to Washington, D.C.
Alan Glover -1
Glenn Head 3
Simple fix. Planes just stop flying into or over the state.
Larry Kreuger 3
The reason these politicians and candidates for office post such absurd claims (the topic really doesn’t matter) is to get a few headlines, mentions, etc. on various real and goofball ‘news’ sites and online comments spaces is simply to be noticed. It’s all about performance politics today….though the goofier the claim the more likely they may pick up a few votes from uninformed bubbas who are likely dependent upon the auditory cheesecake found on a.m radio and leggy babes on certain tv channels.
Noyb family 3
I don’t get it. If chemtrails don’t exist, why are so many getting so upset over banning nothing?
srobak 1
Because we don't want our government wasting their time playing make-believe on our dime.
Don Langford 3
Tennessee is no longer a “flyover” state.
Tommy Boy 12
Don't confuse chemtrails with contrails, the latter simply being a trail of condensed moisture in the atmosphere.
The red, white and blue emitted by the Thunderbirds at an air show are chemtrails. The visible mist from a crop-duster is a chemtrail.

It's highly doubtful that a chemtrail would have any effect whatsoever on temperature or the intensity of the sunlight. But it is Tennessee, so there you go, Goober.
Alan Glover 3
The inaccurate and spurious generalization anout Tennesseans aside, the facts about the subject at hand are correct.
siriusloon 1
Contrails are not just water, they include engine exhaust chemicals, too.
Alan Glover 1
What we see is the water vapor condensing in the very cold atmosphere at those altitudes.

The byproducts of burning the kerosene are invisible.
Jeff Pinhey 12
It’s Tennessee. Third world country wannabe. They probably would vote to proclaim the earth is flat.
John D 2
I think they already did.
siriusloon 22
If chemtrails carried AR-15s and wore red ball caps, the Tennessee Senate would welcome them with a parade.

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cyberjet 0
Time to request a top up on the old sense of humor there, Bill.
Bayouflier -5
he's a sirius loon. Give him credit for that.
Victor Engel 6
People commenting so far seem to have stopped reading before "with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight"

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siriusloon 12
People have been on this planet a lot longer than 2025 years.
Highflyer1950 10
So by the same thinking, Tennessee should ban all vehicles that exhaust visible emissions including all the limo’s, cars, SUV’s etc, that these same politicians ride in, the planes they fly in and the trains they ride in? If these low IQ dingbats say you can’t ban something you can’t see, make them walk during winter!
The chemtrails issue has gained traction on both sides of the fence, yet only liberals here use the complaint to insult the intelligence of conservatives (so far). I find this discouraging, because pilots generally respond in a circumspect and thoughtful manner, even whilst arguing. Yes, it is fair to say there are conservative nutbags out there. It is also fair to say there are liberal hypocrites out there too. Turning off your air conditioner will do more for the environment than buying a Prius. Sure, its fine to make such claims to point out the sins of others, but would you put up with personal discomfort to spare mother earth?

F.Y.I. the whole chemtrail idea has a well defined origin. Look it up? Richard Finke, Colorado Springs. . . William David Thomas author chemtrails confirmed... both men attended decidedly liberal educational institutions and espoused liberal ideology in their writings. Do a little 'leg work' before bandying insults at your peers next time please.

Remember: to the layman on the ground every aircraft is a U F O. They may be ignorant about aircraft, but that doesnt mean they are (all) stupid! Consider the pilots here who posted about conservative conspiracy theories, while ignorant of its origins instructive on this matter.
srobak 1
Sorry... How is running the ac - a closed loop system - harming the environment again?
You have got to be trolling. But in case you are ignorant, and because I have a BS in Physics, I will try to help you think in a bigger box. Your question displays the assumption that all environmental harm is derived from first degree toxic emissions. (*those directly released by the ac unit) Understandable, since the gasses used are generally extremely toxic, but not where the majority of environmental harm derives. You might think that it is the manufacture of said units, or the collection of the toxic refrigerants used that has greater impact, but again, that is wrong.

These units generally last a number of years and the annualized impact of their production is thereby reduced. So, what is left? ENERGY CONSUMPTION. The energy they use must be generated and represents the greatest long term adverse environmental impact for ac units. Get your electricity from coal? Factor in the carbon footprint of those solar and wind farms, how much fuel was expended building that hydroelectric facility?

Space heating and cooling are estimated to account for 44% of energy in U.S. residential buildings in 2023.10

Your 'closed loop' systems harm the environment more than you ever imagined!

Refrigerators are one of the largest users of household appliance energy; in 2021, an average of 718 lbs CO2e per household was due to refrigeration.8,11

Of the roughly 66,000 lbs CO₂e emitted over the lifetime of an internal combustion engine car (assuming 93,000 miles driven), 84% come from the use phase.16

Much like the car, the largest harm caused by ac units is derived from using them.
Don't stress about the word ignorant. We are all ignorant about stuff, and we can correct that ignorance by seeking knowledge. That is, unless we are incapable of learning. In that case you would not be ignorant, you would be...something else!
Tim Dyck 1
Thanks for your comment. It was well thought out and informative but more to the point it is saying something I have said for decades. Mankind lived up until very recently without AC yet now it’s treated like a human right. If we reduced the amount of extra energy we use for our own comfort, and I’m not saying turn the heat off in winter just turn it down, then we could reduce our entire environmental footprint. My not having AC in my house and never using it in my vehical may not save the world but I am doing a little less harm. Imagine if everyone just put up with a little discomfort how much effect it would have.
srobak 1
It's really too bad that we cannot insert inline images on here - because if so you would have earned yourself a Picard Facepalm.

Modern heating and cooling systems are magnitudes more efficient on energy consumption than they wee even just a couple (human) generations ago. Maybe you are too young to remember - but back in the day we would not run AC in the car because it would cause a major impact to fuel efficiency - sometimes even double-digits in MPG. Household energy efficiencies are at an all time high with cleaner burning furnaces, amazingly insulated fridges and freezers, only a handful of households still have a significant amount of incandescent bulbs, flatscreen tv's draw a fraction of the power an old tube set did... and the list goes on.

You DO realize you are in an aeronautical group here, right? While aircraft efficiencies are also at an all time high - even a 3 hour flight in a 172 is going to generate far more CO2 than any single household for an entire year - nevermind a multi-engine jet of any size. If there is ever the wrong hill to stand on for announcing a position such as yours - it would be on top of this group.

Moving on...
The AC energy consumption stats were from this decade if I recall. I will check.
Click the link and update your argument. I look forward to a cogent reply.
Center for Sustainable Systems, University of Michigan. 2023. "Carbon Footprint Factsheet." Pub. No. CSS09-05.
With regard to situational awareness, with 3 BS, 1 Masters, 1 PhD, and having served in 3 wars...Yes I am aware that many here lack the breadth of knowledge I have garnered over time. Some, however are peers, and some are more apt than I. Which category do you think you are in, and why.

I once encountered a lifelong aviator who disabled her ADS-B to barnstorm a bridge. Being an aviator is not an indicator of current knowledge or wisdom...Although she is no longer an aviator now.

Your assumption that most here are aviators is flawed. Pi-Aware lets anyone with a smidge of programming join this group. It also permits autoreport violations of FAA guidelines.

The folks at AirMethods (*Philly 01/2022) used to be a problem locally, flying NOE over densely populated areas. Thanks to all the folks in this forum who are not aviators, the frequency of such infractions has declined. You tend to keep the ADS-B system on when you know it will be autoreported every time it is turned on at a different location than its last destination, right?

To be clear, i admire the pilots who steadfastly adhere to safety protocols. Those who cut corners and place others at risk to conserve fuel, or for a quick thrill (* or who simply fail to stay up to date) should consider a new line of work.
Tim Dyck 4
“the intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight …”
At first glance of the headline I thought this was about Chemtrails but it appears to be more about weather modification. I know there are some people advocating using particle dispersion to reduce the effects of global warming and I think that should never tried as it could lead to some very nasty unintended consequences. So maybe these politicians are just being overly cautious to prevent some of the more radical anti global warming crowd from experimenting with that idea. Or maybe they just got into a bit to much wacky tabacky.
History shows again and again how nature points up the folly of man.
bbabis 8
I'm totally embarrassed now to be from Tennessee. I thought our politicians were pretty good but this sets their intelligence scores back pretty far.
Alan Glover -1
Keep in mind nuttier things happen in liberal jurisdictions that actually are adopted.

There was a congressman who was afraid Guam was going to tip over.

Anyway, clickbait works. Here we all are. ;)
Chuck Lavazzi 7
"Keep in mind nuttier things happen in liberal jurisdictions that actually are adopted." Really? Name one. A real one, I mean, not something you heard on Newsmax.
Wait. Since when did chemical released to reflect sunlight (geoengineering) becomes "chemtrails"? Is this ignorance on the part of the author, or an attempt to generate click bait? Yikes.
Tim Dyck 1
I think it’s clickbait. I read the article and then went and read the bill and it has nothing to do with chemtrail conspiracies
Jim Welch 2
I literally know a Flat Earther that believes all con-trails are spraying Roundup.
The dumbing down of America is complete.
slpceo 2
It appears that the ban is only on substances disbursed "...with the express purpose of affecting ...", not all substances. Only those with the intent of modifying the atmosphere. That's not how most of these posts are interpreting it. I'm not saying that it's a good idea or not, just that if you want to argue the point, make sure you're addressing the stated purpose of the legislation with your criticisms.
Great! No cars,boats,planes,fireplaces cigarettes pipes,furnaces,close down the hospitals & creamatoriums!. Let me know what you do with airborne palutants from other states. You can turn your freeways in to tent cities for homeless people and unwanted animals & children. No burn barrels allowed!
Noyb family 2
"...of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight."
If no one is doing this, why all the uproar? I don’t think it’s a red/blue thing. Maybe a nothing burger. If no one is attempting to affect the weather, temperature or sunlight, no one should be at all worried.
John Gideon 4
I actually took time to read the bill and the commentary by the sponsor. No one is claiming chemtrails are being used today. Their point is that they don't trust the federal government to not start doing something nefarious and they wanted to put a stop to it. I would scoff at these conspiracy theorists, but 10 years ago, we would have thought it preposterous that the federal government would require use of a basically untested vaccine to work for a federal contractor, but here we are (I'm not anti-vaccine, or even anti-COVID vaccine, just opposed to the mandate; I actually got the Pfizer vaccine to keep my job). There is no mention of the word "chemtrail" in the legislation or any of the official commentary; the terms used are aerial dispersal of chemicals for certain specific purposes. I can't blame them for not trusting what will happen in the future. From what I could tell, not one of the legislators who voted for this bill expect the contrails to disappear. However, since the media cannot even report on a simple aviation incident correctly, I can't image trying to trust them on something as complicated as a law, especially since they have a vested interest in making these TN politicians look dumb - it sells more content that way.
Henry Ford 2
What do you mean “look dumb”?
Philip Armour 4
This will only affect legitimate crop dusting business and agriculture in the state?
Yazoo 2
No because y ou didn't read the article or the bill.
"...of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight."
So it won't affect anything or anybody because no one is putting chemicals in the air for the express purpose of affecting temp, WX, or sunlight.
Rosomak 5
Tennessee ranks what, 35/50 when it comes to education ranking? And has one of the highest HS drop out rates?

Conservative war on education paying off in dividends
Problem with Tn education is the same as the other 49 states. Since the Feds took control of Education the quality has has gone down ever since. I can’t even count the educated idiots that applied for employment at my business over the decades. Common sense still rocks too ! Lol
Dan Anderson 3
The only 'chemtrail' dispersant aircraft would be cropdusters.
nashcat 3
If it's really a thing, any fire bomber would be able.
lynx318 3
Geez, another tinfoil hatter story.
I see this action as a means to prevent experimentation with geoengineering, especially before some limited, careful tests are conducted. (We don't need another episode of "new science" such as what we saw with mRNA shots that caused so much damage.)

What we DO know is that aerosols in the air change the weather, such as what we've seen from many volcano eruptions. The weather is often changed for two to three years after a big eruption (see 1916, the year without summer). I understand aerosols have a much greater effect on our atmosphere than some trace gases.

Harvard University only a few weeks ago was planning to put aerosols into the atmosphere as a test. We should go slowly with such experiments until we have considered all the downsides.
Valerie Scott 2
Perhaps they should focus on the fact that they burn coal for the majority of their electrical energy consumption and that burning coal is detrimental for the worlds climate and also their citizens health. But I guess that wouldn't fit the conspiratorial narrative of the right wing loonies.
List of power stations in Tennessee
Nuclear (43.1%)
Coal (22.2%)
Natural gas (17.6%)
Hydroelectric (15.7%)
Biomass (0.8%)
Solar (0.4%)
Petroleum (0.1%)
Wind (0.1%)

Incorrect, but you are right that they use a lot of coal.
WillisRF 2
Tennessee has gone off the raisl.
WillisRF 3
Should be the "rails."
Tim Dyck 2
I wish we could edit posts. I try to proof read but sometimes I miss things and later read the post and see something I missed.
Mark Strawn 2
If chemtrails worked, we may not have had a COVID epidemic!
srobak 1
Or it would be why we did.
Now, after wanting to bad to poke fun of the ignorance....the fact is that there are Govt and some private industries that do in fact try to "seed" weather activities -

Maybe, just maybe this is what they mean?
Greg Slager 2
Tennessee politicians have not really done anything but sit around, get payed and not focus on thing that help their citizens! I-44 is falling apart, brides also! They need to get with the program and make the state better and actually do something other than infringe in people personal life’s and BS legislation!
srobak 2
I44 is federally funded. Not state.
MrTommy 1
So, how are TN politicians any different from all other politicians?
Nooge 0

So, how are TN politicians any different from all other politicians?

One of them is Marsha Blackburn
Brock Nanson 1
You can't fix stupid. Or legislate it away either, apparently.
kbraniff 1
Roger Duncan 1
I suppose airlines and privates could bypass Tennessee until the voters wake up and vote the idiots out of office.
I wonder if those idiots do not realise, they do not control the airways over Tennessee? LOL!
matt jensen 1
Thanks i had seen this before. You thing this it big joke. What they dont realize us that unless youve been dumped on, none of you havent a clue how much damage it does to your breathing and lungs. The junk contains barium and aluminum particles. When we found it on our vehicles in MT they said it came from the smelter in Columbia Falls. Only problem with that was the smelter was closed five years earlier. I watched the unmarked jets making the criss cross for hours. They were at less than 10000 ft over the mountains. No “N” visible.
bruce kerr 1
My state….my idiots! 🙄🙄🙄
Craig Good 1
Poe's Law rules the universe.
Did I read that right? Introduced by Republicans in the south, go figure.
HAAAAAAAA... and lets quit using gas for our cars ... stupid is , as stupid does !!
EMK69 1
Interesting read by Harvard
Tim Dyck 0
Thanks for the link. I should have read it before I posted a comment on this, there is some very good info in there.
sweeper239 1
Perhaps if we all ingest bleach it will protect us...
John D 1
Of course they did…
Chuck Lavazzi -1
For those who obviously didn't bother to read the article, the bill is "sponsored by Rep. Monty Fritts, R-Kingston, and Sen. Steve Southerland, R-Morristown". Y'all know what the "R" means, right? The justification for it (which you could read if you wanted to do so) is standard right wing conspiracy boilerplate.

Face it, MAGAs, you own this.

That said, it's just more performative posturing that will be allowed to quietly die after it has served its purpose by generating attention in forums like this one.
Ken Lane 13
You must be under the impression that "Republican" is synonymous with "conservative". It is NOT.

So, stop being an idiot and assuming so. The GOP is no longer conservative and hasn't been for a couple decades or more.
srobak 8
So all Republicans are whackadoos because 2 of them are? I can't wait to see your take on crime and race.
Tim Dyck 2
For those who didn’t read the article the bill is about weather modification using partial dispersal into the atmosphere. But hey if posting misinformation scores you some kind of credit keep doing it. May I suggest Facebook or that X thing where you can gain a huge following simply by twisting words and attacking politicians.
Tim Dyck 0
“the intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight …”
At first glance of the headline I thought this was about Chemtrails but it appears to be more about weather medication. I know there are some people advocating using particle dispersion to reduce the effects of global warming and I think that should never tried as it could lead to some very nasty unintended consequences. So maybe these politicians are just being overly cautious to prevent some of the more radical anti global warming crowd from experimenting with that idea.
“History shows again and again how nature points up the folly of man.” Donald Roeser
Mark Beneke 0
For what it's worth, I would have voted no.
Here is an article from MIT that speaks about this very subject.
Tim Dyck 1
That’s a Pandora’s Box that is better left closed. But thanks for the link.

James Simms -4
Apparently, aircraft needing to dump fuel in an emergency isn't allowed?
Jason Riddell 3
no as it says "intentional dispersal of chemicals to alter weather ETC so dumping of fuel for the purpose of safety would be allowed

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C J 2
I think it's time for a mass reporting of linbb...
Bill Overdue -5
Under normal circumstances, I'd never advocate anyone doing this, but in your case, I'd recommend locating your 3rd grade teacher and slap her, she'll know why you did and appreciate it. She failed you!
Joe Serdynski -9
too many Bud Lights (favorite beer in Tennessee) . . .

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Tim Dyck 3
Please proof read and correct your comments befor posting. I’m not a spelling Nazi and I make more then a few grammer mistakes but I do try to keep my comments readable. If you want us to read your comments please put some effort into keeping them readable.
siriusloon 4
What language is that? It almost looks like English.
Bill Overdue -8
Clearly, you are ingesting far too many pharmaceuticals!
lynx318 0
He probably flew an ultralight through 'chemtrails' and ingested some. ;P
Julie Giakoumis -1
Great! No one in Tennessee can drive a car,boat,burn ffi
kbraniff -1
Tim Dyck 1
That’s a rabbit hole I would rather not go down.

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

srobak 2
Wow... Never figured this group would have so much love for AOC. LOL
Chuck Lavazzi 0
Chemtrails are a mostly right-wing crackpot idea. Hope that helps.
Tim Dyck 5
There are conspiracy nuts from all political ideologies. Maybe don’t condemn whole groups of people over the words or actions of a few, that is the definition of bigotry.
BTW also try to read the articles befor commenting on them. It would help to know the context of what you’re criticizing before posting a comment that leads to people questioning your intellectual capacity.
srobak -4
Lol.... No they're not


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