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The climate activism group Extinction Rebellio has postponed a plan to use drones to shut down Heathrow Airport

The climate activism group, Extinction Rebellio, has postponed a plan to use drones to shut down Heathrow Airport on Tuesday. Aviation authorities went on the alert last month when the group said they would paralyse Britain’s busiest airport in June and July. The group insists a planned The climate activism group Extinction Rebellio has postponed a plan to use drones to shut down Heathrow Airport third runway would cause further damage to the Earth’s climate. Extinction Rebellion had been in… ( Más...

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linbb -1
Climate change has been going on since the planet was formed, ice age started melting and covering vast areas with water as the result. It has kept on happing over the years and will continue forward no matter WHAT WE DO so get over it.
Kobe Hunte 1
There IS things we can do do help climate change, though. If everyone pitches in it could make a difference.
Kobe Hunte 1
It is going to happen like you said, all people will do is slow it down if anything is done
canuck44 3
Nothing like announcing your plans to allow countermeasuresgoing to to be put in place and beefing up of ground location equipment. The fact they are "postpone" their criminality is likely a ruse as law enforcement begins to infiltrate and target the organizers.
Kobe Hunte 2
I know. They obviously didn't think about that part of things. Which is good for the law etc.

canuck44 5
Trouble is that it is religion to these people. Some of the followers will drop off, but the core radicals will merely go underground and reorganize
Kobe Hunte 2
Well said.
linbb 1
Eco nuts and others could care less if they kill anyone it just part of doing business there way. They want to strangle the US by over kill on the eco deal while other counties produce so much that we could not even make a small dent in the problem by doing any more than we are right now.


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