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FAA launches new investigation into Boeing after company may have missed some 787 Dreamliner inspections

The FAA is investigating whether Boeing completed the inspections and if employees falsified aircraft records ( Más...

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Alan Zelt 11
Is there any logical reason why CEO can't be "resigned" now instead the end of December?

sparkie624 1
He can resign anytime he wants.. However, you can force someone to Resign, but they can be voted out by the board (Effectively Fired)
The buck doesn’t stop here.
So far, amongst other things, Boeing's woes are allegedly the fault of beancounters, stockholders, DEI or even an Airbus funded smear campaign. In reality the prime cause has been the complete failure of their board and senior management to ensure that they produce a product which is worthy of the quality and safety standards that were once recognised across the globe.
If they are to regain trust then now is the time to also reveal if there are any more skeletons in the cupboard. This has to be followed by a clear out of any 'dead wood' at senior levels and a complete reappraisal of their production and quality control processes. If, and only if, they can achieve this, will it be possible to start to rebuild confidence. At the same time they have to convince their workforce that things are changing for the better. They HAVE to see that progress is being made, and from that pride in the job begin to grow.
If you can't regain the confidence of your work force, then the chances of regaining that of the public are zilch, and without that there isn't a way forward.
Bill Overdue -1
While I agree with the jist of.your premise, the "fastest method" to regaining consumer confidence... is "heads gotta roll".. and not just the loser leaving in December, "heads now"...several heads! Honestly, I doubt they ever get back completely..
Scott Haas 2
I recently flew to Chicago and back on Boeing aircraft. I gave up being an atheist those two days of the flights and converted to being a Christian Buddhist with Hindu leanings instead. I also carried a copy of the Talmud with me for some light reading in between listening to "The Tao of Pooh" on audiotape. Can't take any chances and it seemed to work. I have evolved.
avionik99 2
A whistle-blower "died after a surprise infection"??? What kind of an infection is that? The four main types of infections are viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic but a "Surprise infection"?? Is there a slant the writer is trying to put in here to make Boeing look suspicious? Seems most everyone wants a piece of the "Hate on Boeing" pie these days.
btweston -2
You do realize how absurd your comment is, right?
Bill Overdue -3
"Look suspicious"? How many people must die before people like you admit that Boeing has a systemic problem with "designing, assembling and maintaining airplanes"? For all practical purposes these issues didn't exist before Obama said "join me while I fundamentally change America". That was the moment DEI come to the forefront as a priority and was forced into the boardrooms of corporate America!
Patrick Naughton 1
Bill, when you talk about DEI causing problems you really mean black people .
Bill Overdue -1
Pfft, why do people, perhaps like you assume blacks, or asians or trans people are too dumb to get a job on their own? When I talk about DEI causing problems, I "REALLY" mean people who are deliberately and consciously put in a position that perhaps they normally would not be in ... and because of their color, creed, sex, gender etc; they are now sent forward despite not having the qualifications, prior training, mentality and other required characteristics for the positions made available by companies. My concern is "if these people are really qualified, why didn't they just apply for the job", and not rely on DEI to open a door that could've been opened by them without DEI? It's a good thing many companies are "defunding, cutting back or otherwise eliminating" DEI and going back to a meritocracy instead of handouts!
btweston -1
Hi. You are not smart.
Bill Overdue -5
Well its a good thing I'm intelligent then!
btweston 0
And yet you still hit the post button.
Bill Overdue -3
The most overused, self describing, word in the English language!
Stop being a right wing nut-job troll defacto blaming everything on DEI.

The primary reason for Boeing’s fall from grace is beancounting, HQ relocation and McDonnell Douglas bad manufacturing practices.
Bill Overdue -2
So you do agree with me when I say Boeing has "systemic problems with "designing, assembling and maintaining airplanes"! Which is what I said! Racism has NOTHING yo do with DEI! That's on you my friend! Did it ever occur to you that DEI is partly if not completely the cause of bad manufacturing problems? Just a thought!
There maybe asked of Current Corporate Behaviours impacting this, but it’s pretty small beer compared to the primary causes.

You obvs have a tin-ear, as all feedback to you for all comments is to shut-up with your DEI shit-posting.

“Keep repeating the lie ……”
Bill Overdue -2
Maybe? Define "small"? Its more than current ... its been around long enough to get deeply embedded in all aspects of Boeing, therein lies the problem! Clearly, you and I have differing opinions of "aviation safety". Boeing will/must change or they will go under, its as simple as that. Frankly, I could care less what you think, or others think ... In fact, the dense demeanor from some substantiate my opinions on safety. Take a number if you must.
Can you cite DEI impacts beyond your own bigotry. Boeing has been red over by press, TV, books, FAA and there is enough evidential.
Bill Overdue -2
Bigotry? You're quite a funny guy, I presume, a guy. I have no idea what you just said, or trying to say? DEI is also embedded in the ATC community! Have you recently noticed any near misses, runway incursions or tarmac contact, its nearly an everyday occurrence these days. Category A and B incursions are on the rise. Airlines, like United clearly state they "WILL" hire using DEI prerequisites. I'll let you do your own research on companies like Meta, Google, X, Nextdoor, Tesla, Home Depot, Lyft and a hundred other companies "substantially" cutting back or eliminating DEI altogether, because it's detrimental to their bottom line! I couldn't care less about a person's gender, color of skin etc.. intelligence and skillset over race and gender EVERYTIME! If a person has the intelligence for the position, that's great, but very dangerous when they don't, and THAT is evident and you see it everyday! Wise up.
Is DEI really the prime cause of all that is wrong at Boeing etc. or is it just a handy peg to hang the blame on (similarly, as in the UK, in some sectors Brexit is the fault of all evil, regardless of it's relevance to the issue in question)
Some would claim that DEI can be disadvantaging to other groups, but is that as a result of the way it is being applied, rather than the concept itself being at fault.
Airbus actively states that their strength lies in their diversity. It seems that properly managed DEI can, in fact, be a positive aid to any industry - perhaps a little more managerial effort is required to ensure that it is used sensibly.
Bill Overdue -4
You make some valid points! "prime cause"? It's much more than that, DEI is a business philosophy! DEI is built on a false premise from the beginning! To suggest DEI is needed to hire the right people, says companies weren't hiring the right people in the first place? I submit they "were" hiring the right people based on the knowledge, personality and many other factors the person has, who is applying for a particular job, long before DEI was "invented". Suspiciously and purposely, DEI was a requirement when COVID money was being handed out by the trillions in USA. Basically, if companies took Covid money, they were "forced" into implementing the DEI philosophy whereas a "predetermined" number of people would be hired regardless of education, knowledge or skill set! This is a very dangerous principle when critical thinking and other factors are needed. Lets face it, not everyone can fly a jet, or weld a pipeline 200 ft underwater ... or assemble an airplane or direct them on the tarmac or in the air for that matter. Can they be taught? Sure, but do you have time, and willing to invest big $'s in a person who simply doesn't have the aptitude to begin with! Specifically, this is why companies are moving away from DEI as quickly and quietly as they possibly can.
Nunya Bizness 1
You really do not understand the concept of DEI. You just see it as white people not getting the job. Do you think they are taking random people and putting them into positions they have no clue about? Its implemented because when people like you are in the position to choose who gets hired (when both are qualified), you choose the white guy. I bet you choose the white guy even if he is less qualified.

The reason why we are seeing more issues now is because of a lack of training, failure to hold people accountable for actions, and a generation that has this sense of entitlement. It has nothing to do with being unqualified. I doubt any of these people would be hired if the lack A&P Licenses or pilot certificates. If you have proof of the contrary, post it.

And to your last point there about companies moving away from DEI, a 2 second google search resulted in quite the opposite. Forbes has an article that basically says everything you say is bullshit. I'm paraphrasing of course.

You really should come out from the basement, or under the bridge or whatever.
Bill Overdue 0
"The reason why we are seeing more issues now is because of a lack of training, failure to hold people accountable for actions, and a generation that has this sense of entitlement."...

Thank you for making my point about DEI. This IS the description of DEI! And it has EVERYTHING to do with being unqualified! Of course you're paraphrasing!
It's a very bold assumption to claim that prior to DEI companies WERE hiring the best people for the job. DEI increased the number of people in the pool from which to choose and to suggest that NONE of them were better than the others seems somewhat prejudiced. DEI works when companies use this extra workforce sensibly, and that is down to good management. Airbus, for example, started to implement DEI policies back in 2011 (Social diversity and disability ideals) and it doesn't seemed to have harmed them.
DEI is not there to put ALL of those concerned into top jobs, nor should it exclude them, but it is there to offer an opportunity, and that really can't be such a bad thing.
Bill Overdue 0
Bold? Of course they were hiring the right people, and if they didn't, they would be fired or let go, as ANY employee should be if they're not a good fit for the job they were hired to do! Geez! Whats bold about looking at a persons resume and using it to determine if this job applicant is the "best and most qualified" person for the job. Do they have the skill set, aptitude and personality to do this job? Or am I forced to hire a "certain percentage" of people who aren't particularly qualified when they walked in the door .. and forced to invest $'s above and beyond a normal qualified candidate to just get them in, then forced to accommodate them based on race, creed, color, sex, gender, age, eye color, favorite movie, etc .... of course I'm paraphrasing, but you get the picture! DEI is like me having to pay for "someone else's kids college tuition" because The Timid Imbecile says so, and pretending it's for the "good of the country"... such a lie, and so is DEI!
So looking to the upcoming presidential elections, which I'm sure we can all agree is a pretty important job, both Biden and Trump have each submitted their resume to show that they are the 'best and most qualified' person to do the job.
Biden is 81, Trump is nearly 78, they both have baggage - neither is realistically the BEST candidate. Hiring, or firing, is seldom as easy as ABC and to a certain extent I think you are portraying the issues just in 'black and white' whereas in reality there are many shades of grey in between.
One final comment, you may well help to pay for 'someone else's kids tuition' but, just suppose that one day in the future that kid goes on to save the world, wouldn't you just feel a teeny weeny bit proud that you helped it happen?
Bill Overdue -1
Total bunk ... To compare a man who can't put 2 sentences together to create a cogent thought is an embarrassment to a man that can run circles around him, yes, that would be Donald Trump. To suggest a man is too senile to be charged and impeached for having classified documents, at a time when he legally could not possess them as a public citizen, at (5) different locations yet somehow is capable of having the nuclear codes in his pocket is mindnumbingly obtuse, to say the least. Biden acts like he's 100, he talks like he's 115, and doesn't know where he is half the time! You know that, and I know that! Sadly, even your final comment has no merit, as the Supreme Court said 6-3 it was unconstitutional and illegal to pay for tuitions, period! Why should I have to pay for your kid when your neighbors kid had to work 3 jobs to pay for their education, not to mention their parents paid for their own college before having kids! This is the same rationale as illegals killing Americans. When I say illegals kill Americans, you say that's not fair because not all illegals kill Americans, of course they don't! My comeback is the only logical one, and quite simple. If the illegal aliens weren't in America, Americans could not be killed by illegal aliens! Whoops, is that too easy for you to comprehend? Your kid is NOT my responsibility, despite the socialist POV of the Biden Administration and the Left, where we're all in this together .. my money is your money and vice versa! Utter BS! Wise up!
My goodness, you really are angry, I'm not sure how you equate helping a young person succeed through assisting with their education to somehow the killing of Americans.
In my (fairly long) lifetime my wife and I have been privileged to help a couple of youngsters along the way and, I'm proud to say, they have gone on to do quite well. I'm wise enough to accept that it may have happened anyway but we do have their acknowledgement and continuing friendship for that first little bit of encouragement and help.
OK so Biden bad, Trump good - my question was 'is a 78 year old man with baggage' really the BEST available to take on one of the world's most important jobs'?
Maybe we should agree to differ and return to just talking aviation.
sparkie624 1
"Maybe we should agree to differ and return to just talking aviation." - 2nd that motion!
FINALLY - this is my last comment on this thread
I 2nd that motion!!
Bill Overdue -2
Not angry at all. I think we can agree, you simply don't get it. You must live in a bubble? And to suggest that Biden is a "viable" option, of ANY kind, is absolutely absurd! Biden and DOJ are running a 3rd world banana republic. Have a good mothers day!
Apologies Sparkie for, despite my assurance to keep to 'just aviation', I feel I have to respond to Bill's last 'Hissy Fit' posting.
I DID NOT suggest Biden is a viable option and neither DID I suggest that Trump is.
In my little bubble I wouldn't dream to suggest which party should be worthy of your vote. The point I was making, relevant to earlier posts, was that with a population of 300 million plus how were either of these elderly gentlemen really the BEST candidates for one of the worlds most important jobs.
FINALLY - this is my last comment on this thread.
sparkie624 1
This may be a First... But, I have to agree with you!
John John -2
I have no desire to add to the systemic risks I take when I'm (flying, driving, diving, medical exam - take your pick; add your own) by relying on the output of those employed under the DEI philosophy. I have no way of knowing where on the continuum of learned competence they sit, and I will not knowingly put my family's life or my own in their hands. That I should as a consequence of imposed DEI is repugnant and a stain on the decison-makers of the day.
Nunya Bizness 2
Then stay at home. DO NOT LEAVE THE HOUSE EVER. And for good safety measure, disconnect from the internet. Then you'll be okay and safe. This is the absolute best win-win for everyone.
Bill Overdue -1
You "almost" sound like a product of DEI? But of course you would never deliberately put your family at risk ... it just sounds good!
Bill Overdue 0
Absolutely right!
sparkie624 1
I could see this coming...

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

btweston 0
Your sentence structure is flawed.
Bill Overdue -5
Still better than a flawed brain structure, no?
sparkie624 3
LOL... You should know that from Experience... Did you realize you get Downloaded more than maybe 1 other user!...
Bill Overdue -3
Doesn't phase me in the least! However, it's hard for me to imagine the likes of "some down voters" piloting an airplane. And THATS from experience! 😉
btweston 0
Do you know why this is funny?
Bill Overdue -5
When people disagree with facts, it shows how ignorant they are! While that's not necessarily funny, it too, is a fact! Try harder to be less ignorant!
John John -2
Bill, you're on the money...


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