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Man Fined $21K for Causing Disturbance on Flight from London to Newark

A 30-year-old man has been fined $21,000 for exhibiting unruly behavior and engaging in loud arguments on a flight from London to Newark. Described as physically combative, the man’s actions led to significant disruptions aboard the aircraft, prompting authorities to impose a hefty fine as a consequence of his conduct. ( Más...

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avionik99 17
This action should happen far more often. The idiot has been in jail since Mar 1st. Awesome! Also it should be done for flights even if there was no diversion.
David Walden 14
Surprised this hasn’t had more coverage in the U.K. there is a certain type of traveller that downloads too much booze and then kicks off. I see this guy had several weeks in jail to sober up. Let it be a lesson to others. The $21k fine makes it an expensive trip!!And I he loses visa waiver status do getting back to the US won’t be easy.

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avionik99 8
The situation escalated to the point the flight was diverted! Not going to divert cuz some jerk simply has a different opinion on a topic!
21voyageur 9
or did not like the tapioca pudding. Without the details, we still can safely assume the cause. Too much alcohol, + altitude, + attitude = $21,000
macclad1 2
EXCUSE ME, Sir, Ma'am, Gents, Xir! I find this Tapioca pudding HIGHLY objectionable and irregular. THerefore I must protest loudly! Gooday Sirs, Madams, Gents, and Xirs! :)
Stuart Barkley 5
What do you mean "used to"?
Brian Freeman 1
Andy - Did you get "participation ribbons" when you were in school?? Sent to "time out" for misbehavior?? Things like that. I have my suspicions.
Stephanie Miller 7
Hurray! It's about time unruly passengers get taken more seriously by the system. They cause a lot of unnecessary anxiety and are very problematic for the crew. Put them of the "no fly" list and let them walk!
Chris B 7
They should hold him in custody until he pays up.
Ian Garthwaite 1
That would cost the rest of us.
Mark Wishart 1
Plus, you can't do that for 'restitution'...
The BBC provides more details: He was argumentative with other passengers and the crew, and threatened to "Mess up the plane." He was restrained with flex cuffs and the flight was diverted to Bangor, Maine, where he was removed and arrested.
AWAAlum 2
lolol - who in today's society, doesn't know better than to act like a buffoon - particularly on a plane.
Greg S 4
Now that's a good number.
M20ExecDriver 7
Put him on the no fly list and let him take a boat back to England, preferably a tramp steamer.
mbrews 2
Save the environment. Lend him a zero emission rowboat.
Christine Smith 3
Article doesn’t offer much more info than headline. Save the click.
Michael Hanson 3
He should also be put on all airlines NO FLY LIST. LIFETIME!!
dval18 3
Seems an appropriate outcome. Sorry that one of ours was causing problems on American territory (the US-registered aircraft).
Rory Armstrong 1
I agree with those posting he should be banned from flying…but saw no mention of that in the story. Anyone know if that was applied?..
Just an opinion really, The discussion was not about you and I .
I believe we’re discussing the article about the flight disruption.
One does not need to be the judge and the jury .
You and I don’t know the facts . As we were not physically on that flight or present at his trial .
We don’t know anything about him. There is no need to verify this individual and conclude that he was “ ill- educated “ stupid or something else.
Maybe he’s a good person, who knows?
His behavior and actions were not appropriate that particular time during that flight duration.

Such behavior cannot be justified, Tolerated and accepted on any flight.

So, why punish this individual forever?
Let’s leave his judgment to the judiciary system and for the Airline to whatever to band him from flying again..
A buffon ? No shade intended as you have described it .

The person was not allegedly fined 21 k for being funny.

The word origin and history:
First recorded in 1540. From the word ( Latin ) onem .
And from the French and Italian word : buffone.

A buffon is a person such as a clown , who play tricks, jokes and does odd postures or gestures.
A Buffon is irrelevant in this case ,. As this individual in question was not assigned to perform a play or entertain the passengers on that flight , it completely the opposite.

The flight was clearly disrupted. The Reason flight attendants reported the person to the captain it’s because it was concluded that it became a security threat.

So, the captain decided to make an emergency landing for a passenger who became disruptive , annoying, physically combative and for unruly behavior.
AWAAlum 1
I'm guessing what you're actually taking offense to is "buffoon" - let me elucidate:

buffoon according to the Merriam-Webster...
buf·​foon (ˌ)bə-ˈfün
Synonyms of buffoon
: a ludicrous figure : CLOWN
: a gross and usually ill-educated or stupid person
acting like a ridiculous buffoon
Brian Freeman 1
How many of these fines are actually paid?? I doubt very many. Let's impose some creative community service such as cleaning aircraft lavatories for six months.
Bill Overdue 1
Good riddance!
Sheldon Lang 0
The flight should have descended to a safe altitude, Cracked a door open, and pitched him out. Do it just once and nobody will ever act like that again.
AWAAlum 0
And, of course, he was headed to Joysey.
The Airline Industry , Travel And Transportation is Not a Downtown entertainment BAR “ where You have a Bouncer “ To take care of Abusers .

We Have a great Amount of Decent People and with Kids That Travel Our Planes .

It’s Not really Worthy to Have Crew Members To “ Sell Alcohol” in this case .The Front Customer Service Representatives, Agents and Security Agents Must be Aware , Alert And on the look Out Who’s Boarding the Plane .

If A passenger Seems to be Drunk or with a Strong Alcohol smell, He/ she Should Be Denied Boarding.
Using The Words : “You Appear To be Intoxicated “

Flight attendants Can Monitor Passengers before Closing The Doors . During a long international Flight , Fight Attendants Should Refuse Serving Alcohol Beverages To Potential Passengers abusing Alcohol And should be Removed Immediately.

I have Personally Witnessed and Denied Boarding to Some Passengers At the Gates And Approved The Abusers of Alcohol Before It became a Nuisance.
AWAAlum 6
No shade intended...but curious as all get-out - why do you capitalize every word?
AWAAlum 1
You appear to have responded to two separate postings as though they were seem a bit confused. I seriously meant no offense here - so please don't get all flustered.
a fine will stop this problem of unruly passengers.
Andy Ridings 0
anyone interested in why this guy kicked off??
WhiteKnight77 5
A guess would be being a "mean" drunk.
Andy Ridings 2
But that would be a guess wouldn't it?
avionik99 3
A very highly accurate guess at that. All airports should be Alcohol free zones! You can cut smoking you can cut drinking!
David Purtz 5
The amount of bars added to several airports I've been to recently is ridicules, and people wonder why there are problems with drunks on board.
Daniel Mazzone 2
I agree. Why have the demon juice on airplanes or airports. A person cannot go one day without this stupid juice.
WhiteKnight77 3
Many years ago, when I had to fly to the Far East and back, the best way for me to get some rest was to get fairly lit and crash for most of the flight. One time, flying back to Okinawa, I had enough to be feeling really good. I fell asleep shortly after take-off and woke up 30 minutes outside of Anchorage for customs. During that portion of the flight, we landed and took back off from Oakland, and I never knew it. Between pretty tired when I got to the airport, having enough alcohol let me get some needed sleep.

Not everyone is an idiot or mean while intoxicated.
AWAAlum 2
Your point is well taken. However, it does seem that whenever I've read about this type of disturbance, alcohol has played a role.
WhiteKnight77 1
I agree with that. There are those who just cannot handle alcohol without getting mean or getting into arguments or doing stupid stuff. They should be kept off of flights, but if they do get to board, and cause issues in the air, they deserve to be kicked off the flight even if the flight has to be diverted, and fined and jailed for such, with the fine being remittance to the airline for having do divert.
WhiteKnight77 1
That would be flying out of LAX.
John Taylor 1
So everyone who isn't a problem must pay the price for the few jack-asses that are? Fascist.
AWAAlum 1
It's a tad disturbing to realize a few hours alcohol-free makes you believe that would creates an issue for the general populatioin.
Michael Ragsdale 1
No, not at all. If the Captain deemed his behavior worthy of diversion to BGR, that’s good enough for me.
Don Whyte 0
And there's free beer on Porter Airlines in Canada. WTH


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