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Passengers Would Pay $150 More To Avoid Boeing Airplanes

A survey has revealed that passengers would pay up to $150 more on their tickets to avoid flying on aircraft built by Boeing. ( Más...

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when a person books a reservation on a flight,whether they use an airlines own website or something like expedia,the prices,the times and the type of equipment used by that carrier on that route is shown..boeing aircraft are used by almost all airlines, and have been for years,along with the airbus..regionals use the smaller jets,which are not boeing..i think a survey like the one mentioned is misleading,as most people just want to get fom point a to point b,whether vacation or business,when they need to be there,and they will not spend an additional $150 to fly on an airbus,which may or may not be used on the the route they plan to fly..this is a ridiculous the way, all of southwests aircraft are boeing 737,although i dont beleive they are using the max..
Greg S 2
Southwest has more MAXs than any other airline.
sparkie624 2
Very True, Thanks... However, I would pay %50 extra to Fly Boeing vs Airbus (or AirSkud as I call them).
Which might suggest that some people would perhaps pay a premium to NOT fly on Boeing.
However, as I have said earlier, it only becomes relevant if the numbers are high enough.
sparkie624 0
It is all personal philosophy. My reasoning is the Design. The Boeing is designed for the Pilot to have the Final Authority (Fly By Cable) of the plane. The Airbus is designed for the Computer to have the final authority (Fly By Wire). Where you can override the Airbus computers, it is tricky to do, but not impossible. There have been numerous airbus crashes just because the pilot did not recognize a fault and allowed the plane to crash by not recognizing the issue.
bentwing60 1
It's called alpha prot. or not. In many cases it has been proven to be not, AB in a nut shell.
Greg S 9
Complete garbage. Every day the commercial airline world does a "survey" and the result is always the same: passengers will not pay even a penny to avoid Boeing airplanes. That "survey" is better known as reservations and ticketing, and there's been no change in demand for aircraft seats based on their manufacturer.
In my experience, on routes with several carriers, it is not unusual for passengers to express a preference despite varying costs. Similarly, many people will happily pay more for a day flight, rather than a night one so we can say that cost is not always the only consideration.
I think to suggest that nobody will pay a premium to avoid Boeing is naive, the real question is whether they would do so in sufficient numbers to for it to have any relevance.
sparkie624 3
Most people do not have a clue if they are getting on an Airbus or a Boeing.. They just have no clue of the differences.
jhakunti 4
I'd rather fly in an Embraer EJET. More legroom.
jaysmith1964 7
Total BS
trentenjet 2
Very,very smart people avoid Boeing Aircraft when traveling.
sparkie624 2
That is one of the Dumbest statements I have ever heard... If you have facts... Post References!
trentenjet 0
yes they "DO"
Greg S 0
No, they don't.
Peter Cooper 1
Where is Preacher1 when we need some rational, educated and intelligent discussion.
trentenjet 1
I would pay more than a $150 a flight not to fly on a Boeing MAX death trap.
TO PAY or NOT TO PAY - that is the question. Responses to this squawk clearly indicate that some would pay a premium to fly Boeing and others would pay extra to avoid them. The reality is that we make our choice on many differing considerations and obviously perceived safety is one likely factor. Feeding into this 'safety awareness' is information we glean from the press, from comments on sites such as this and from fellow travelers etc. etc.
As a paying passenger I once flew Jakarta to London on Garuda Airways (national carrier of Indonesia)
it was frightening and shortly after they, together with all other Indonesian Carriers, were banned from flying into Europe on safety grounds. That ban was lifted years ago but I would still avoid them, even if it necessitated a premium payment. However, there are others who now speak very highly of them.
So, most of the time, we have a choice - it may incur a premium, but it is ours to make. The bottom line is that flying is statistically very safe and that is perhaps something we should acknowledge.

Greer Kemp 1
Wait a sec - WHY would one NEED to pay more to fly on an Airbus? BOTH aircraft brands are currently in use and the aircraft type used depends on various factors not under the control of the pax, so if an airline assign either one to a particular route without affecting the price the passenger pays now, why would it be reasonable to ask them to pay more to book on a particular brand of aircraft? It just sounds like they are trying to set up a precursor to price gouging! No way!
sparkie624 1
1 reason could be Fuel Consumption!
Greer Kemp 1
If we have 200 passengers on a flight, this would amount to $30,000 MORE for fuel for an Airbus...? I very much doubt that.
Max Harrison 1
It's a survey folks. You can't dispute the results but you can question the methodology. In this case maybe question the amount of factual data available on the relative safety of Boeing and Airbus in terms of human and hull losses over the decades?
sparkie624 1
Only the Stupid and Mislead people... However, there are a great number of people who fall into either and manytime both categories!
siriusloon 1
And then what if an Airbus crashes? Drag L1011s out of the desert? Only fly on Russian airlines?
sparkie624 4
I would rather fly a Boeing... There is 1 Distinct difference between Boeing and Airbus. Boeing believes that the Pilot should have the final authority, Airbus believes the Computer should have final Authority... That is why I hate to fly an Airbus (or an Air Skud) as many have called it over the decades!
siriusloon 4
You ought to Google "737 MAX" and "MCAS" and see how much actual authority Boeing gave to those pilots before you embarrass yourself like that.
ALL aircraft now rely heavily on their onboard computer systems to support various operational functions.
Following the 737MAX crashes which was blamed on the MCAS installed on them Boeing issued a software fix to the system.
And as we see in other responses to this particular squawk two professional pilots with many years experience have made clear their feelings about both Boeing & Airbus.
I think we have to accept that very, very little happens today without a major reliance on computers.
Whether that's a good or bad thing is, of course, very open to question.
mbrews 0
Lots of postings from this Pro-Airbus source. Recurring themes, REMARKABLY like MH370 postings. Stay tuned for further clues.
Highflyer1950 0
Yes, but don’t worry about him, he probably drives everywhere…….in a corvair!
linbb -1
Yup all the airbust aircraft fly forever never have had any problems like computers or pitot tube icing among other items. Check it out AB had one model that took several years along with two crashes to fix a few years before the Max deal. If one looks up defect reports or other problems they will find AB has there fill of ADs and others which were not just like Boeing.
trentenjet 1
Well, I guess you're not very smart
trentenjet 0
Absolutely. They do people traveling or avoiding the Boeing 737 max. I've been in an airline pilot for 35 years. I won't get on that piece of shit max.

The Boeing engineer really screwed up on that MAX, Why do you think United canceled their orders on the MAX "piece of shit"
onjuku20 3
I flew DC-8 and 747 for most of my career. My last 4 years was the A-300. In 4 years, I only had about 10 write ups. The thing would not break.
trentenjet 1
DC-8 old school greater Airplan I flew it for 22 years. Douglas made a Greater Airplane.. I flew the 747 also complicated airplanes, A lot of hydraulic pumps lol. But this 737 max is an engineering nightmare With big problems. We probably know each other
Bill Overdue -5
... and yet you are still safer flying on a Boeing with a drunk and blind cockpit crew of recruited DEI candidates, than to walk in Chicago's Southside after 8PM, where someone is shot every 3 minutes, and someone dies every 18 minutes! In fact, Boeings record is stellar compared to most Democrat cesspools. Consider yourself lucky to have Boeing airplanes to fly on!
You’re the worst person on here. Totally full of crap. It’s an aviation forum and you can only post your politics, which of course are built on misinformation and your feelings. Just under two people a day are murdered in Chicago. Not great. But certainly less than one every 18 minutes. I certainly don’t expect any shame or dignity from someone like you for being shown your ignorance but maybe delete this buls**t. Definitely GFY though either way.
Bill Overdue -1
Are you pretending to be ignorant on purpose? The current Chicage shot clock says every 3 minutes 50 seconds someone is shot, and every 17 minutes 48 seconds someone is killed in Chicago! Since 97% of those murdered are Black's killing Blacks, it doesn't matter to Democrats. It must be Causicans shooting Black's before they even acknowledge anything?
Greg S 3
You are such a hopeless idiot, even simple arithmetic is way beyond you. There were 617 homicides *from all methods* in Chicago in 2023, or about 2 per day on average.
Bill Overdue -6
Why are you in denial? 2 a day? What are you smoking? Why does the Left raise hell about me protecting myself when 1,000's a year are murdered in their precients? So yes, it's safer to fly Boeing, which is what I said.
Try harder.
siriusloon -2
The murder rate is higher in red states than blue ones. but that doesn't fit with your racist anti-DEI rants, does it?
Bill Overdue 1
Apparently facts doesn't fit you narrative ..
Pick the "red State"... just one!
The twenty cities in the United States with the highest murder rates (murders per 100,000 people) are:
St. Louis, MO (69.4)
Baltimore, MD (51.1)
New Orleans, LA (40.6)
Detroit, MI (39.7)
Cleveland, OH (33.7)
Las Vegas, NV (31.4)
Kansas City, MO (31.2)
Memphis, TN (27.1)
Newark, NJ (25.6)
Chicago, IL (24)
Cincinnati, OH (23.8)
Philadelphia, PA (20.2)
Milwaukee, WI (20.0)
Pittsburgh, PA (18.4)
Indianapolis, IN (17.7)
Louisville, KY (17.5)
Oakland, CA (17.1)
Washington D.C. (17.0)
Atlanta, GA (16.7)
Colin Wild 2
I read dogs kill more Americans in a year than Great White Sharks have in the last 100 years. But it didn't say which colour states most fatal dog attacks happen in. Anyone know? (Oops, think of something to say about airplanes.)
Max Harrison 2
How is this drivel relevant to the thread??
stratofan 0
Well stated! After having my car vandalized in Houston last year, I felt much safer on a Boeing airliner than driving in some of the inner city areas. I will fly on a Scarebus if need be, but will not sit in the back as it feels la lot like the back of a Caddy. Shake it baby!
linbb -3
I see stupid people down voted you but how many know much about flying let alone what goes on behind the scenes every day to launch an airliner? Not many by seeing the troll posters on here.
Brian Simpson 0
Oh, how the mighty have fallen...due to arrogance and mismanagement.


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