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UK startup lifts lid on plan to turn human waste into jet fuel

Airline industry UK startup lifts lid on plan to turn human waste into jet fuel Low-cost airline Wizz Air puts in 525,000-tonne order for product of Firefly’s proposed refinery in Essex Gwyn Topham Transport correspondent Thu 11 Apr 2024 12.29 EDT Share Aircraft could one day take off on fuel made from human waste under plans revealed by Wizz Air and the British sustainable aviation company Firefly to build a commercial refinery in Essex. Firefly, based in Bristol, said it had developed a… ( Más...

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Torsten Hoff 8
Wizz Air, eh? The jokes write themselves...

mbrews 2
Indeed. The British newspaper picked a clever headline " ... startup LIFTS LID on plan ..."

We can also credit Britain's sanitary engineers, for the ubiquitous Crapper plumbing fixture
Suddenly interested in, and deeply opposed to chemtrails.
Bill Overdue -2
The entities that propose concepts like this are utter imbeciles. If engineers and designers were serious about alternate fuel source, we'd already be flying using nuclear energy, but its not up to them! Next week the story will be algae or snowballs powering jet engines...
linbb -6
Oh come on give it up not worth the time to even read the dumb idea. Its bad enough to think that growing crops will take care of things. Only thing it will take care of is increased food prices and scarcity of food crops.


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