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FAA and Aireon Announce Space-Based ADS-B Flight Test Success

The FAA and Aireon today announced a successful flight test of space-based ADS-B, collecting ADS-B data to be used as part of a larger validation effort exploring the new system’s capability from low-earth orbit. The flight took place on Thursday, March 30, 2017, utilizing the FAA’s specially equipped “flying laboratory” Bombardier jet with three Aireon payloads available to receive data. A total of 2,462 ADS-B messages were received and decoded providing comparable data to that of terrestrial… ( Más...

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tasmedic 3
Maybe this would be a better idea.

2 ADSB transmitters on each plane. One is hard wired ON from taxi to destination, installed with it's own breaker, in an unreachable place. Second backup ADSB hardware, which the pilot can only switch ON (if the breaker pops on the first one).
any comments?
sparkie624 0
The ones that will be installed on existing a/c will be installed by STC, and the STC will determine where the breakers will be installed. There are a lot of different options. Some a/c will only have one where others will have a dual system.
tasmedic 2
Looks like someone beat me to the draw! Thanks for replying!
Fran Horan 1
Think the test was this flight ?

It matches the route shown in a Aireon tweet:

Maybe the color coding on the flightaware page shows where they were in/out of ADS-B ground receiver range.
Fran Horan 1
I can see the ADS-B data gaps, and estimates, on the track log at that page.
Fran Horan 1
"2,462 ADS-B messages were received and decoded" does not sound like much data. Maybe they meant "aircraft" rather than "messages".

Fran Horan 2
Maybe I'm thinking in reverse, they are probably talking about how many messages from a single test aircraft were received at the satellite. That makes more sense.
mattdavis 3
This is a huge improvement for flight tracking and safety
sparkie624 0
A great system... But if the breaker is where a crew member can get to it... Then it can be fooled... Not to mention, What about system failures... And then of course Trans Aero Flight 1907 in Brazil where a Challenger crew accidentally turned off the transponder and had a midair. 737 crashed, challenger crew lost part of a wing tip and was almost prosecuted.
Oliver Jowett 7
The point is that when you have global coverage, if you _can't_ hear the transponder -
for any of the reasons you describe - then there is a problem and you can investigate immediately.
Martin Haisman -3
Although now to be satellite based turn it off and you still have MH370.
Ruger9X19 3
And nearly any other scenario you have a search location.
Martin Haisman 0
OK think MH370. Transponders off, ACARS off, Radio silence. Standard emergency protocol phoning other ATC, calling other aircraft etc. Flight by nutter(s) goes towards Southern Indian Ocean. Search in the China Sea where recurrent flight path filed. Did transit through military airspace for 40 minutes. Not a threat 35,000ft 850 kph not approaching base ID another airliner (6 in Malaysia airspace just after midnight). So question......would satellite ADS have changed searching for MH370 in the China sea where it was supposed to be?
sparkie624 0
The Transponder system is the median of communications for ADS-B.
Martin Haisman -1
I am fully aware of that Einstein but it useless as tits on a bull if turned off.
sparkie624 2
Very True... Many people do not understand the ADS-B system or how it works... Just trying to make clarification. I know what you were saying when you are talking about ACARS, but I do not want to see people mis-lead thinking that ACARS is part of the ADS-B system.
Martin Haisman 1
Sorry to answer your question properly I am sure people here know ACARS is separate on VHF frequencies through SATCOM. ADS-B transponders are 1090 MHz or 1090ES extended Squitter.
Martin Haisman 0
ACARS if working will broadcast anomalies in aircraft systems and change in engine performance/starvation and aircraft flight anomalies, which will broadcast a host of error messages including aircraft position end of flight almost an X marks the spot. (AF 447 found within 2 nautical miles of ACARS broadcast). So thats it transponders (ADS) off, ACARS off Australian headache.
sparkie624 0
Very true in most cases... A lot of airlines do not have the Acars configured to do that and only handles Air to Ground text messages, Flight Plans - Depending on the airline depends on how much data is being sent. The airline that I work for we have ton's of data that comes down and is sent to selected email address's... I get over 11,000 email messages a week and most are ACARS originated.


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