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First Boeing 737 MAX jet lands in Antarctica

PRAGUE, CZECHIA — Low-cost Czech carrier Smartwings became the first airline to land in Antarctica with a Boeing 737 MAX 8. The landing at Troll Airfield at the northern tip of Antarctica took place on January 26, 2022. ( Más...

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Martin Almerka 0
Jsem rád, že MAX zase létá a slouží lidem. Tento nejlepší letoun nebude dlouho překonán !
John Macaulay -1
Pak skočte přímo na letadlo; nikdo tě nezastaví, houpající se český bratře!
Peter Fottler -1
Quite an accomplishment.
Eric Weis 5
737s were landing in the Arctic 50 years ago. I rode on one up to Resolute Bay in 1971. They are rated for gravel landing strips. A damn good aircraft!
21voyageur 5
Still in use BTW in the Cdn Arctic. Especially important considering mining activities up there which are supported by the certified gravel-kit equipped 737s primarily in combi format. Look up Nolinor and Xstrata. Great dependable rugged technology made when Boeing was primarily an aircraft manufacturer and not primarily a listing on the stock exchange whose purpose is to increase investor wealth All, of course, IMHO.
You guys need to stop looking for fly shit in the pepper

21voyageur 2
BUT THAT is the purpose behind this site! ;-¨)

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WhiteKnight77 3
Those that chartered it appear to be smarter than you, you know, them being scientists and all.
John Macaulay 0
Well, I am a physician, after all, and while I'm admittedly not as intelligent as some scientists, this doesn't necessarily translate to better choices (as in is this aircraft is a Max 80 and passengers on a couple of previous Max 80 flights are no longer alive because they trusted Boeing & the FAA to do the right thing and keep unsafe airframes grounded)
WhiteKnight77 2
One thing to remember is that nowadays, any airliner you would fly on is using fly-by wire and computers. Are you going to stop flying due to such? All those computers rely on sensors all around the aircraft. Even the CH-46Es that I crewed had sensors to keep it pointed forward, even with a hydraulic boosted flight control system that used bell cranks and control rods. It was fun trying to turn with the SAS sensors turned off.

I'm still here and even after flying on a Max flight recently. Don't forget that an Air France Airbus flight from Rio that killed over 200.
Daniel Hall 10
Sounds like these "low intelligence genes" are working their magic on you.
John Macaulay -9
Whatever you say, Daniel...would welcome any opportunity to compare intelligence genes w/you but have a suspicion you're of the kind who hides behind their keyboard.
Fred Ogden 5
Other airlines have flown to and landed on the ice off the coast of Antarctica. Contract flights by Qantas, and Air New Zealand come to mind. Permission to land on runways prepared on the ice require approval of the nation running the associated station. The novelty here is that this was the first flight by a 737 Max to do so.
Juan Jimenez 1
Correct. Icelandair did it earlier this month as well.
21voyageur 4
And that is the only newsworthy aspect of this weakly headlined story. Cheap eyeball magnet approach. Again.
“ Troll Airfield at the northern tip of Antarctica”

A good third of the Antarctic coastline sits on or north of the Antarctic Circle. Troll is several degrees south of the circle. That means a third of the coastline is further north than Troll. When you are in the polar regions, cardinal directions approach absurdity when it comes to navigation.

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Juan Jimenez 3
So they get out, throw snowballs, catch selfies as they turn blue and get the hell out. As long as they pay a fee to support Antarctic research, I'm good with that.
chugheset 2
Damn dude, are you a glass half empty guy or what?
bradmeiser 11
Did you even read the article?
"The flight was chartered by Aircontact to carry the members of the Norwegian Polar Institute to their base."
A confidence-building test with "no alternate airfield available"!. A good step forward for the 737MAX airframe. And no frozen pitot tubes!

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Mike G 1
Another MAX reading comprehension fail.
Juan Jimenez 3
No, another article poorly written by someone with the English language skills of a pre-teen.
Mike G 4
It may have been poorly written. But anyone that actually read the article would clearly understand it was the first MAX.
Wolfgang Prigge 16
Maybe you did not understand correctly. The article talks about the first 737 Max flying to Antarctica, your texts talks about a Boing 767.
James Cross 3
To be fair, it's poorly worded, it says "became the first airline to land in Antarctica" before a linebreak with the Max 8 caveat. But yes, you're correct.


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