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China regulator says more testing needed to certify C919 aircraft

China's aviation regulator said on Friday that there is still a huge amount of testing to be done for the home-grown narrowbody C919 aircraft to be certified, raising doubt over planemaker COMAC's year-end target. So far, the C919, China's attempt to rival Airbus SE and Boeing Co, has completed only 34 certification tests out of 276 planned, Yang Zhenmei, a Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) official, told reporters. Reuters in September reported COMAC has found it… ( Más...

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william baker 2
So your telling me that sense May 5th 2017 till now that the C919 has only completed 36 flights. Am I missing something here?

jeff slack 1
Hopefully, this piece of machinery is being made better than everything else that comes out of that country these days.
At work, so many out of box failures; stainless steel BBQs that start to rust within a week, bolts for chairs that are made from metal that is so soft an Allan Key strips the end of the bolt before tightening...........all-metal 'things and this jet is a metal thing.

The world is about to pay for China's Most Favoured Nation Status that has been in place since the '70s.


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