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Passengers Kicked Off Flight at Miami Int'l Airport After Refusing to Wear Masks

Two passengers on a flight leaving Miami International Airport on Friday were kicked off after refusing to wear face masks. Only in Dade posted the video from the American Airlines flight scheduled to depart from Miami to Houston, showing the passengers being escorted off the plane. "American Airlines Flight 1469, with service from Miami (MIA) to Houston (IAH), returned to the gate to deplane two customers who refused to comply with crew member instructions or adhere to federal face… ( Más...

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Gary Ondrey -1
What complete nonsense !! Airlines have completely lost their minds. Treating passengers now like the Nazis treated people in the 40s. No wonder there are so many incidents on planes these days. People have had enough !!
George Pepe 2
I wonder how this got to my email feed. This has been going on for a year and a half. Nothing new.
srobak -4
you could always unsubscribe from flightaware
As could you.

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David Rice -2
Hey you kids...get off my lawn. I’m old and useless, curling up inside my cocoon to die. /s
Huck Finn -2
Get off my page Karen!

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Ken Lane -5
The number of liberal idiot sheep is growing on this site. And, given the greatest majority of pilots are conservatives I'd bet on as much as 75-80% of the "members" of this site have never flown an aircraft short of a balsawood model plane.
Freedom12 1
Sheep are lead by their shepherd only to be slaughtered by them!
s s 2
Some are Russian and Chinese bots here to stir the crap storm. Others are paid trolls (funded by political groups) who go on multiple sites pretending they're speaking for the masses.

There are thousands of jobless basement dwellers who will happily spend day and night posting on numerous boards for a few bucks a day. The same folks on endless unemployment from the minimum wage job they held for a few months a couple years ago.
Spencer Hoefer 1
Yep and all the social media sites are crawling with it. Used to just be Twitter, but now its everywhere.
Freedom12 2
You are spot on! It is easy to pick them out.

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wingbuddy 2
Stupidity of the anti-maskers is what remains and is still alive, although not well.
Fred B Rillo 18
Folks like you argue seatbelts are a waste of time too.. Till they peel you off the cabing ceiling in turbulence.
Freedom12 -2
Hey fweddy how can you compare this to wearing a mask? You want to continue to look stupid then wear the mask. We were all just fine before the scamdemic.
This is about the great reset.
Ken Lane -6
Seat belts restrain an object large enough to be hold.

What does your surgical mask hold back? How about an N95 actually manufactured to NIOSH specs?

Got a clue? I'm betting not.
Tim Dyck 0
I’m not trying to start a argument with you but even fitted N95 respirators are not rated for airborne viruses. Sadly no one reads the specs on their masks yet they are willingly hate their neighbours over something that can be easily looked up.
But people have made rules based on misinformation and if we want to fly we gotta wear a mask no matter how ineffective they are.
Freedom12 -1

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Ken Lane 4
They're the ones who equate the ObamaCare insurance mandate to compulsory auto liability coverage.
srobak -8
lol.... right - because health insurance for one protects the health of another. Flippin brilliant.

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Ashley Grant 1
The COVID-19 virus is the best thing to ever happen to this country. The virus doesn't care about your political views, as stupid and based in the fantasy world painted for you by Fox News, OANN, Trump, etc. And that's great, because this is becoming a pandemic primarily killing idiots like you living in that fantasy land.

Go check out the posts on

The virus doesn't care what you believe. It doesn't care how much propaganda you've eaten up from the Right Wing Media.

But I sure feel so "owned" when right wingers die. Us liberals are just so owned. Gotta "own" the liberals. Our tears are so salty when COVIDiots die after refusing a couple of shots.

Nah, we're cool. Y'all wanna thin your own herd, that's fine by us. You're willingly lining up for a disease that already disproportionately kills your primary demographic (older people). That's your choice, but please do so in the comfort of your own home.

But keep telling yourself about how much more liberty you have as you gasp your last breath.

s s 2
The biggest percentage of the unvaccinated as a group are African Americans, so according to your post racist liberals like yourself are happy when they die from COVID.
Ashley Grant 1
What's your point? I wasn't replying to someone arguing against getting vaccinated due to the government's history of mistreating African Americans. I was replying to an Trumper white guy who seems to think that the virus gives a flying fuck about his political views. But keep telling me about how my views on race factor into.

I can't wait until Ken Lane and all you right wing own us libs by earning your Herman Cain Awards.
Crt Mori 8
here is the physics for your requirement stupidity:

You can check that even scarf would help a bit to the usual big mouthing around...
srobak -5
that's flatly false and you know it.

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wingbuddy 12
Yes, and we did not really go to the moon. And Covid vaccines put tracking chips into your body, right?
srobak -1
you're learning
Ken Lane -5
No, they do not.

So, why is it you will trust something completed in barely eight months when the normal medication takes five to ten years for testing and trials to meet FDA approval?
Ashley Grant 1
Because I've had both doses and experienced ZERO side effects. Hell, I didn't even feel sick after the second dose like I was told to expect.

Oh, and also I haven't contracted COVID-19, and if I did, I'm at an exponentially smaller risk of dying compared to COVIDiots like you.

This virus has exposed Trumpers for what you actually are and always have been: spoiled brats.

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Freedom12 2
s s -2
Judging from your profile pic, you better hope your little jab works if you get COVID because aside from very old people it kills all you folks who can't drive by a McDonalds without stopping in for a Big Mac, fries and a shake.
David Rice 0
“Judging from your profile pic”. That just about says it all about your intelligence.
They knew the rules before getting on the plane and didn't follow them. Now that's stupidity.
Jim Allen 18
What was humorous to me is the third person that got thrown off for arguing with the other two. It’s like people have lost the ability to sit down, shut up and allow the FA’s to do a job that they might not even believe in. Everyone has an opinion and must express it whether it’s an appropriate setting or not. We all want to get from point A to point B as quickly and uneventfully as possible.
srobak 8
Now you know how cops feel.
Mark Kortum -1
Was his/her name Karen?
iflyifr 3
No, it was Mark......

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sc c -6
Received polio vaccine in 1954. No mandate, no Feds. Asked to line up to get it or don't line up. UP TO ME. That is the only acceptable action here until the FEDs can prove that they can eradicate COVOD and its variants. Otherwise Stay out of the arena. NOT THEIR JOB. Meanwhile If Private company does not want unmasked workers or customers in their facilities they should be able to dismiss them at anytime. As for the bureaucrats at the trough I think they only remove their masks to swill down our tax money.
sc c -1
Of course the opposite is true. If a business wishes to accommodate Maskless customers they should be free to do so. Again the fed should be out of the fray. If I don't like the policy I can go the the business next door. Why are all the tremulous bedwetters still looking for a nanny at their age?
patrick baker 34
just be consistent in the enforcement of masking. Folks who act as these two did, and as others do daily, should expect to be ejected from flights, and possibly fined for their actions. People of all views are accepted for airline transport, just , we don't want to see your faces until you leave the destination airport. FOr all our sakes.....
Huck Finn -7
'Karen' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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Alan Cordery 11
You don’t sound like you know enough science to follow anything.
Tim Dyck 0
Do you actually believe a cheap poorly fitting paper or cloth mask can stop an airborne virus? If you do then you are the one who isn’t keeping up to science.
Jean Hering -8
You need to do your own research. All the masks are good for is 1) giving us pneumonia (which it gave me doc in er said from the mask)2) you don’t have to wear sunblock. 3) covers the stitches if you have a skin cancer removed from your upper lip .
I love it how people hear a sentence -doesn’t matter from whom-and they think they are an expert on the subject. MASKS DON’T PROTECT YOU FROM ANYTHING BUT BAD BREATH.
From the article YOU posted - "There is no question it is beneficial to wear any face covering, both for protection in close proximity and at a distance in a room"

What the article is saying is that some masks are better than others. NOT that masks don't work.
David Beattie 11
Gee, those silly Doctors and nurses who have been wearing masks since the germ theory was proven over a hundred years ago are just unwitting stooges of our evil chip implanting government! BTW, although most research shows that masks DO offer some protection to the wearer, the benefit is greater to others around the wearer who are protected from the germs he transmits. As far as cotton masks or underpants protecting from bad breath or farts, they don’t because the particles required to transmit smell are infinitely smaller than droplets that spread disease.
Tim Dyck 0
Medical professionals don’t wear cheap poorly fitting unrated masks.
srobak -2
they were wearing properly manufactured and sterile surgical masks. Not a flippin' Raiders bandana that's been tucked in a pocket for a half a day.

You want to fly in an airbus manufactured a320 that has had it's safety checks and certs, or a home-built, paper-machete & 1x2 rickity frame with a briggs & strat on your next trip across the country?

Think. THEN post.
David Rice 4
“Paper-machete”? Well, that just won’t cut it!
Randy Marco 0
sro just QUIT posting... as you have NO ability to THINK!

Ken Lane 6
Well, if cotton jeans and underwear can't stop a fart...
Norm Dillon 2
Not until they make N95 undies!
Freedom12 0
srobak -6
Sorry you can't hear well. You are obviously in that camp who believes we should keep on doing what hasn't been working so far.
wingbuddy 8
Sorry, but you’re wrong. Masks and distancing HAVE worked fine all along.
Freedom12 0
And I suppose the moon is made of cheese?
srobak -4
ahhh.... that must be why the virus keeps spreading so rampantly while everyone is wearing masks. Got it.
Walter Michel 4
THe virus is spreading mainly among the anti-vaxers and anti-maskers
Kairho Carroll 4
Not everyone, at all. In my part of the world it's a wonder if even 15% of people in stores or on the street are wearing masks. Regardless of crown size. Hospitals around here are running over 90% full, a few at 100% or even over.
s s -5
Hospitals are ALWAYS AT 90 to 100% CAPACITY! Hospitals are money-making businesses and if beds sit empty, they aren't making money! They get people in and out as fast as possible because it's a VOLUME BUSINESS. If people need extended care they go to rehab facilities. When there are big highway accidents they often have to send patients to multiple hospitals because ER's and ICU's are nearly always FULL. This is why people have to schedule surgeries MONTHS IN ADVANCE.
Peter Martin 22
I would go one step further. Make the rules and consequences clear and enforce them. Removed from plane and fined as well as banned from flying for a period of time. This has to stop and I know FA who are retiring/quitting as they are fed up. Be civil and be safe!
Gary Ondrey 1
Or possibly get rid of this stupid and ineffective compliance mask mandate ! It's completely ineffective, except for political manipulation

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Gary Ondrey -3
Just like Nazi Germany..why not ?
Tim Dyck 2
Weather you agree with rules or not you still have to follow them but you don’t have to be an ass about it.

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lyn williams 4
While the analogy of the mosquito and chain link fence is nearly correct for size...its not the mosquito that is being stopped. Its the droplet of fluid that has many mosquitos in it that is being mostly stopped. And thats the real undiluted stuff there......
MJ Frank -4
screw you MAGAphile.. Good luck flying yourself by flapping your inconsiderate and ignorant arms to your "dear leader" in Mar-a-Lago (at least until he goes to the State Pen that is). Maybe all you Kens and Karens can all migrate to some island somewhere and declare your own country and leave us sensible and intelligent folks free to have some sense of "normality" once again.

Stay at & Wear a damn
Gary Ondrey -1
ARe you the new level of stupid?
Huck Finn -2
Mark Kanzler -2
he forgot /Sarcasm.
Nobody could be that fascist for real.

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David Isaacs 6
Amen. Well done, Patrick.

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Fred B Rillo 4
PRetty much what we would expect from GATEWAY PUNDIT. I bet you guys are ok with removing mandates for mumps measles and rubella in Florida too.


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